Silent Treatment

1910 Words
--- POV Tobias --- My eyes squinted as a little doe-eyed kid stood over me while I was lying down in the cabin's suite. Seth and I had a full day of classes at the university, and then we were told we had to hop on a nine-hour flight. This isn’t the first time Dad has asked us to go somewhere on his behalf without warning, but this is the first time we haven’t been told what was going on by someone when we climbed aboard this familiar jet. “Come on, big brother. It’s time to go.” I sighed. I guess I slept through the landing too. I pulled myself out of bed and threw on my high tops before combing my hands through my long black hair. Both Seth and I decided to cut our hair when we were around fifteen or sixteen. Because of that, it’s now grazing around our shoulders instead of down our backs like it was before. “Okay, okay. I’m coming.” I looked around the room for my bag and went to go pick it up when I found it on the chair in the corner of the room. She smiled happily and spun around before running out the small doorway. I climbed out shortly after her and shifted my bag onto my back. I pulled my hair away from my face and sighed as I stood to my full height and walked out of the plane. When I made it to the tarmac, my brothers and sister were waiting for me with two all-black armored SUVs. “Princes, Princess, right this way please.” Derek called from the front SUV. He bowed to all four of us as we climbed in. I sat in the middle row with Saph next to me and Seth in the front. Tyler sat sideways in the third row, grumbling, as his knees hit his chest. I looked between him and Saph confused. “Explain.” I requested coldly and, both of them looked at me. She always sits in the back row because she's the smallest. Why did they change that up? “He lost!” Saph grinned and nodded before folding her arms and looking away. “Lost what?” I asked and Seth snickered. “While we waited for you, they made a bet to see which one would wake you up. Whomever succeeded would get to sit in the middle row while the other sat in the back.” Seth was full on laughing now. I sighed and leaned back a bit. “I’m glad I can humor you three.” I added shortly, and Saph started to giggle along with Seth. “Alright now, let’s head home.” Derek called from the driver’s seat. The drive was nice. Tyler and Saph continued talking with Seth and he entertained them the whole way. I sat back and tried to think of all the possibilities that awaited us when we got home. Nothing good was coming to mind. Once the large palace came into view, our SUV came to a stop. “Thank Goddess! My legs are numb!” Tyler complained as he pushed on my seat. I hopped out of the car and shrugged. “Then learn how to beat your sister.” I said shortly and I could have sworn I got cursed for that snide remark as he fell out of the backseat. “Seth, Toby!” My mom called from the door and we both looked up at her bright smile. She shot across the cobblestone and threw herself at both of us happily. Her silver hair fell behind her and she buried her head into our chest, just like Sapphire did. Like mother, like daughter. Sometimes her actions are more like a five-year-old's instead of the Origin Shifter. I chuckled and patted her head. “Hi mom.” I don’t know when it happened but both Seth and I were grinning from ear to ear again like when we saw Saph on the plane. She pulled away and looked up at us, gasping. “You two got bigger…seriously?!” We both laughed and a third burly chuckle joined in. Dad. The Lycan King. We both cleared our throats and pulled away from her. “Hey boys.” Dad said as he came up to us and hugged us. I think we were both surprised. Over the last few years, we only saw him in business attire at our company buildings, so, hugs were not an option. We hesitated before hugging him back. “Sup dad.” Seth said happily. “I’m glad you two could come back so soon. However, I think this is perfect timing since your graduation is in two weeks.” He said after pulling away from us. We looked at him confused and he turned to me. “What are you talking about?” I glanced over at Tyler rocking back and forth on his heels. That cheeky b*stard. He knew. “Your cousin’s coronation, Tobias.” Dad answered and turned to walk back toward the house. “What?!” Seth and I called at the same time. “It looks like Vlad wants to finally step down.” My mom responded and shrugged. “He wants his sons to take over. Our whole family was invited.” Eyota and Aldon...I cannot believe Vlad is actually going to give them the crown. Over the years, Vlad has been slowing down and just enjoying the world around him. I think he was starting to get tired of constantly being the leader. You could tell. “Then why are we here instead of in the vampire realm?” Seth asked. “We thought it best to arrive as a family for