Chapter 1

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Phoebe's POV   I open my eyes, sit up, and stretch my arms. My eyes immediately landed on the flowers laying on my window. A smile appears on my face and I walk towards the window to picks the flower. I smell the freshness of it indicating that it had been freshly picked. I kiss the flowers and put them in the vase on my night table. I then went inside the bathroom to do my daily routine and necessities. After changing, I went down to the kitchen and was greeted by my parents and sibling.   "Morning baby,” my mom said as I kissed her checks "morning mom!" I greeted back. I then went to my father who is looking at some papers while drinking his coffee. "Morning dad!" I kissed his cheeks too. "Morning sweetie pie” I smile at his endearment. "And good morning to you too, dear brother" I smiled at my brother who is seven years older than me.   "That’s General Charles McKnight to you little sister" my brother corrected me which I just smile. My brother was just appointed as a new general of the kingdom yesterday. He is assigned personally to be the overall in charge of protection for the crown princess. Which happens to be me.   That's right people! Yours truly is the crown princess of the werewolf kingdom! If you are wondering how it happened, well the only reason for that is because the crown prince of our kingdom is my fiancé.   Flashback (a week ago)   Phoebe is sitting on her stool looking at her reflection on her mirror as the make-up artist finishes his job on her face. Once satisfied "and it’s done, your highness!" The gay make-up artist said to her. "Thank you," she said smiling at him.   A warning knocks on the door before it opens, and his brother comes in. "Wow! Is that really you baby sis?!" He exclaimed.   She stands up and turns around to face her big brother. She smiles at him "none other than me!" She said. "Where's mom and dad?" She asks him about their parents. Their father is a lead warrior of the kingdom but he will soon retire once her brother is appointed as new general in charge of protection for the crown princess. While their mother is a nurse at the infirmary. A typical union of a warrior and a nurse aside from being mates to each other.   "They are both waiting downstairs," he motions his arm to her "let’s go, we don’t want to have your prince charming waiting too long now, do we?" He smiles mentioning my boyfriend soon to be fiancé and the kingdom's crown prince.   She raised her eyebrow to him "getting accustomed to your future duty dear brother?" I joke at him.   "Of course!" He seriously said as they walk out of her room in the castle. Yes, they are at the castle. In just a few moments, she will be announced as the fiancé of the werewolf prince and will be crowned princess and his counterpart.   As they descend the stairs, she saw her parents waiting at the bottom with a huge smile on their faces. As soon as she landed on the last step, she was hugged by her mom "oh my baby!" She is nearly tear eyed "mom don’t cry, you'll going to ruin both our make-up!" She said to her.   Her mother lets her go and this time her father hugs her. He kissed her on her forehead. "Sweetie pie, I don’t want to let you get married this early," he said.   She laughs at his comment "dad! We're just getting engage. We aren't getting married anytime soon" she told him while laughing.   He kisses her again this time on her cheeks, "oh I know sweetie pie, just want to say it now while I still can" he smiles earning a smack from his mate.    A guard walks in "lady Phoebe" oh it's ring really nice to her ears "everyone is waiting" he informed them.   She nodded and starts walking. They walked through the hall towards the huge hall where the throne and every one is already mingling.   The guard on the door announces our arrival. "Lead warrior, Alex McKnight with his mate Amelia. And Lady Phoebe McKnight escorted by warrior Charles McKnight!"   Everyone stops talking and turns their head on us, as one person on the throne stood up and descends it stopping at the bottom to wait. She smiles as she walks with her parents walking ahead of them. Once in front of the throne, they all bowed down to the ruler, the king, and queen of our race.   "Greetings your Highness! King Dominic, Queen Beatrice" her father said. The king raises his hand to motion for them to stand. The person patiently waiting at the bottom of the stairs couldn't stay still anymore and walk towards the family to pulled his beloved into a crushing embrace.   Everyone in the hall ohhhs at what they witness, women are blushing to see their prince showing affection in front of many subjects and in public.   The prince still embracing his beloved was pulled out of entrance as the king called him.   "Matthew, son, come up here," the king said.   Matthew releases his girl, "yes father" he nodded to him, "come" he takes her hand "thanks" he said to her brother to which he nods. He murmurs a thank you to her parents and then guided her up to the throne beside his father's chair.   Once they stood beside the king, she saw her parents walk to the side. Now everyone's attention is on the royal family, waiting for something to be announced.   The king stood and walk on the center, "my people!" He starts, "we call this gathering today to witness, and to announce to you all, that your prince" he looks at his son with a smile "prince Matthew, his engagement to none other than," he lifted his hand pointing to her, "Daughter of a great warrior of our kingdom, Alex McKnight," he for a moment and motion his son and her fiancé to come forward "lady Phoebe McKnight, your new crowned princess!" He said as his queen lay a beautiful crown on her head.   Prince Matthew took her hand and kiss her knuckles. She smiles and blushes at his affection. Not that it bothers her but more on the fact that their relationship is now official and known throughout the kingdom.   The king, side steps and said, "I give to you, Prince Matthew and Crowned Princess Phoebe!"  The crowds applaud.   The prince whisper to her ear "now you cannot get away from me" he said smiling.   She faced him and smile, "so it seems"   Present   Phoebe and her family are now on their way to the castle. Her family is escorting her back as tomorrow is the most awaited day of our race. The wedding of the future leaders of the kingdom.   After thirty minutes of traveling, they've arrived at the castle. High security is being implemented as there might be an attack that might disturb this glorious occasion.   