Author’s Note ?

207 Words
And we’re back! Please tell me you guys are as excited as I am that this is happening. If this is the first book you’re reading of the Begging series then I’d suggest you read the first book ‘Begging For Mercy’. This will help you better understand some of the events that will take place in this second book or the book will not make sense to you. I read every comment you guys left on the first book, literally every single one ?, so please know that the formation for the second book was built mostly around your suggestions. Not all of them of course but some ☺️. Thank you guys for them by the way, I love when we interact, I even appreciate the criticism ?. But, if you bite this time I will bite back, k. ? I will be updating 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I will try to throw in a chapter during the weekend too but I don’t know. I’d once again like to thank everyone who’s stuck by me from day one and everyone who joined our little family later on. You guys are really something. Thank you ❤️. Enjoy ? - Klyde ❤️
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