Chapter One: The Prince of Avria

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“You stand up! You need to be braved! You are the future King of Avria!” Gabriel Strong arose from his slumber, feeling the effects of the intense training he had experienced in his dream. His father, Alanic, called out to him. At the tender age of 12, Gabriel was compelled to undergo rigorous training and develop his combat skills. Initially, Gabriel was reluctant to train, as fear and powerlessness consumed him. However, with the guidance of his father, Alanic, he found the strength to persevere. By the time he reached 18, he had fully matured and experienced his first transformation into a werewolf. "How’s your sleep, Prince Gabriel?" asked Aida, as she prepared his tea. Aida worked as a servant in the palace, with her family having served the Strong Family for generations. "It was peculiar," he replied. Among all the creatures in Avria, Gabriel found solace in conversing with Aida, the only other werewolf he felt comfortable with. They had grown up together in the palace, and he had always seen Aida working alongside her mother. Now that Aida's mother was too old to continue working, she had taken over her mother's position in the palace. "Do you truly believe that I will one day become the King of Avria?" he questioned the woman. "You are the sole heir, and your mother is too old to bear another child," Aida stated matter-of-factly. Gabriel nodded. As the only son of Alanic Strong, he was the rightful successor. This is why he constantly strived to better himself, hoping to earn his father's approval. Above all, he was one of the most formidable creatures in Avria. "The tea is ready," Aida announced. "Would you like something to eat?" "Not yet, I will call for you if I need meat to eat," he replied. Aida exited Gabriel's room, leaving him to sigh. He sipped on the hot tea prepared by Aida, a daily ritual upon waking. She was always there to serve him. After finishing his tea, he decided to take a bath. Though it was still morning, he had a multitude of tasks to attend to. After finishing his bath, Gabriel decided to take a stroll outside the palace. As he stepped onto the green grass, he couldn't help but notice the numerous children playing joyfully. The palace was adorned with beautiful flowers, and the air was filled with the fluttering of butterflies. It was evident that his mother, Savanna, had a deep love for plants, as she had requested for more flowers to be planted in Avria to bring them to life. Being the daughter of a gardener, it was only natural for her to have such an affinity for plants. While walking, Gabriel unexpectedly encountered a group of werewolves and vampires who greeted him with utmost respect. He acknowledged their presence with a nod but refrained from speaking. It was not in his nature to engage in conversation. He believed that to be perceived as strong and authoritative by other creatures, he needed to maintain a stoic and unyielding demeanor. As he made his way back towards the palace, Gabriel noticed a gathering of children surrounding an old witch. Intrigued, he approached them to listen to what the witch had to say. The children were captivated by her words, and Gabriel attentively listened, trying to discern the truth from her tales. "The kingdom of Avria was named after Queen Avria Strong, a courageous ruler who saved witches, vampires, and werewolves alike," the old witch proclaimed, her words resonating with the attentive children. "When this kingdom was established through the combined powers of witches, vampires, and werewolves, all creatures declared Queen Avria as their rightful queen. She married King Harold and together they ventured into the human world to gather information. Tragically, King Harold was killed by a silver bullet, and Queen Avria returned with his lifeless body. From that moment on, she ruled the kingdom alone, alongside her son Alanic. When Queen Avria eventually passed away, King Alanic ascended to the throne," the witch concluded, her voice filled with reverence. The children noticed Gabriel's presence and he acknowledged them with a nod, while the witch respectfully lowered her head. Deciding it was time to return to the palace, Gabriel headed straight towards his father, who was engrossed in conversation with the guards. As soon as his father recognized him, their discussion came to a halt. The guards bowed in deference to Gabriel and quietly exited the scene. "What is it? Gabriel, what are your plans for today?" his father asked. The king desired for him to constantly train. "Are you still practicing the powers bestowed upon you by the witches?" "Not yet, Dad," he replied. It had been 25 years since he was born, yet he still couldn't grasp how to utilize his healing powers. "You must focus on your training, Gabriel. There are numerous threats both inside and outside the Kingdom. You need to become stronger to protect our kind and the other creatures." "It is an immense responsibility, Dad, but I can assure you that I will become a great king someday. Just give me some time." "You don't need time, Gabriel! Do you know what you need? Focus!" the King's voice grew louder. Gabriel remained silent. It was as if his father would never listen to him. He nodded and departed. It was at that moment that he realized he was the successor. His father had always been cold and harsh towards him. He never experienced the nurturing presence of a father figure. Instead, his father constantly pressured him for the future. Gabriel went to the balcony of the palace to breathe some fresh air. It was a very saddening conversation with his father. He is not a nonchalant person. He gives his best for everything, especially for his family and his future responsibility. “Just don’t mind your father, Gabriel. He is the King of Avria. He must act that way,” her mother said. It appears out of nowhere. He faced his mother, “did you hear all of those?” he asked sadly. Her mother nodded, “the loud voice of your father made me listen. I was so hurt by his words. But what can I do, we have huge responsibilities in this kingdom. I hope you will understand him.” “I'm already used to it, Mother. There’s nothing new about his attitude towards me. But I also so hope that he will show a little father figure to me. I did follow him and never heard any complaint from me,” he said to his mother. “I know that and I am so very proud of you son, always show the best that you can do. But never makes your heart cold as your father.” Gabriel releases a heavy sigh. “I can’t assure that mother.” He cannot deny that he is becoming his father. He is cold like his father!
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