We Are Here to Escort You

4171 Words
Darian's Pov Ella was quiet as we walked through the house, grabbing everything she needed. "Let's take Colin's car. I still need to clean the blood from mine", she whispered as she handed me a set of keys from the wall hook inside the garage. I lifted her chin with my fore-finger, making her look at me. "Talk to me, El", I whispered. Her face scrunched slightly before the tears began to stream down her face. I immediately wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me, as she began to sob. "It's okay", I whispered, as I held her with one arm and ran my fingers through her hair. I kissed the top of her head, then her temple. Her sobs slowed with each kiss I laid upon her, so I kept going. I kissed his fore-head, then her nose, then her cheeks, absorbing her tears. Then, without even thinking about it, I kissed her lips. Ever so gently, I brushed my lips against hers, before fully capturing them with mine. It didn't take her half of a second before she responded. Moving her lips against mine. She gripped my shirt in her fist, as she tried to pull me closer. The exact response I wanted from her. When we broke the kiss, we were both breathing heavily, our lips slightly parted, and barely touching. "I'm sorry", I muttered, not making an effort to pull away from her yet. Which I was extremely grateful for because she caught me by surprise. She connected her lips to mine in a more hungry, frantic kiss. I responded immediately. Grabbing the side of her neck and tilting her head so I could deepen the kiss. I licked her bottom lip, begging for entry. I need to taste this woman. She obliged and ran her tongue against mine, receiving a deep moan from me. I reluctantly pulled away from her inviting lips and leaned my fore-head on hers. "That was the best kiss of my life", I breathed out. Ella blushed hard. I smiled at the beautiful woman standing in front of me. "Let's head out, sweet", I whispered, she grinned and nodded. We walked up to Colin's Nissan Frontier. I opened the passenger door for Ella. She reached up and grabbed the support handle, getting ready to pull herself into the truck. I chuckled to myself. Stubborn woman. Before she could do just that. I grabbed ahold of her waist and lifted her up and gently set her on the seat. She squealed, "Darian", she said. I raised my eyebrows at her in a challenging way. She blushed as response, "Thanks", she whispered. I nodded with a triumphant smirk, then leaned over and kissed her lips. Her shyness is the most adorable thing I have ever witnessed. I want to constantly make her blush so I can see her beautiful cheeks turn red. "Can I ask you something? If you don't want to answer, that's okay. I understand", I asked, as we were headed down the road. "Shoot", she carelessly said, before snapping her head to look at me with wide eyes. My eyes mocked hers. "Not literally", she clarified, then chuckled. I couldn't help the laugh that burst from my chest. She is so f*****g cute. "God, no. I could never hurt you.", I said, when my laughter was subdued. "So for my question. Um, how did you do it, El?" I asked softly. She furrowed her eyebrows, "How did I do what, Darian?" she asked, confused. "How did you abstain for three years? How did you avoid that at night?" I asked, genuinely curious how she avoided getting raped by him. She shrugged her shoulders. "He was with a different woman every night. And I kept my door locked at night. He seemed satisfied with that," Ella answered softly. "I was the person he took his anger out on. When I feared it was s****l frustration, I hid. As bad as it sounds, I let him take it out on someone else", she whispered. She was looking out the passenger window while she spoke. I reached over and slid my hand into hers, intertwining our fingers together. "I'm sorry", I whispered, bringing the back of her hand to my lips and kissing it. "Thank you for not asking me in front of Colin and Jill", Ella said softly, looking up at me. I nodded my head, with a soft smile on my lips. "Can we go to the smoke shop first? I have a feeling I'm not going to be up for walking after Walmart", she laughed lightly. "Sounds good to me", I smiled. "Have you ever been to a smoke shop?" I asked Ella, as I opened her door. "Yes, a few times when I was still free", she answered lightly. I felt for her. Life like that has to be shitty. I put my hands on her hips to help her down, then stopped. "It may not feel like it yet, but you are free again", I said softly. She smiled and nodded, pulling a smile from me. I leaned forward and connected our lips again. Her arms automatically came up and wrapped around my shoulders. I do not want this to stop, ever. "It's addicting", I mumbled against her lips, before lifting her and setting her gently on her feet. "It is", she said with a smile. I grinned and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. When we walked into the smoke shop, it was a laid back environment. The lighting was dimmed, with a few blue and green lights on as well. Two-thirds of the shop had glass cases set up with different products. Edibles, candies, actual leaf, bongs, pipes, and accessories. On the other side of the room was a door. The sign on the door read 'smoke room'. I heard people in there laughing and coughing, but the only people in the actual store part were the clerk, Ella and I. "Hello. What can help you help?" the clerk asked. The way he kept