Chapter 2 Magical Creatures

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Year after year, century after century, the cycle of life unfolds. It's not a monotonous repetition; the accumulation of wisdom can bring about wonders! The emergence of new species becomes increasingly miraculous. The planet's lakes resemble a vast biological factory (though I hesitate to use the term "factory" purely for linguistic reasons). Plants always produce a variety of different life forms according to their needs or interests. The intimate collaboration between animals and plants, their practical activities and preservation, accumulates wisdom not necessarily through written records but through the cycle of life and death. Nevertheless, written records exist; scholarly turtles are fond of them. Some animals conveniently use paper for record-keeping. A turtle lives on floating land on the water's surface, documenting the flora and fauna. This has become a tradition passed down through generations. It records a different species of flora or fauna every day, detailing their appearance and habits. Yet, even with this effort, there are countless species on the water's surface, seemingly endless and impossible to fully document. How many species of flora and fauna exist on this planet? It's truly an unknown. The turtle lives on the water's surface and records the "history." At this point, life and civilization on the planet have progressed to the water's surface. Some intelligent animals find it more convenient to study on land, possibly because certain needs are less convenient underwater. Some believe that "solid effort is more valuable than innate advantages!" Development aims to elevate oneself, not just in terms of acquisition but also in the pursuit of spiritual fulfillment. Are our lives fulfilling enough? Plants affirm the thoughts of these animals, seeing it not as "rebellion." The ancient vines also agree, stating, "Effort is crucial; diversifying our development pathways demonstrates our achievements and signifies progress within achievement." Some animals choose to strive independently for self-improvement, despite the immense hardships, displaying resilience and self-reliance. The lakes of the planet are dotted with grassy islands, interconnected to form irregular coastlines. It's like life-inhabited floating islands on the surface of a water-filled globe. The author recalls scenes from childhood, reminiscent of the lush aquatic vegetation, similar to the continents floating on the lakes of this planet. These green expanses, dense and cool, provide a refreshing sight. The lush grass can support various life forms; with stronger buoyancy, it can accommodate even more. A continent floating with greenery, supported by dense underwater vegetation, creates a beautiful sight. Have you ever thought of using a lotus petal as a boat to navigate the waters? What if you could sleep within a lotus flower? Imagine being satisfied with just one peanut to eat. Willingness to shrink oneself can expand the world in one's eyes. The unique ecosystem of the planet's lakes fully supports the survival needs of the grassy islands, forming a self-sustaining cycle of life. These islands become a self-sustaining system. The grassy islands float on the water's surface, with some having air pores in their roots, lightweight stems, or dense leaves. The intertwined roots of the aquatic plants provide a stable surface for animals to walk upon. The term "aquatic plants" encompasses a variety of plant species. Some have well-developed roots, providing good buoyancy, while others barely emerge above the water, with most of their bodies submerged, offering a comfortable habitat for insects to nest.Some aquatic plants, though sharing a common origin, develop their own unique traits as they mature. Some bloom flowers, some bear fruits directly without flowering, while others grow thorns, perhaps to deter larger animals and welcome smaller insects into their folds. Some flowers open up like trumpets, collecting dew, emitting a fragrance that attracts long-billed cranes to sip from them. This fragrance results from the secretion of petals forming a film over the trumpet-like cup, causing fermentation of the liquid underneath, creating a fine brew. Other flowers spread out like umbrellas, with resilient stems and sun-facing surfaces that absorb heat, transferring it through their vascular system to their roots, where smaller animals find shelter in the shade. The variety of flowers includes green, blue, red, white, and other colors, each attracting butterflies of corresponding colors. As butterflies gather around flowers of matching hues, their wings emit luminous glows. The radiance emitted from butterfly wings can be controlled freely, accumulating energy, creating a complex language of varying intensities and hues, facilitating accurate communication and expression—a remarkable feat! Later, these flowers learn to change their colors, becoming a means of communication among plants. In this realm of myriad life forms, the kingdom of life forms the