once!” Johnny called from the door. We both looked up at him and laughed. “Nice to see you too, uncle!” We called back to him in unison, and he nodded. Sapphire ran up to him and hopped on his back. “We did good, right? We didn’t tell them anything!” She called happily. “Oh, you little sneak! You knew too? I’m gonna get you for this!” Seth called and bolted for his Little Gem. She squealed and shot off of Johnny’s back, disappearing into the house. I shook my head and walked up to dad. “That’s the only reason we are here?” I asked curiously. He turned to me in shock and nodded. “Of course. Why else would you two need to be here?” He asked curiously. “I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you.” I rebutted. He shrugged and we found ourselves in the living room with Tyler and my mom close behind. “Nothing yet, but we will tell you more soon. Sorry for all the secrecy, but –” “No, Fallon.” My mother said sternly. I turned to her and cleared my throat, suppressing a growl. “You can’t protect us forever mom.” “I might not be able to, but I’m d*mn sure going to try.” She growled back and I submitted. The one person that could make Adir submit was my mother and only her. Maybe it was because she’s the next Moon Goddess or something. Shocking. I smirked inwardly at my internal sarcasm. “I caught the culprit!” Seth called, throwing Sapphire on the couch. She laughed and balled herself up to block her torso from his tickles. “Okay, okay, let your sister breathe.” Mom called, completely changing her persona to more of a lighthearted tone. “Sorry bro. I know it’s annoying. Trust me, I heard.” Seth linked, and I nodded before heading upstairs to my room. “Toby!” My mom called and I ignored her. She huffed. “Be ready in two hours!” She added, giving up on me. It’s not like she was going to get me to be okay with just sitting around and doing nothing while her and dad fought with the things lurking in the shadows. One day…one day they will trust us. I growled angrily and felt my hands ball into fists and my eyes shifting back and forth from sapphire to ruby. Getting the silent treatment from my mother, dad has a gag order, and I can’t get a break. Thank Goddess I slept on the plane. ------------ I shifted the cuff of my black and gray blazer resting over my dark red dress shirt. Seth, Tyler, dad and I waited for mom and Sapphire. “Trust me. This is nothing. When we were waiting for Abs and Esa before the wolf’s ball, it took forever.” Dawn wined and I took a deep breath. Mom’s warriors were here with their mates, and it was starting to become a packed castle. We really were going as a family. “Well, I hope it doesn’t take that long now!” Seth called toward the stairs. I looked around the room while Toby – yep my mom calls me and her youngest warrior Toby, don’t ask – and Seth laughed at his joke. “They aren’t here. We are meeting with them when we get to Vlad and Tina’s house.” My dad said, answering my unspoken question and just appearing next to me. “What?” I asked. “Oh, come on, Tobias. I know you’re looking for Emilia.” My dad shot back in a hushed tone, and I cleared my throat. Thankfully, he had the decency to be quiet about it. Emmi. I haven’t heard her name in a while. She was more distraught about Seth and I’s departure than Sapphire. She may be two years younger than us, but we were all attached at the hip. Saph did her best to stay in touch with us but Emmi refused to even look at us. It wasn’t easy to say goodbye to her and she didn’t even bother to call us since then. We didn’t even see her when we came to visit. Maybe that’s more of a reason why I decided to stay on campus instead of returning home to be let down…again. Eight years…. I wonder how she fairs now. “What’s going on, Brother? You’ve been irritable since we landed.” Seth asked quietly as he placed his arm over my shoulder and pulled us away from the growing crowd. “Nothing, Brother.” I said and he stared at me. “Uhuh.” He said knowingly. To what I may never know. Sometimes that kid knows me more than I do. I guess it's a twin thing. “Alright, sorry! We are coming!” Abs called from the stairs and flew down into Johnny's arms wearing a simple white and gold sundress. Mom and Saph came down next and my jaw hit the floor. My mom was in a black and dark red floor-length, figure-hugging lace gown and full-length black gloves. She walked down with elegance and her black and red crown rested on her silver curls. She looked amazing. However, Sapphire hid behind her with her bright crimson hair and deep sapphire eyes. Her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail and her small crown, identical to mom’s, sat on her head. She wore an all-red ballgown and full-length golden gloves. The Queen and the Princess have arrived.
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