Episode 1

1017 Words
"You killed her, you monster!" "Esmeralda, calm down. I can explain." As Esmeralda charged at him, he deftly dodged her blow, swiftly moving to the other side of the room, distancing himself from her. Aaron pleaded with her to stop. "That's enough! Your lies have gone on for too long, father. What possible reason could you have to justify killing my mother? You took her away from me and for years, you pretended and lied! You made me believe the vampires killed her, but it was you," she exclaimed. Claws sprouted from her fingers and fangs emerged from her mouth as her breathing became rapid. Her wolf was struggling to break through. "I loved your mother, but she lied and deceived me for years. She was a vampire masquerading as a human. I loved her, and she betrayed me. It was a full moon that night, and I couldn't control my wolf. It broke through and killed her. I never wanted to hurt her; I only wanted answers. I know you must hate me, but I never meant to hurt her. She was taking a concoction given to her by the witch Rhea, which allowed her to go undetected for years. But she didn't take it that night, and it was a full moon. I had hidden all the potions; I didn't know I would discover her true nature. Imagine my horror when my love smelled like the enemy. That foul stench of the vampire filled my nostrils, and my wolf went mad and broke through," tears streamed down Esmeralda's face as he spoke. "So, you sent me away because I am an abomination, I am your greatest shame. How could you ever love a wolf-vampire hybrid child? You knew what I was this whole time and lied to me. That's why those vampires who tried to kidnap me used Wolf Bane and vampire Lilac to subdue me. They knew what I was. How do they know, Father?" Esmeralda questioned. "I have no idea who those vampires were or how they knew what you are. All I know is that I love you, Esmeralda. You are my daughter, and I don't care that you are half vampire. You are my princess," he responded. "I knew something was off, but you made me believe I was paranoid and crazy for even entertaining the idea. Father, you are cruel and a liar, and I want nothing to do with you," she declared. "You are the princess of the Effiong wolves. We can survive this; I just need you to calm down so we can revisit this conversation more amicably," he pleaded. "You don't get it, Father. I'm leaving. I can't stand to be near you. I feel nothing but hate towards you. I need to get away to clear my mind," she stated. "Where would you go? I am all you have in this world," he asked. Esmeralda scoffed as her claws and fangs retracted. She returned to her normal state. "What I do from now on is none of your business. As far as you're concerned, you no longer have a daughter," Esmeralda replied as she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Aaron's heart shattered as he stood in the wrecked room. **Six Months Earlier** Esmeralda's gaze remained fixed on the hummingbirds fluttering in the nearby garden. She observed their every move, attuned to the rhythmic beating of their hearts. With each delicate sip of nectar from the beautiful flowers, these creatures captivated her. The juxtaposition of their fragility and the obstacles they faced in their short lives fascinated her. They embraced the uncertainty of each day with unwavering courage—a courage she knew she would soon have to muster. "Miss Lackmere, are you even listening?" Principal Halloway's voice interrupted her reverie, bringing her attention back into the room. It had been over ten years since Esmeralda left home. Her father sent her away to boarding school after her mother's death, claiming it was for her to have a "normal" life. But Esmeralda knew deep down that he wanted to be rid of her. She had tried her best to fit in, desperate not to disappoint her father. However, she had failed. She had landed in detention several times and nearly faced suspension for standing up to the girls who bullied her. Helen was her only friend, the one bright spot in her otherwise challenging school life. As she grew older, her anger and aggressiveness intensified. Now, at seventeen, she had to return to her clan for the initiation ritual that all members of the Effiong wolf clan had to undergo. To say she was nervous would be an understatement. The thought of living with her father and being among her people again after such a long absence made her stomach muscles clench. Over the past three years, since turning fourteen, she had endured the pain of transformation under the full moon, all alone. It had started when she accidentally took the life of a schoolmate. Trying to suppress the overwhelming emotions brewing inside her, she clutched her stomach, desperately hoping not to ruin the principal's beautiful Italian carpets. "Sorry, Mrs. Halloway," Esmeralda replied, finally focusing on the principal. Her long, thick, dark lashes acted as a canopy for her captivating green and coffee-brown eyes. Esmeralda possessed a rare genetic mutation called heterochromia, which resulted in her two distinct eye colors. This abnormality made her a target of teasing among some of the girls at school and only added to the unwanted attention she received. She vaguely remembered her mother having the same unique eyes. "Your father asked me to ensure you're ready to leave promptly at 3 pm. He will come to get you. Hopefully, everything you've learned here at the academy will serve you well in the coming years. Now, go on, go get ready," the principal informed her. "Yes, ma'am," Esmeralda acknowledged, rising from her seat. She picked up her backpack from the floor and left the principal's office, heading towards her room in the dormitory to pack her belongings.
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