highest realm! ***** The octopus's arms are robust and powerful; each tentacle has grown strong enough to form a fist. On the shore, it's arm-wrestling with a squid. The squid's strength is formidable too, having once received assistance from an ancient vine underwater, resulting in immense power and fame! Unexpectedly, the octopus on the shore doesn't lag behind. Its cells have awakened, each brimming with enormous energy, rendering its strength incredible. Yet, ultimately, the octopus loses. The octopus tells the squid, "I've decided to die." The squid responds, "The idea of giving up after losing isn't suitable for our planet. What do you plan to do?" The octopus smiles and replies, "I know you've had a stroke of luck underwater, but that's nothing. Look at me." "The wonders are also on the water's surface," the octopus continues, as if heading somewhere. With a leap, the octopus plunges into the water, then turns back to the squid, saying, "Follow me!" The squid follows, and together they swim to another floating grassy island. Once ashore, the octopus runs, and the squid follows at the same pace. Both can now move swiftly on land. The squid wonders what marvels the octopus possesses. After running for a while, they come across a large tree. Upon closer inspection, they realize it's a water plant grown into a robust tree—so lush and sturdy! The octopus stops under the tree. Its branches stretch vigorously, with sturdy roots resembling restless muscles. The top of the tree, akin to an octopus's, sports a large knot, under which the branches sway with the wind. Birds perch on the tree, observing the two creatures originally from the water, both equipped with robust tentacles. The birds chirp as if inquiring about the visitors. The octopus looks at the squid, then addresses the tree in front of it, "My cells are strong now, and you want to move. Let's unite, blending the strengths of plants and animals into one. You can move your muscles, showcasing your strength freely! If you agree, split open a c***k in your trunk, and I'll enter. Then, you can consume me." The squid looks at the octopus, then at the lush tree. The squid knows of a technique where plants and animals can instantly merge when both sets of cells are awakened, making the fusion between the two lives as effortless as a commonplace occurrence. The tree indeed starts moving, and the birds atop it take flight.But one bird remained still and said to the octopus, "Just wait a moment; I'll be right back." The tree conveyed the message through the bird. The trunk swelled, and before them, the tree split open, revealing a wide c***k. The octopus said, "I'll go in." The squid wanted to stop the octopus but was told, "There's no death on this planet; what are you worried about?" So, the octopus entered the trunk. After the octopus went in, the trunk quickly closed. Soon after, the tree uprooted itself, severing its connections to the underwater roots, undergoing a peculiar transformation. Thus, a muscular and extraordinary tree stood tall! The squid stepped back, observing the scene before it. The tree, which was originally inhabited by small birds, now had its sturdy stems, many of which stretched and waved like the tentacles of an octopus. It exhibited its strength, with eyes and a mouth forming atop the knot, resembling a human face. It flexed its muscles and let out a powerful roar! Lowering its head, it said to the squid, "Do you still recognize me? I am the octopus; my spirit is now merged with this tree. My body structure is no longer flesh but wood, infused with my essence, granting the branches flesh-like capabilities, making them stronger and more powerful!" Cells awakened with brain-like thinking ability and autonomous mobility. At higher stages, they could self-organize and transform, turning tender flesh into bone-like hardness. It's said that extraordinary individuals could make their brains harder than bones. The squid, astonished, said, "You're the octopus? You haven't died; you willingly merged with the tree, yet you can still control your will." "That's right. If the tree wishes, my original cells can reorganize, returning me to my former self. But the tree prefers this. I've been here before, and the tree appealed to me, hoping one day to acquire animal traits. Now, both of us have achieved our goals." The octopus continued, "I feel rejuvenated, and my awakened cells, along with the tree's tissues, allow me to test my strength." "Very well!" the squid agreed. So, the octopus and squid resumed arm-wrestling. The octopus still lost. But the squid felt that the octopus had clearly grown much stronger! The octopus thought, "When should I also explore the underwater?" The world on the water's surface seems like a fairy tale, attracting animals to live there even more than the unfathomable depths. Here, crabs play drums, shrimp play the piano, geese sing high notes, and even the trumpet flowers sing their own songs! Some plants, to be as free as animals, prop up their branches, secreting a liquid that forms membranes when exposed to air. Several