Their car stops at the front of the palace's huge door. Outside, her beloved fiancé is waiting together with her personal maid when she stays at the castle. Matthew opens the side door for her and lays his hand to help her get out.   She smiles as she took his hand. "What are you doing here?" She asks as she didn’t know that he will be welcoming her back. She knows that he has some business to finish as he won't be able to attend to the pack business after the wedding tomorrow.   Matthew puts his hand on her back, as he nods to her parents and brother. "I want to see you back so, I might, a little bit, skip my duties," he said as they walk inside the palace.   Once inside, we are greeted by the king and queen. My parents, my brother, and I bowed our heads to greet them and to show respect.   "Welcome back, daughter," the queen said, she kissed her cheeks after embracing her.   Phoebe smiles at the queen, who will be her second mother after tomorrow "thank you my queen" she turns to the king "your highness"   "It good to have you back here, princess," the king said, "Matthew is counting down the days he will embrace you in his arms again," he said like revealing some dark secrets.   "Father!" Matthew calls to his father, "you're embarrassing your son to his in-laws"   Everyone laughs at him.   "Why don’t we let them settle into their rooms so they can rest?" The queen suggested. "We will call you once the food is ready for dinner. Please rest before that."   "Thank you, your majesty," her mom said.   ----------------------------------------------- Matthew's POV   I am pacing back and forth in my room. Nervous and excited. It’s been a week since we've crowned my beloved as the crowned princess of the kingdom. A week since I hold her in his arms at night. It was what we agreed upon with her parents that she will stay with them until before the wedding. As we have been living together at the palace since we both turned adult. I, when I turned eighteen three years ago and she after a year.   I got a pack link that stops me from pacing and concentrate. "Tell me they have arrived, Orion" my best friend and soon to be beta.   Orion chuckles at me "yes they have. They've just entered the castle"   As soon as he said that, I rush to get down the palace to wait for her at the front door. I had a view of their car when I stand on the ground. I couldn’t help but smiles. A little bit more and I can hold her in my arms once again.   The car stops and I walk towards the side door to open it for her. I held my hand so I can help her move out.   She smiles as she took my hand. "What are you doing here?" She asks him as she didn’t know that I will be welcoming her back. She knows that I have some business to finished as I won't be able to attend to the pack duties after the wedding tomorrow.   I put my hand on her back, as I nod to her parents and brother. "I want to see you back so, I might, a little bit, skip my duties," I said as they walk inside the palace.   We get inside the palace to greet my parents. And after some time, they were allowed to have some rest before dinner time.   I took Phoebe to my room, where she has been staying for the last three years. Once we were inside, I embrace her from behind pressing myself behind her tightly.   She laughs at my action. Her laughter always brightens my day and life.   "Stop sniffing me! I'm full of sweat!" She said.   I buried my face deeper in her neck, "doesn’t matter" which she just laughs at. I walk us towards my bed. She screams when we fall on it. I kiss her lips to stop her from screaming. I had changed our position as she was now under me. I deepen the kiss exploring her inside with hunger. Her hands move to caress my back as my hand fondle her breast. She moans when I pinch her n*****s. Gasping for air, I lower my kisses to her neck. Staying longer at the space where my mark will be once I claim her I mine.   "I love you so much!" I say as I kiss her lips once more.   She responded by reciprocating my kiss, deeper, hungrier. "I..," she pecks my lips, " love...," my nose, "you.," my cheekbone, "more..." And my neck as she playfully bit it.   I groan at what she did, and frankly, I’m starting to heat up and got a boner. I've pressed myself on top of her and I feel her shiver in excitement. She looks at me and I know both our eyes are full of lust at this moment. "Do you think they won’t mind if we won’t be able to join them in dinner?"   She chuckles and touches my chest, "oh, I don’t know," her hands travel down my stomach, "but I’m sure they won’t be able to stop you," bringing her mouth to my ear.   "Okay, that’s it!" I tear her clothes which she shrieks, "don’t blame me later!"   She laughs and soon she moans.   ------------------------------------------------   Phoebe's POV   The feeling of nature's call awoke me from my blissful sleep. A warm arm around my chest and warm breathing at my nape brought me to turn my attention from my back. And there he is, my dream mate. Yes, we are not each other's true mates, but we are in love. In love with each other for the past ten years. Yes, I was only ten when I fall in love with him, who is just my childhood friend then. We grew attached to each other that some hopes that we were mate. But when he turns sixteen and then after a year, there is no pull of bond. To everyone's disappointment.   But that didn’t stop us. Because even before that, we are already committed to each other. He's been my boyfriend since I was thirteen and he was fourteen. We agreed that if we find our mate on our sixteenth birthday, we will let each other go and be happy about it. Though we are disappointed we are not each other's mate, we're still happy that no one in the kingdom is our mate so we stay in our relationship.   I have been living with him for the past three years. We waited for him to turn twenty-one before we get married. And tomorrow is the day he turns twenty-one.   I raise my hand to caress his face. I trace his eyebrow, nose, and lips. I was taken by surprise when my finger was suddenly sucked by his mouth, as his hand pulled me closer to his body, naked body.   "Hmmm, yum" he smiled.   I chuckle at him, "I think we've missed the dinner" I look at the clock on his night table. "I'm hungry"   He positioned me on top of him with his both hand on my back caressing up and down and to my butt cheeks. "Do we have to?"   I peck his lips, "yes we have to," and I remove myself from him. I cover my nakedness with the bedsheet and walk towards the bathroom to change. After a few minutes, when I get out, he had already changed and fully clothed.   "I had mind link the chamberlain to prepare us some food." He then opens the door.   I nod and walk towards him.  
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