

magical world
supernature earth

All Masha ever wants is a normal life, but her sister Nala keeps reminding her that that its something she can't have since she is not entirely human and the world of love is not for the likes of her. She however plans to break that stereotype and prove she is as capable as the humans. Her pursuit for love however only brings heartbreak and danger to her almost extinct family. She is however willing to go for that extra mile just to prove to her sister and herself that she could find love and be happy in the human world even if it means compromises between her life and her will to live.

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"I knew he was different from the moment I saw him Nala, he is strong and I think he can handle me," Masha said looking straight into her sisters eyes. She had a clue that Nala would probably say no but she went on ahead to tell her anyway. "You remember the last time you said the same about that guy Josh? We all both know it ended with us almost becoming guinea pigs for the humans, you remember what I had to do and since then you think I am a monster. I don't want to have to do that again little sister. We are different, that will never change. The only thing I care about is making sure you are safe and for that, my answer is no," Nala said and walked away just so to let her sister know her decision was final. "I guess then it was a good thing I never told her I already planned on meeting with Oscar tonight," She thought out loud. She had a plan in play and she was not going to change it just because her sister didn't want her to "Mix" with the humans. After all, the so called sister was happily married to the only mate of their kind. She pretended to be okey with her sisters advice and shortly after Nala had left, Masha followed her. It was almost dinner time and well, knowing Masha, she was always hungry, maybe another reason why Nala thought it would be better for her to remain single. The food was already on the table by the time she got to the old house she and her sister called home. She would have loved to be somewhere else in the wide world but her family history was so complicated and whether she liked it or not, she was stuck with her sister and Duma her sisters mate. But that was for when she was a little girl who couldn't control her impulses. Now, thanks to all the training from her sister, she could make it through a full moon night and not transform. She also had learned to live on human food even though sometimes she missed the hunts and the taste of fresh blood on her lips. She missed her fangs as well but she had learned to keep them in now that she fully knew the dangers that came with being special. "Hey guys, what do you say I go for a night run tonight. After all it's a full moon and you at least owe me some freedom," she said with a persuasive voice. "Okey, but you only get three hours," Duma said. After dinner, the little wolf stripped down and took off to the woods. She just stopped long enough to hear her sister shout,"remember, no hunting and no spooking people," she roared in response and just kept on running. She only had three hours to meet Oscar and she couldn't wait. She surely hoped he was the one this time round. Throughout the four hundred acres of woods, Masha ren without stopping even for a bit. She was simply too excited to feel the exhaustion. Few meters from the main road, she made a quick stop to put on some clothes and transform back to her real self. She then walked the few meters towards the road and waited there for a little while. She first heard the roar of the somewhat old jeep before she could actually see it. From a distant, she could smell Oscar, his orange aura was not easy to miss as there were no many people around with such strong auras around. She smiled to herself for a bit and then put on a serious face as the car stopped right in front of her. "Hello," came Oscar's voice from inside. Masha made sure to get in the car and settle before she could answer to his salutations. The car roared back to life and took off. "Three hours, I only have three hours before going back home so we better be quick," she said looking at him in the dark. "So, you live here in the middle of nowhere?" Oscar couldn't help but ask. Masha looked at him with a side eye as he pulled over into a clearing meters away from the road. He turned off the headlights and looked towards her. He had seen beauty before, but not like the kind he was looking at right then. There was something about this girl that he couldn't quite explain but he chose to ignore all of that. He had big plans for Masha but before then, he planned on gaining her to trust him and having a little fun with her. "Yes I do, it is very beautiful and quiet you know," she said with a wicked smile on her face. All she wanted was for him to hold her tight, love her and prove to her that she was as normal as he was. Her smile sent Oscar halfway close to her in the flash of a second. He couldn't even think straight at that moment. He slowly moved his hand towards hers and their palms interlocked. He was warm and so soft to her touch. Masha could feel his blood flowing through him as it angrily made its way down to the great pillar. "Why won't you come with me to the big city Masha? you are way too beautiful to live in the woods. Or maybe you are one of those shape shifters in the story books that's why you just want to hide in there?" he asked moving closer to her ear. His warm breath made her tickle a little but she didn't move. She wanted to feel a little bit more of that. "I have my family here you know, I can't just leave them. Also, my sister thinks I am not ready to go out to the world on my own yet," she said turning towards him slowly. "You will not be alone, I will be there with you," his words sounded so reassuring and since then the thought of being away from her bossy sister and her henpecked husband was all she could think about. She however momentarily pushed it away to concentrate on Oscar's hand which was by then moving up from her thigh slowly. She felt a hot wave move through her spine to her whole body. She protested a little but he leaned forward and kissed her, she kissed him back without thinking twice and before long the two were locked in a tight loop of caresses and passionate love spree. They both didn't want to stop but Oscar knew of his bigger goal so at a certain point he held back and explained that he loved her way too much to love her in an old jeep and promised in between hard breathes that he would make sure their first time was something special. The two then went back to holding hands and enjoying each others company. Masha felt so safe and happy that she didn't enotice two hours and ten minutes had already gone by. It was almost midnight and by then she was supposed to be back home or her sister would