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ISABELLE Preparations for the big day started immediately after the meeting with the Alpha. I have witnessed invitation cards being dispatched to various guests and various supplies have been ordered to make the day great. Too sad my parents are not alive to witness this. The days fly and Tuesday comes, the day they're going to announce to the pack about Robert and I. I know what this day means for Robert too. I have seen him going through excessive grooming and these days he looks more handsome than he ever looked. He has cropped his hair and his beard has been shaved. I wish I could have prevailed upon him to save the beard. Just looking at it turns me on. The Luna has taken me out for shopping and I now have very expensive dresses, perfumes and other accessories. They definitely want the future Luna to have a breathtaking appearance. I have a new chest, full of beauty products hastily bought for me. Also, I already have two maids constantly at my beck and call. They are always attending to my hair, toe and fingernails and general cleanliness of my room. One of them is a makeup artist. I have been assigned to another chamber inside the pack house, with a sitting room and a bedroom. This one is more comfortable than the previous one. The Alpha's house really know how to take good care of those that they care for. After school the Alpha himself sends the maids to my room to do some grooming on me. They are joined by the Luna and they start the long process of making me presentable before him. Still in my room I can hear a lot of commotion outside as guests arrive. I am told that there are at least four Alpha's from other packs accompanied by their mates and other important guests. I wonder whether my uncle is among the present Alpha's but I also pray that he stays away. His presence would spoil the mood. When the grooming is over I look at myself in the mirror and I am impressed even in my nervous state. I am not used to crowds and I wish they kept this private, but the Luna told me earlier that pack matters affect every member and they don't keep anything private. I have butterflies in my stomach and I can't think straight. The ladies lead me towards the big ballroom where the party is already getting started. Then something curious happens. My wolf Sheri, is extra active. She keeps on whimpering inside my head, whispering at me at times but her voice is incorrigible. I don't understand why she can't stay calm. Sometimes she calms down but mostly she keeps on stirring. I wonder what she is up to. Is she excited about the party? I wonder as I am led to a chair at the dais where I seat next to the Luna, Robert's mother. Sheri doesn't settle and I decide to let her be. Eventually she calms down and I start a little chat with the Luna. I can see Robert at the other end, some seats away from me. He looks every bit of a groom, clad in a very good looking charcoal grey suit. He's wearing a white shirt and a bowtie completes the picture. Right now he is talking to some dignitaries and they keep on pointing to my direction and nodding their head, most probably in agreement. I feel elated. The hall is now getting full, and my wolf starts her restlessness again. She turns, whimpers, whispers and does everything to make me lose my peace. I can't even concentrate on what is happening and most occurrences go on without me noticing as I try to calm Sheri. She is however inconsolable. Then the Alpha comes in, in his glamour, and grandeur. Everyone goes silent and all eyes are on him. He takes the highest seat at the high table and announces the beginning of the party. He definitely has no time to waste. Some introductions are done hastily as if they want to do away with everything, and just minutes later the Alpha is now talking to the crowd, authoritatively stating that his son has come of age and now he is getting engaged. He asks both of us to stand before him then he announces that from today he officially recognizes us as a couple. I can't grasp most of what he says because Sheri doesn't let me. She does everything to make sure I hear none of what is being said. The crowd breaks into jubilation, congratulating us. The podium is filled with falling confetti and people splash expensive champagne all around. “All hail the future Alpha!" Someone shouts from the crowd and all the others echo his sentiments. Others shout congratulation messages to me. Robert holds me tightly and I am about to let my head rest in his chest when it happens. I hear Sheri clearly now. Amid the jubilation and cheering, I hear her instructing me to look to my left and this time I obey her. I turn left and that is where I see him. Standing still on the ballroom among the crowds is a tall man wearing a hooded top, completely hiding his hair. He has a full beard, all black and shining in the light from the chandelier above him. His shoulders are broad, and he looks strong for an ordinary pack member. He has beady eyes that look deep into my soul and I feel some power pulling me to him. I instantly forget everything that is happening around me. The jubilations fade, the applauses go away, my mind goes blank and I can't take my eyes away from him. He has completely hypnotized me. I forget that I am in Robert's hands, I can't even feel them. The man opens his mouth and I can read his lips as he says the magical word, “Mate." Sheri is overwhelmed by this and no amount of calming her can help. I can hear her now loud and clear. “Mate, mate, mate."
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