eyeing Ella made me want to punch him in the face. So, to make a point, I wrapped my arm around her waist and squeezed her hip slightly, gesturing for her to order when she was ready. She reached her hand around her stomach and locked her fingers with mine, on the hand that rested on her side. "Give me an ounce of the strawberry banana cush, and two packs of your French vanilla wraps", she rattled off. Damn, should I be worried? She sounded so familiar with that order. Nah. I playfully squeezed her side, receiving a little squeak from her. Why did that noise make my d**k twitch? f**k. She looked up at me with a small smile and an arched eyebrow, questioning my actions. "Should I be worried?", I asked jokingly. "About the weed? No silly, it's legal", she giggled. Making me squeeze her little side, again. I smiled and shook my head, "Does Colin even smoke?" I asked curiously. "He had a couple of times before he went to war. And he liked it. But, I want him to realize it is a medication that can help him cope with his PTSD", she explained. I smiled and kissed her temple, "You are an amazing person. You know that?", I whispered. She shook her head and blushed as she looked away. When the clerk looked at her to tell her the total, he was surprised by the color of her face. Yeah buddy, I did that, not you. "That's going to be $160.00", the clerk said. "I got it", I said, pulling my wallet out. "No, Darian, I can't let you do that", Ella said, trying to pull her card out. I quickly pinned her arms to her side with one arm as I swiped my card really fast, before she could use hers. She giggled, making my d**k jump again. Except this time she felt it. She tensed for a second before taking a step back, further into me, as she held my arm in place. I placed a quick soft kiss on her neck before grabbing the bag and leading her out of the shop. "You really didn't have to pay for that, Darian", Ella said as I opened the truck door for her. I grabbed her waist and lifted her into the truck, getting a squeal from her. "I wanted to", I said with a smirk. We didn't take too long inside Walmart. Ella grabbed a few sets of pants, shorts, shirts, undershirts, socks, and even a bathing suit. One I would love to picture her in, but can't because all I can see her in is the red and black lace bra/panty sets she got. My heart races quicker every time I look at her. I see all the different ways I want to peel the panties and bra from her delicate body. "Are you hungry? We can stop and eat before we head back to the house", I suggested, after we loaded back up in the truck. "Yeah. I'm starving, but can we eat in the truck?" she asked, leaning her head against the head rest. "I know this really good mom and pop burger shack with a drive-thru window", I suggested. Her smile widened, and she nodded. She looked so precious, looking at me with her tired expression. Ella's POV I had a really great time, getting out of the house for a bit, and hanging out with Darian. I felt normal for the first time in three years. Even if buying my bras and panties in front of him was a bit embarrassing. He didn't say anything about it though. He was right about the burger shop too. It was delicious. We made small talk over lunch. I learned that he was a Marine for eight years, before he was injured and honorably discharged. He enjoys joy rides on his Harley. And he wanted to start a security company so that he could help protect those on U.S territory as well. It was nice to get to know him a bit, instead of talking about my mess of a life. I did tell him how I like to sketch and read. There wasn't much else I could tell him that wouldn't end up steering the conversation back to a bad part of my life. But now, we are back home and I'm currently throwing my new clothes in the washing machine. Jill is preparing dinner for this evening. And Darian was at the table waiting for me, along with Colin and Robert. "I guess it was too much to ask for you to be gone by the time I returned?" I asked sarcastically, as I leaned partly on Darian and partly on the chair he sat in. "I can't let this go, Ella", Robert hissed. "Oh you can, you just chose not too", I said. "God, you are just like your mother", he snapped. "Keep my mother out of this. Now, if you aren't going to dissolve the contract, get the f**k out. I will not be going back to a man I never wanted to be with to begin with, who also f*****g shot me. End of discussion Robert. You are dismissed.", I said calmly, talking to him the same way he used to talk to me. "I have to agree with Ella", Colin said, surprising me. "You sold your own daughter in marriage without a single care about her happiness or well-being. The man you sold her to tried to kill her and didn't succeed. I know it isn't false accusations because I pulled the bullet from her leg myself. You need to leave", Colin said sternly. "Fine, I'll leave, but we aren't done with this, Ella", Robert snapped, standing from his chair and storming off. Everyone was quiet as we listened to him stomp out the front door. "I'm worried that he will tell Micheal where you are", Colin said, staring at the table. "I hate to say this, but I'm sure he has already told him", I said, as I eased into the seat next Darian. Darian was looking at me,"Why hasn't he showed up yet?" he asked. I shook my head. "I don't know", I said softly. "Well, we should stay on guard just in case. I managed to get ahold of someone who is going to