Chapter 1

2607 Words
*Arias POV* “Hey, Mamma,” I answered the phone, hiding my annoyance, as my mother had already called three times today and it was only noon! I just moved from my parents’ house, so you can only imagine how my mother was behaving. “Ciao piccola quando vieni?” (Italian for Hello baby girl, when are you coming over?) “Mamma, I’ve only been gone for two days!” I told her while rolling my eyes. I am twenty-three years old, but she acts like I was five. “I’ll come by for dinner. How does that sound?” I asked her, just to calm her down. “Perfect! See you at five PM!” She screamed happily over the phone and ended the call. “Geez, at least say bye.” I thought to myself, rolling my eyes and throwing the cellphone on my bed. I just finished unpacking the last box left from my move and headed to the shower. I live by myself in an apartment in New York City, while my parents live in the suburbs. Looking at the time, I see that it is already four pm, and the way New York City traffic is, It is best to start heading to my parents' now before I am late. Once showered, I headed toward the closet looking for comfort, so I grabbed my black leggings from the built-in shelve, my oversize grey sweatshirt that falls off one shoulder, and my uggs. I grabbed my cellphone off the bed and headed toward the door, grabbing my car keys and purse. Once I arrive at my parents’ house, I don’t bother knocking. I just waltz right in, as if I was still living in the place. It’s not like they have changed the locks or anything. “Hey Mamma, where’s everyone?” I asked her, walking into the kitchen when I noticed that the house was tranquil. “Your brothers have gone to a friend’s house; they should be here any minute, and your father is working, as usual.” She tells me with a worried expression plastered on her face. “What’s wrong?” I asked her, furrowing my brows as I leaned on the kitchen island. “Nothing. I am just worried about your father.” She tells me with her brows furrowed. My father, Sebastian Draghi, is the Chief of Police in NYC. He got promoted about two years ago, and since then, he has spent less and less time at home. In a city like this one, you have your regular everyday crime to deal with, plus you have to add the Mafia and gangs. I just shrugged my shoulders. “He will be fine,” I told her reassuringly, rubbing her arms up and down. We walked together toward the dining room, where I helped her set the table. “What are you doing here?” Ian asked me as he and Landon, my other brother, walked into the house. “Didn’t you move out?” Landon pouts, folding his arms across his chest. “Geez, I see I am no longer welcomed here!” I teased them while ruffling their hair. “I am here because I told mom that I would have dinner with you guys tonight,” I told them both while I placed the plates. Once everything was ready, we sat down to eat dinner. My brothers told me every detail of their lives for the past two days while my mother sat shaking her legs up and down. “Lui sta bene mamma.” (Italian for He is fine, mom), I told her while squeezing her hand. She just smiles while nodding her head and attempting to eat, but she is just moving her food on the plate. I glanced at my mom here and there to ensure that she was fine throughout dinner. She worries too much about my i***t of a father. At times, he may be an i***t, but I still love him dearly. I mean, he is my father. Kissing my mother goodbye, I decided to head home at about ten pm, only to crash on my bed like a starfish. I must be up early tomorrow for work. Ugh! I need a vacation asap! *Beau POV* BANG! BANG! BANG! “Pulisci Questo.” (Italian for Clean this up), I told Jaxon while cleaning the blood that had splattered on my face with the back of my hand. Nodding, he began dragging the body of Sebastian Draghi, the very well-known Police Chief Officer from the city. He was up to his eyeballs in debt with me. He loved to hire the best prostitutes I had on my payroll and then not have the money to pay me back. He had some nerve to try to hide from me! Not only did he owe me a good chunk of money, but word spread around that he owed quite a few of the mafias around. I did everyone a favor by getting rid of the scumbag. Walking up to my Black SUV, I got the call I'd been waiting for since taking Draghi forty-eight hours ago and getting rid of his ass. “Si,” I answered coldly. “Lombardi has the girl,” Kai said over the receiver. “Find out what he wants with the girl and why he has her,” I replied, ending the call and throwing my cellphone