Chapter one - My famous parents

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Skyler's POV: Hi, my name is Skyler Wright and my parents are the famous authors Aaron and Chloe Wright. I have a two years younger brother named Mike. You probably think that my life is easy, but let me tell you something. It's not. You have no idea how hard it is to be a kid with famous parents. Mom and dad wrote one book before I was even born and it's still their most popular one. Well, mostly around the teenagers. People always come to me to ask for an autograph from them. Like I am their secretary or something like that. It's not like I mind, but I don't like it that much. I have received comments like "Oh, you are the daughter of the authors of my favorite book" or "Are your parents the famous writers?" and much more. I want to be myself, but it's not very easy. Some people think that I am spoiled, because of that. In fact, I am not. Neither my brother. When we make a mess or a mistake, we always take the consequences of our actions. My family is normal except for the success of my parents. I don't think that they have imagined that they will have such a huge success. I am happy for them, but I wish that I wasn't involved in that.  After two days, I finally will be a junior. In our school, juniors and seniors are separated from the rest of the students. According to the principal, these are the most important years for high school students and we need to focus on our studies. She is not wrong, but this doesn't mean that everyone will study. I have to say that we always have new students every year so this one probably will be the same. At least our school is getting popular. I'm not saying that it's perfect. As always, here we have the popular cheerleader and her boyfriend who is the captain of the basketball team. We had a football team before, but it wasn't successful. That's why we changed directions and moved into another sport. I have to say that the team is good.  I woke up and checked my phone. There were no new messages. It's not like someone will search for me. Up to now, I haven't found permanent friends. I think most of them were using me to have their benefits. My parents might earn a good amount of money, but this doesn't mean that they give us much. We are trying to be normal as much as possible. For my parents it looks easy, but not for me. At least Mike doesn't care about this. He has found a couple of boys with who he is friends now and they go out very often. Mostly they are playing video games at one of their houses.  I got ready and walked downstairs to see my parents. How I expected the table was empty. The only thing on it was food. I have to say that my parents work a lot, but I wish that they could take a rest. I don't want to pick a favorite parent, but I feel more comfortable when I am talking with dad. I don't remember much of what I have done as a kid, but I still feel more connected to him. Before you think it, I love my mom. The thing is that I don't know how to talk with her, but I won't lie that she is giving me great advice when I need it.  I walked up to their office and found them in front of the computer again. I don't even think that they noticed me. Maybe it's only me, but it looks like that they get lost in their own world when they are writing. Soon mom turned around and noticed me.  - Hey honey. Do you need anything? - No. I just came to see what you are doing.  - Working as always.  - Yeah, I noticed. Can I come in? - Sure. Take a seat.  - What are you writing right now?  - For now, the main character, who is a woman, talks about her life and what she wants. We are still in the beginning so we have no idea how this will finish.  - Sounds good. - I sighed and rested my head on my dad's shoulder - Skyler, are you ok? Is there a problem? - No, I just wish that you could take a rest and maybe spend some time with me.  None of them said anything. Did I hurt them? I didn't mean to. It's just that sometimes I really miss their presence. It feels like they are here, but only their bodies. Their heads are always somewhere else. The benefit of their job is that they can work from home. It's not like this helps much. - We're sorry. We'll try to work less. - mom said - No, it's fine. I am used to it. - I said and walked to my room I'm not hungry so I'll skip breakfast. Sometimes, I wish that we were normal. I know that my parents are trying their best, but we all know that this is impossible. They always will be the famous writers and me only their daughter. I have no problem with that, but I have my own personality. I would like to get famous, but not because of mom and dad. I want to have my own success. Maybe one day this will happen. There was a knock on the door and I opened it to see my dad. He gave me a sad smile and I returned it. Both of us sat on my bed and he looked at me. I didn't know what to tell him. He didn't hurt me, either mom. I just want a little attention from them. Nothing else.  - Will you tell me what is going on? If you want, I won't tell mom.  - You will tell her because you never hide anything from her.  - True, but I want you to know that you can trust me.  - I know, but it's good to hear it.  Dad wrapped his hands around me and pulled me for a hug. I rested my head on his chest and felt tears in the corners of my eyes. I don't think that this is the problem. Maybe I am scared that people still will think of me only as their daughter or the spoiled daddy's girl. I haven't told my parents everything, because I know that they will do something and this only will make it worse. Dad looked at me and carefully wiped my tears.  - If you want, we can watch a movie and eat junk food. I won't tell your mom. - he said chuckling - I would love that.  Both of us walked downstairs and dad went into the kitchen for food. He came back and I played the movie, which I chose. This is one of our favorites. As always, I had to snuggle in him. I know. I am such a daddy's girl. Soon mom came and gave me a look. I hope that I am not in trouble. - Mom, are you ok? - No, you took my cuddling spot. - she said, which made dad and I start laughing Sometimes my parents still act like teenagers. It's not like this is something bad. I didn't know how they met until they made me read their first book. I asked them to tell me the story, but no. I had to read the book. I won't lie that I liked it a lot. What surprised me was that my dad once was a bad boy. I can't imagine him as this type of person. He loves mom a lot and takes care of her. It just doesn't make sense. The other thing that surprised me was that my mom's friends in high school left her, because of dad. Why would they do that? I don't see anything wrong to date someone. Yes, dad might be a little bit different, but I don't think that he was that bad. Well, I haven't been there to know that. Reading about all the things through which they have to go made me wonder will I have the same life. I mean up to now, I haven't found someone to catch my attention. All the boys are childish to me. It's not like I am not a kid. After all, I am still 16.  - Do you want to sit with us? - I asked mom - Well, I won't deny it, but only if you share the food with me. During the middle of the movie, Mike came as well. He likes to sleep until lunchtime so most of the days he skips breakfast. My parents leave him because they know that when school starts, he has to get up early. After all, sleeping is important as eating.  After the movie, we had lunch and later Mike went to one of his friend's houses. I don't have any plans for the day so I might just chill at home. My parents went back to work. I spent like an hour in my room and finally, I decide to go out. I told my parents that I am going for a walk and that soon I will be back. I went to one park and sat at a bench. The weather is nice and there were many little kids with their parents. This brought me some memories from the time when I was a kid. What caught my attention was one boy who was sitting alone under a tree with a drink in his hands. I wonder why he is alone. I don't know what is the drink, but I assume that it contains alcohol and I don't want to mess with that. He looked at me and we made eye contact, which I think lasted too long. Soon he came back to his phone and me to the kids. I don't know why, but I felt bad vibes when I looked at him. I have no idea who is he, but I think that he is bad news.  Later, I walked to one diner and ordered a latte. I chose a table near the window. Soon a new customer came and I looked up to see that it was the same boy. He ordered a Frappuccino and sat at the table, which was in front of mine. I pretended that I didn't see him and continued watching whatever was happening outside. Maybe this is a coincidence that he is here, but I am not sure about this. Well, I don't own the diner so he is free to come same as everyone else. I tried to ignore him, but there was always one question in my mind. Why he is alone? Doesn't he have friends? It's not like I have that much, but still, from time to time, I go out with them.  Soon I looked in front of me and saw that he was gone. I turned around and saw that he was next to me. I won't lie I am a little bit scared. Where is dad when you need him? Ok, I can't always use my dad to solve my problems. I am a big girl and I have to do this by myself.  - Do you want anything? - Yes. I want you to stop watching me like a creep and leave me alone.  - What? I haven't done anything to you.  - Your presence is enough.  - I can do whatever I want and no one can stop me.  - Don't be so sure.  - Will you just leave me alone? - Just like you did.  - I didn't do anything to you. I don't know for what are you complaining.  - Whatever. I didn't expect you to understand. - he said and walked to his table What a weirdo. I hope that I won't see him again. The good thing from all of this is that it looked like he doesn't know who I am, which is perfect. There is a chance that he pretended that he doesn't know. I am not sure about this. All I know is that I won't talk with him ever again. If this is how he treats people, I don't want him in my friend's group. I looked up to see that now he was staring at me. You have to be kidding me. Then you say that I am the bad one. I only rolled my eyes and went back to the window. I think that I saw a smirk, but it could be only my imagination. Well, I hope that it's this. Otherwise, I'm not sure what could happen to me.   The rest of the day, I spent at home. I didn't tell my parents about this, because I am not sure what exactly happened. Moreover, since I know my dad, I am sure that he will go in protective mode and I don't want him to deal with an innocent boy. Yes, he didn't do anything to me so technically he is not guilty. I hope that the new school year will be better. I don't want to deal with people like this boy. He didn't look that bad, but I prefer to be on the safe side. After all, I don't want problems. I know what my mom had to deal with and I don't the same things to happen to me. 
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