pass your message along to someone who is in contact with the mafia. Maybe we will get somewhere with that", Darian said. Wow, he has already got in contact with someone for me. That was quick."Thank you Darian", I whispered. He smiled at me, "Of course", he said. I stood up from the table and started walking away. "Where are you going?" Darian asked, concerned. "I need to get something from my jeep", I said. "I'll come with you", Darian said, jumping from his chair and making me hold onto his arm for support. I smiled and shook my head, but let him lead me out of the room. When we entered the garage, I went straight to the back of the jeep. "So what do you need from in here?", Darain asked, as he watched me throw random items from the back to the backseat. "The contract", I whispered. His eyebrows shot up in surprise. I pulled back the carpet, revealing a manila envelope. "Is that it?", he asked, looking at the envelope in my hand. I nodded my head, "When I left, I took it with me. It was not easy to find. But, I found it", I answered. Darian lifted my chin with his forefinger to make me look at him, "You haven't failed to amaze me yet", he said softly, before leaning down and capturing my lips with his. I gave him a sly smile as I closed the back hatch of the jeep. Darian had me hold his arm for support as he walked me back inside the house. "Auntie, come watch Encanto with us", Raine shouted, as her and Cody ran up to us. "Please, it just came out. Mom says we have to go to bed early tonight. So, she is letting us watch a movie. Please!", Cody pleaded. "Please", Raine said, before I could answer, as they each tugged on an arm. "Yes. Just let me put something away first", I said, almost falling to the ground from the force of the kids. I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist and catch me. "Easy there, sweetheart", Darian purred in my ear, sending goosebumps down my spine, as he pulled me flush to his chest. My breath hitched and my heart rate spiked. I'm sure he could feel it beating through my back and against his chest. "Okay, kids. Your Aunt Ella will be right there", he told them. They let go and took off running toward the entertainment room. Darian still had me held to his chest as they ran off and disappeared from sight. "Darian", I breathed out. Having him close to me like this, was sending my body into a frenzy. "Ella", he whispered huskily. He turned me swiftly in his arms, making my chest press against his. "I like holding you", he whispered, sending another wave of goosebumps over my body. "Auntie!", Raine yelled, from the entertainment room. "I'm coming", I shouted back. I looked at Darian's lips, begging him with my eyes. Which he understood, because he bent his head down and connected our lips in a slow, sensual kiss, eliciting a small moan from me. He tightened his grip and groaned lightly. Darian turned us slightly and pushed me up against the wall. My finger twisted in his hair, as I pushed my body closer to his. "Oh", a voice rang out, breaking our trance and making us separate to look at them. "I'll just...mind my business", Jill said, turning and walking away. I looked back at Darian, he had a big sheepish grin on his face, that caused me to smile and blush. "I better go put this away before the kids send another search party", I said jokingly, as I held up the envelope. He nodded his head with the sheepish grin still plastered on his face. I couldn't help but smile bigger. I could feel that my face was hot, so I knew the blush was deep. I took a deep breath, then turned and headed to the guest room that I am currently occupying. After much deliberation on where I would hide the contract, I decided that in between two extra blankets in the closet was a good spot. I started changing out of the clothes that Jill let me borrow and into new clothes. Jill dried and folded them for me and put them on my bed. Once getting on one of the new black lace panties and bra sets, I started pulling on a pair of sweatpants, when a knock sounded at the door, then it opened. I had my pants pulled up to the back of my thighs when I heard Darian's voice, "Oh, Goddamn, f**k. I'm so sorry", he apologized, as he quickly stepped in and swiftly faced the door after closing it. "I came to see if you needed your gauze changed", he mumbled, with his head laid against the door. "Yeah, I think I do. You can look now", I said, after slipping on my new cotton, long sleeve shirt. Darian turned and looked at me with an apologetic look before going into the bathroom and grabbing the first-aid kit. "I'm really sorry. I should have waited for you to answer", he said solemnly, as he knelt in front of me and pushed my pants leg up. His eyebrows were pinched together, like he was angry with himself. "It's okay", I said softly. He shook his head, "No, it's not. I should have waited for you to answer my knock." I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "It's okay, really.", I whispered. He looked from my eyes to my lips, then stood enough to connect our lips in a rough passionate kiss as he gripped my good thigh with force, prying another moan from me. When we pulled apart, we were both a panting mess. "I'm addicted to you. Already", he whispered against my lips. Then he placed a short sweet kiss on my lips before pulling back to look at my leg. "You should let it air out for a while. It is healing nicely", he said, as he applied neosporin to it. "It's