Chapter 4

1472 Words
Ben and I were running across the pack lands towards the gate. We had to be careful. The guards were going to be out any minute and they would alert Grayson if anything was out of the ordinary. Two betas running towards the gate is definitely out of the ordinary. Mrs Betty stayed at the pack house when we left. It was an emotional goodbye as we both were crying. She told me to be careful and that she loved me. I knew already that she did, but i said it back to her with one last hug before Ben and I jumped out of my bedroom window. I was on the second floor, so it wasn't a big drop. Using the trees as cover, we finally make our way to the gate, when Ben stops and looks at me. He looks sad. "Ok, this is it. You have to shift and run. Run as far and as fast as you can. Don't stop for anything." He said to me. "You mean we right? You're coming with me" "Bailey, I can't. I have to stay here and watch Grayson. I need to make sure you get away." "But--" "As long as I'm here, I'll know what Grayson is planning. I can warn you and keep you ahead of the trackers." Ben said. Damn, the trackers. I can't believe I forgot about them. They are the best there are. They can pick up a scent that's over a week old. "Bailey, where's your cellphone?" Ben suddenly asked. "Right here" I answered. Ben took my phone and threw it down then stomped on it. "Ben!! What the hell??" I exclaimed. "First thing Grayson will do is trace your phone." Ben replied. "Then,how are we going to keep in touch?" I asked him. "Remember what dad taught us? About using the classified to pass messages out in the open without anyone knowing?" He said. I forgotten about that. Our dad was a good and tactical Beta. He had taught us how to read and send messages to other packs of possible dangers without alerting anyone that you didn't want knowing about it. "Yes, I remember." "Good. That's how we will talk. Just remember to never give me your location. I can't know where you are,just in case" Ben said. I'm so worried about Ben staying behind. Is he going to be punished for this? Will Grayson send him to the stalls? Or worse? I can't think about this now. Right now i have to concentrate on getting outta here. "You need to run as fast as you can. Don't stop until you can't go any more, that's when you rest. Then get up and keep running" Ben continued. He was right. If i didn't leave now, it'll be too late, and all of this would of been for nothing. I hug my brother goodbye,praying that this won't be the last time I see him "I love you Ben" I say to him,trying my best not to cry. "I love you too Bay, now shift and go" He says to me. I can tell he's also trying not to cry. Being twins, we've never been away from each other for more than a day. I can tell this is hard on Ben, because I know how hard it is on me. I duck behind a tree to undress, so my brother doesn't see me in my birthday suit, and shift into my wolf. I step into the strap of my bag, and nudge it over my head so it hangs from me,but won't get under my feet causing me to trip. I look at my brother one last time. He holds his hand up as to say goodbye then nods for me to go. I turn and I run as fast as I could. ****************************************** I've been running for what feels like hours now. I know it's well into the middle of the night now,by how bright the moon is. When i left,the sun had just barely set. I'm pretty in shape. I workout daily,eat healthy and train. Plus being a wolf, I'm naturally fast. I can feel myself getting tired. My legs are numb, my lungs are burning, but I can't stop yet. I'm not far enough away. If Grayson sent out his trackers, it'll be a matter of hours before they catch up to me. I have to keep going. I'm also doing the best I can to mask and throw off my sent. I know the trackers will come, that's a given, but if they don't know which way I'll take them longer to find me. Plus with Ben warning me what they are doing keeps me a step ahead. I'm so tired and thirsty, I feel like my legs ate going to give out on me. I can stop for thirty minutes. I can drink and eat and rest before I keep going. I shift back into my human form. It takes energy to stay in my wolf form and i need to conserve as much energy as I could. As I walk up to this pond I saw out of the corner of my eye, I hear a low growl. Looking around, I don't see anything, and I can't sense another wolf, so I know haven't crossed into another packs territory. I brush it off as fatigue and hunger as i continue to walk to the pond. I'll take a quick rise and eat and drink, then keep running. I was just about to set my bag down when I heard the growl again. This time it was closer,and made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I hold my bag close to me as I'm still naked from shifting, thankful that it's still draped across my shoulder. I look all around but to scared to speak. Surely Grayson's trackers haven't caught up to me yet. They aren't that fast. As i look to my left, I see it. Two red eyes glaring at me. Crap!! Rouges!! I take off running in the other direction. I should shift so i can run faster, but that'll take time. Time i don't have so i keep running as fast as I can. The rouge is gaining on me, he's going to catch up to me soon. I can't die yet. Not like this. I didn't run for my life from Grayson and summit to be killed the same night by rouges.. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I kept saying that over and over in my head as i kept running. I know now I'm only running on pure adrenaline. The rouge is so close I can feel his breath on my back. I dodge in another direction, to keep him from getting me, but he's still hot on my tracks. I can hear howling and growling coming from the direction if front of me. I can't run straight into more rogues. So i dodge again to avoid the wolves running at me. As I dodged, I felt a sharp pain cut into my side. That rouge slashed me with his claws! I kept running until he pounced on my back, knocking me to the ground. I hit my head hard on the ground, but still didn't stop fighting. I'm holding his snout to keep him from biting me,but his claws are still gouging me. I feel myself weakening, giving it everything I have left to fight this rouge,but I'm not getting anywhere. That's when I hear the loudest most ground shaking growl I've ever heard in my life. The next thing I knew that rouge was knocked off of me. I saw a big black shadow moving so fast I couldn't even tell what it was. I try to stand up, to run away, but i can't. my legs won't move and the blood loss is making me woozy. I try to focus on what happening. Its a wolf. A big black wolf. I think this is the biggest wolf I've ever seen. He just killed that rouge like he was nothing. Oh crap. Now he's looking at me. I'm a goner. There's no way I can fight him. I can feel the darkness starting to take over,as I'm trying my best to fight it. I can't let it take over. I have to stay awake. He shifts into his human form and to say he was good looking would be an understatement. He is the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. He's looking right at me with his blue-green eyes as he is walking up to me. He said something to me,but i can't make it out. And with that, the darkness took over me.
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