come looking for her. She knew what would happen if Nala saw Oscar and for that reason she planned on making sure she was back home in time. "Oh my goodness, I have to go," she finally said. Oscar was just about to make his second time move but he suddenly stopped. "ooh yeah, three hours...," he said pretending to have just remembered. "Okey, you can go but first, I want you to promise me that you will consider going back to the city with me," he said with a serious tone. "Okey on the thinking part but no promises on the going," she answered. "If you change your mind, I will be here on Saturday at eight, I will wait for an hour but if you don't show, I will just leave," he said making sure to remind her that he had no intentions of ever coming back again. At that point he loosened his grip on her, kissed her on the cheek and watched as she crossed the road before taking off. She was there for a while to see the car disappear before she transformed and made her way through the woods. She was a few minutes late but her sister didn't seem to mind that very much. Maybe it was because of the pregnancy that had her on a crazy rollercoaster of moods. Masha made sure to say goodnight before going to her bedroom where she dropped onto her bed with exhaustion. Normally, she would be snoring in ten minutes but that night it was different, she couldn't get herself to sleep as she kept thinking about Oscar's offer. Saturday was just two days away and that was about all the time she had to weigh her options. She loved her sister dearly, there was no denying that. Nala had saved her from their cruel father six years before and she knew all too well she owed her life to her. However, Nala was a handful, with all the rules and restrictions in the world. Masha was all grown up now, perfectly capable of looking after herself, or so she thought. After all, she could always come and visit everything once in a while. The night was long and full of thoughts. Friday came and went and her sister was in the worst of moods, she scolded her a few times through the day and at some point she almost slapped her. Masha used that as the determining factor. She was ready to make a run for it. She had made up her mind and so when Saturday came, she made sure to leave the house before her sister got up. She had a few of her clothes in a backpack which she could only carry with her mouth after the transformation. At seven thirty she was already by the road listening for the car roar. She made sure to stay off the road though so she could spot him first, something that was in her DNA maybe. She stayed for another thirty minutes and a thought of Oscar never showing crossed her mind for the first time. She felt like she has waited for hours but then all that went away when she heard the car from a distant. She smiled to herself and waited until Oscar had pulled up and waited for ten more minutes before showing up. "Hello there, so you made it," he said with a smile before taking her bag and putting it in the trunk where his suitcase was. The two then started on the journey that would change Masha's life forever but she didn't know that just yet. In the car, Oscar turned on some love music that Masha had never heard before, it was pop. The beats almost prompted her to involuntarily change but she held on to the one thing that helped her remain human. She pressed hard on her thigh and bit her lower lip until she was completely comfortable with the music and the urge to turn had passed. She then sat quietly listening to the strange music and hoping the journey would end soon. Every ones in a while she looked at Oscar and noticed there was an uneasy look on his face but she didn't stop to think of even ask about it, she was way too excited and way too eager to get away from her sister that she never stopped to think about anything else. Back at home, Nala was calling out for her to get up but she didn't answer so Nala went looking for her in her bedroom. It was never like Masha to stay mad enough to miss breakfast or any other meal for that matter. At first Nala though maybe she had gone out for a morning run but when she was not back by midday, she knew something was wrong. She could never get far with the huge belly so she asked Duma to track her. Poor Duma never had a say when it came to his mate and so he just did what he was asked to. He seemed to like it though. He knew Masha's scent all too well and following it was not all that hard. However, he lost it at the road and he knew there was only one reason why it had disappeared. The only problem was having to tell Nala that her sister had left for good. He knew it would never end well and sure enough it didn't. Bala went crazy and it took Duma a whole half an hour to calm her down after which she went to labor. Poor Nala still wanted to go after her sister even with the pains and the broken water so Duma had to tie her up and become the "Midwife" himself. For the three years he and Nala had been together, he had never seen her so furious. He was not even sure it was her anymore. The anger kept her from turning which was the only way for her to give birth without much risks of complications and her state just made the matter infinite times more hard for Duma. He missed the presence of Masha who knew just how to handle her sister. "Honey, you need to calm down for a bit, at least until the delivery part is done," he said softly. Nala got even more furious and roared at him almost sending him to the ground with shock. At that point she turned and little baby Tom was born to a furious mother and shocked father. His cry echoed through the woods and one could guess the young one already knew the kind of life he had been born to. By then Masha was already halfway to the city and she could not even sense her sisters pain or anger since she was still angry herself. The world had just turned and life had changed. In only five hours, the two had arrived in the big city of Warrens, the one place where people kept going but never seem to fill up. The drive through the city was what brought Masha's mind back to real world. She realized suddenly that she was in a place where she knew no one except for Oscar. The distance from wherever she was to her sister was way too long that she couldn't make it back on foot and even if she could, she had no idea how. Her heart skipped a few beats and she found herself regretting. She tried to connect with her sister but with all the distance it was impossible. A cold sweat formed on her forehead. She looked at Oscar and the look he had on his face was not making the tension any less. "So, what next?" she asked swallowing hard and hoping for a positive answer. "Now sweetheart, I will take you someplace nice, you will shower and sleep for a bit then I will show you what's next," he said with a savage look.

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