going to leave a big ugly scar", I whined. "No, it'll be a badass scar. One that shows how strong and brave you really are. And every time I see it, I will think about how we met. And how you are a warrior, one that I get to know. Your scars define you, baby girl. They might seem ugly to you. But to me, they only add to your beauty", he whispered, as he stroked my face softly. I bit my bottom lip, trying to control my emotions. Right now, I want to cry. No one has ever said something like that to me. Usually, I get told that girls shouldn't have scars because it will make them ugly and undesirable. Darian's eyes snapped to my lips before he reached up and pulled my bottom lip from my teeth. Then he reached up and softly bit my lip before kissing me again. "I have wanted to do that every single time you touch those beautiful lips. Albeit with your teeth or your fingers. I want to be the one to touch them", he whispered huskily. My breath hitched at his confession, only drawing me closer to him. "We had better go out there. The kids are waiting", he said, standing and holding his hand out to me. "About time", Cody said, as we walked into the entertainment room. " Patience, Code. It's a virtue", I said, taking a seat on the floor in front of the couch. Raine was on one side of me, while Cody was on the other. Darian laid on the couch behind me, his back to the arm rest of the couch and his legs directly behind my head. I felt a small tug of my hair, then my hair tie appeared in front of me. I looked over my shoulder at Darian to see his cheeky grin, he had a sparkle in his eyes as he looked over my face. I smiled and took the hair tie from him. Then I felt his fingers run through the length of my hair. His fingers grazed my scalp each time, making me lay my head back on his leg in pleasure. My eyes met his, he looked so content just running his fingers through my hair. "It's so long and soft", he whispered huskily. I smiled as I melted into him. The door to the theatre room opened, "Uh, Darian. There are some people here to see you", Colin said. Darian gently moved my hair from his lap, then bent down to my ear, placing a soft kiss on it, "I'll be right back", he whispered. I nodded and watched him as he got up and left the room. Darian's POV As I walked out of the theater, two men, in black suits, stood waiting in the living room for me. "Mr. Bladez?", one of the men said. "That's me", I answered. "We were sent to retrieve you and Ms. Ella. The Don has requested a formal meeting", he said. f**k. Already? "So soon?', I asked. "He is a very straight forward man. He received word about Micheal, and requested to meet Ms. Ella in person.", he explained. "Can you guarantee me her safety? She has nothing to do with Micheal's affairs. She wants to be rid of him as much as the Don does", I said. "Your safety is guaranteed. The Don is a man of his word. He is aware of Ella's innocence and courage to reach out", he promised. I nodded and headed back to the theater to get Ella. As I walked in, her eyes immediately found mine, making me smile. I walked right up to her. "Sorry kids, I have to borrow your Aunt Ella for a bit", I said as I bent over. "Put your arms around my neck, baby", I whispered. Ella wrapped her arms around my neck, as I grabbed her waist and lifted her to her feet. "The Don has sent men for us. He wants to meet us. Well, you.", I explained, as we walked away from the kids. Ella looked at me with fear in her beautiful gray eyes. I stopped and grabbed her face in my hands, "Hey, I promise I will be with you the whole time. I will protect you. You will be safe." I assured her, before giving her a sweet, gentle kiss. She nodded her beautiful head, "I'll grab the contract, you grab the flash drive", she said. "Okay", I said with a sharp nod. She went and grabbed the manila envelope from her room, while I grabbed the flash drive from my computer. As we approached the men, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her securely to my side. "You must be Ella. I am Trip and this is Dan. We have come to escort you to the Don", Trip said. "El?", Jill asked. "We will be back as soon as possible", Ella answered her sister. "Right this way", Trip said. We followed the two men outside to a black SUV. Trip opened the back door for us. I helped Ella slide onto the seat before climbing in next to her. "It's about an hour trip", Dan said from the passenger seat. "No problem", I said. I put my arm around Ella and pulled her closer to me. She settled into my side, laying her head on my shoulder. "How's your leg?", I whispered in her ear. "I'm okay", she mumbled. That wasn't an answer. I grabbed her chin gently and lifted it, to make her look at me. "That didn't answer my question", I said softly. "It's a dull pain right now", she answered. I nodded, "Thank you", I whispered before kissing her forehead. The men didn't say anything during the journey and Ella fell asleep on my shoulder. I watched as we passed through a city to the countryside. A mansion came into view, along with a gate. When we pulled up at the gate, they took one look at Trip and opened the gate for us. "El", I whispered, running my finger down the side of her face, making her nose twitch. The cutest thing I've ever seen. "Ella, we are here, baby", I said as I kissed her cheek, then her nose, then finally her mouth, getting an immediate response from her.
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