03. Alliance…

1381 Words
The pack gathered around to await the beginning of the pack meeting from their Alpha. No one was sure why they were all summoned to this last-minute meeting, but whatever it was, it wasn’t good. In the center were two whipping posts. The posts were only used as a tool for pack discipline and adjustment. It wasn’t often that a pack member stepped out of line enough to need this type of punishment. Before Alpha Jacob took over his father's pack, the posts were never used. It was considered barbaric and unnecessary, as the previous Alpha, Alpha Franklin, had stated. However, it was speculated that he was only saying that, as it had just been announced by the Royal courts as unlawful. Alpha Franklin had passed away in a rogue attack nearly seven years ago. It was considered suspicious, but no one cared enough about Alpha Franklin to ask too many questions. As soon as his son, Alpha Jacob, had taken over, lots of rules were changed. You were expected to follow with absolute obedience. It was often thought that it was unusual when problem members randomly died in rogue attacks, but without an opportunity to voice concerns in a safe space, pack members started to ignore the doubts they had about their leadership, and stopped questioning how things were done. “Attention everyone!” Beta Raymond hollered, commanding everyone to look forward and stand silent. “Your Alpha has arrived and will be starting the meeting now. You will remain silent and observe.” The area fell silent instantly. Gulps could be heard but nothing else. Alpha Jacob smirked as he walked to the front. He ignored the pack members looking at him. His eyes were black with his wolf's wrath shining through. “Mountain Run Pack. My pack! We are disappointed to report to you all, that we have traitors among us.” A few gasps could be heard but otherwise, the pack was emotionless. “These two men have done a disservice to us all. They released a rouge. A threat to our pack. They showed weakness for a w***e, putting you all at risk of danger.” Alpha Jacob growls by the end of his statement. Beta Raymond pushes two women to the front of the gathered pack and to say the pack was surprised would be an understatement. The two women were mates of two top-ranked guards. They were crying and scared. They huddled together, confused about why they were brought forward. “Alpha, we’ve never betrayed the pack.” Confusion filled their tone and eyes. “No. You haven’t. Your mates have.” Delta Peters brought forward his restrained prisoners. They were two of the guards working the shift that Rebecca escaped. They had befriended her and upon investigation, discovered they released her. Alpha Jacob raised his hand and silenced the crowd. “ As punishment as well as an example for any further treacherous attempts, the mates of the traitors will be punished in front of the pack.” Cries were heard within the pack, sympathy and fear for the two scared women. The bound guards fought against their restraints but failed. The women were stripped naked in front of everyone and then tied to the posts. “Each mate shall receive ten lashes for treason. They have only their mates to blame.” The mates continued to thrash and fight the restraints. They desperately wanted to save their females from lashes. The Warriors held the line from the few pack members who also tried to step in for the two women. “Anyone who tries to prevent this punishment, I will add more lashes to the total, as well as add their own family member in turn.” The crowd fell silent. The air filled with blood and screams. The energy was fear and resentment. Alpha Jacob didn’t need to be loved by his pack, that was his father’s weakness. No, he wanted to rule with an iron fist and fear. You don’t stand up to an Alpha when you’re afraid. The lashes went on as planned. The bound guards crumbled to their knees in heartache and defeat. They did this to their mates by trying to help a stranger. The entire pack was forced to watch the entirety of the harsh punishment. By the end, neither woman was conscious. They were taken to the pack doctor immediately and the bound guards were taken back to their cells to resume their month-long punishment. *** It had been a week since Alpha Jacob issued the public punishment and ever since, his pack had been silent and obedient. It was exactly what he wanted. Alpha Jacob and Beta Raymond were heading over to the neighbouring pack, Rivers Run Pack. With Mountain Run being surrounded by a mountain, Rivers Run was their closest. The two were once allied, but after his father and mother divorced, when his mother found her true mate, his father made a lot of mistakes for several years and alienated the pack from allies. Although his father redeemed himself to many, the alliance with River Run was never approached out of shame on his father’s end. Alpha Jacob planned to change that. The River Run pack was led by Alpha Timothy Jones. He was once friends with Alpha Franklin before the fallout. He had two sons and one daughter. Both sons were happily mated and soon to take over the pack. His daughter, Carly, had yet to find her mate and after several meetings and calls, Alpha Jones finally agreed to an alliance arrangement. Alpha Jones saw that Alpha Jacob had substantially grown his pack size since taking over, and it was about time to let the past stay there and realign. Arriving at the pack border, Beta Raymond announced that Alpha Jones was expecting them. They were shown to the pack house immediately. Greeted by Alpha Jones, his sons and his daughter, Carly. Negotiations were tight. The sons were adamant about visiting regularly throughout the first year to make sure their sister was being taken care of. Although their father welcomed the alliance, both Tristan and Ben were hesitant. They had heard rumors about how Alpha Jacob led now that he had control, and they didn’t support it. Unfortunately, their father refused to believe the rumors without evidence. It was against council law to accuse an Alpha without evidence. It was time to move on and River Run Pack needed the strength that Mountain Run offered with their seemingly growing power and pack. Alpha Jacob laughed off the brother’s suspicions causally. “You are more than welcome to visit. I remind you that you will follow rules and schedule visits.” “And why is that?” Questions Ben. Alpha Jacob takes Carly’s delicate hand, kissing the top gently. “Because I plan on spoiling my mate, and when I am not, I am running a pack. You do not understand the pressures of running one yet, but the council rules are clear. You must give notice when visiting packs. Allied or not!” Before the brothers could respond, Alpha Jones spoke. “You are absolutely right, Alpha Jacob. My boys may have one visit every other month. They will stay for the weekend to bond with their sister. They will schedule in advance.” The smile that grew on Alpha Jacob’s face was one of victory. “I accept that deal. Do you, my mate?” He turned to the silent woman beside him. She never wanted to be arranged, but she also hasn’t found her true mate yet. She was twenty. The council states you must be twenty-one before you can be arranged, but it was never truly enforced. She just simply nodded in acknowledgment of her new future Alpha. Alpha Jacob smiled. He enjoyed his new bride’s obedience. She was a beauty, as well. A true step-up from that weak wolfless nerd he kept shackled in the dark. “Then it’s settled. We shall ally and put the past behind us. The wedding will solidify the union of both husband and wife, but also the packs.” Alpha Jones stood, and Alpha Jack followed suit. Both men shook hands and smiled at the promising future of this arrangement.
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