branches held together resemble sails on a boat; when the wind blows, this "sailboat" sets off. It has rich sailing experience. Some plants prefer to settle on animals; for instance, a large turtle carries a plant on its back, attracting flying insects. Wherever the turtle goes, the plant on its back follows. The insects on the turtle's back have broad knowledge, imbued with the spirit of scholarly turtles. Some plants, to move, make themselves light like dandelions, with umbrella-like tops. With the wind's help, they take flight and root themselves upon landing. One day, such plants decide to relocate, disconnecting their roots from the ground, expanding internally to become lighter. When the wind blows, they float away! A plant, lush with branches like human hair, continually grows. It needs pruning, so it bears fruit. When the fruit ripens, it bursts open, and a deer jumps out. The deer instinctively knows what to do and eats the plant's leaves, thus fulfilling the plant's pruning needs. A carefree rabbit crouches on the shore; it's a small animal grown from a plant. Originally, it just wanted to move freely like an animal, but now, it's not satisfied. It plans to run to the opposite shore, where a plant can absorb it and transform it into a fish. It sees a duck swimming towards it, waiting for her. As she approaches, the rabbit tells her its idea.So, the duck carried it across to the opposite shore. The rabbit arrived and said to the duck, "Goodbye!" It approached the plant and conveyed its purpose for coming, expressing its desire to become a fish and explore the underwater world. The plant agreed to its request, opening its mouth wide, and the rabbit jumped in. Before long, within the water of the plant, a fruit formed at the plant's roots. As the fruit matured and cracked open, a fish emerged - the original rabbit. Awakening, the rabbit looked at itself; indeed, it had become a fish, capable of swimming in the water. It wagged its tail happily and swam off into the distance. On its journey, it encountered various fish, each with its own unique abilities and postures, akin to the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their prowess. The rabbit-turned-fish continued its journey towards the seabed. It had no worries about encountering danger; there were no predators in the conventional sense on this planet. Having accumulated much knowledge and conversed with insects, the rabbit was well-prepared. In the middle of the journey, there were floating islands made up of aquatic plants gathered in the water. Here was another spectacle; disconnected from the air yet not rooted to the seabed, these islands formed a resting place for fish on their way to the seabed! The fish stayed on the floating island for a while, eating and growing larger. It continued its journey towards the seabed, a marvelous world indeed! It resembled a night scene, but there were no conventional buildings, and those present were rare. The light was soft, gentle on the eyes. Some of the light emanated from fish skins, some from the gaze of the Thousand-Eyed Tree, some from the glow of coral reefs. Different colors of soft light blended harmoniously, creating a unique underwater landscape. Amidst this spectacle, various types of life happily swam among the aquatic vegetation. There, the fish saw vines, the legendary ancestors of life. Fish-shaped patterns adorned the vines' roots, indicating fish that had once attached themselves, choosing their destiny. The fish recalled its own life and shared all its memories with the plant, allowing the plant to gain the fish's life experiences. With the collaboration of animals, even without taking a step, the plant knew all that happened in the world! It swam towards a cluster of kelp and noticed a snail underneath. The snail also noticed the fish, and the fish greeted it: "Hi! Why are you alone here?" "It's quiet here, I'm contemplating," the snail replied. Highly intelligent beings were common here, so even unfamiliar or different species found effective ways to communicate. The fish didn't inquire about the snail's contemplations out of respect. But it asked, "I have many questions about the underwater world and seek guidance. Do you have time?" "This place's ancient vine knows everything, but it doesn't converse directly with individuals, and merpeople are very busy. I assume you're from the surface?" the snail replied. "Yes, I'm from the surface. I was originally a rabbit, but later desired to become a fish. A plant fulfilled my wish, so I came down to explore. Besides gaining knowledge, there are plants on the surface that want me to ask a few questions on their behalf. I promised to help, and I humbly seek your assistance," the fish explained. "I've lived underwater for many years, so I'm quite familiar. I guess more than you," the snail continued. "While I'm alive, I can't go to the surface without assistance, so can you take me to the surface? Let's help each other." "That's fantastic!" exclaimed the fish, agreeing to help.
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