onto the seat next to me. I closed my eyes and thought about why the fūck Lombardi wanted with my girl. I say that she’s mine since the i***t of Draghi promised her as a means of payment for all the money he owed me. Arriving back at the estate, I walked up the stairs to my office, heading straight to the minibar I had installed when I had my office built. I pour myself a glass of scotch and gulp it in one go. I decided to call it a night, since it had been a hectic forty-eight hours from looking for Draghi and dragging his ass back to my warehouse for payment to killing him. The following morning I woke up and headed straight to my office as I should have the information I requested from Kai last night. As I walked to my desk, I heard a knock on the door. “Come in!” I yelled before Kai and Jaxon walked in. Kai is my consigliere and my closest advisor. Jaxon is my number one soldier; by looking at him, you would give him all your information about how big the guy is. “Boss, Draghi promised the girl to Lombardi as a payment for his debts,” Kai tells me while handing me a Manila folder with pictures of Aria, Draghi’s daughter. She is a beauty, standing tall at 5’5, with blonde hair reaching her mid-back, gorgeous green eyes, and long legs. “Interessante, you can both go.” (Italian for Interesting) I replied while gawking at her pictures. Closing the Manila folder, I grabbed my phone and decided it was time Lombardi and I had a conversation. “You have something I want,” I told him without even a greeting. “And what is that?” he spats back. “The girl, of course,” I replied with a slight smugness. “She’s mine!” he replied sternly. “I’m coming for her, be ready,” I told him before ending the call. *Mateo POV* “Capo, we have lost track of Draghi,” Aiden tells me while hanging up the call with one of his informants. “When?” I replied. “Yesterday,” he states. Fūck, where the hell did that slimy motherfūcker go? He owes me money since he loves to hire the best prostitutes at my club and leave without paying. The word on the streets was that I was not the only one. Therefore, more capos would be looking for him. I had Aiden, my consigliere, look for Draghi and take him to the warehouse to find out when he planned to pay. We had a conversation a couple of days ago, but he has just vanished. “Let’s get ready to collect my payment,” I told Aiden before walking out of the office of my warehouse and getting into my unmarked black SUV. “Capo, the girl is currently not home. It looks like she’s having dinner with her mother and siblings.” Aiden told me, looking at me through the rearview mirror. “ Okay, let’s give her tonight, but I want someone watching her place all night.” I replied. He nods and starts driving to my estate. “Get me all the information you have on Draghi, whom he owes, his finances. I want to know everything,” I told Aiden. “Yes, capo.” He answered, nodding his head. Once we arrived at my estate, I walked straight to the minibar in my office while Aiden got me the information I requested. Sitting down at my desk, I heard Aiden coming back in. “Capo, here is the information you requested.” He told me, handing me the manilla envelope. “Grazie.” (Italian for Thank you) I said as I grabbed the manila envelope. As soon as I opened it, the first name on his list of people he owed was Tarantino. What the fūck? I crumbled the paper as I threw the glass of Jack that I had in my hands across the room, making it shatter on impact. “I need to know where Tarantino has been for the last forty-eight hours! Veloce.” I said sternly, making Aiden nod and leave my office. I grabbed my phone and called Emera. I met her during one of my visits here in New York City. “Hello.” She answers quickly. “Where are you?” I asked while leaving my office, walking out to the garage, and getting into my Black Audi R8. “Home.” She replies with a hint of annoyance. “Be there in thirty,” I told her and hung up. Once I was on the road, I sent a quick text message to Aiden, letting him know that I would be back in about two hours. Once I arrive, Emera buzzes me in. Emera has no idea what I did. She thinks I am a simple businessman that comes and goes from Italy once a month to handle business in the states. She knows the rules, no questions. I always call her with different numbers, never giving her the real one. I call her when I’m here in the states and leave once I’m done. *CONTENT WARNING* “Hey.” She tells me seductively while placing her hands on my chest. “I don’t have much time tonight, so this will be quick,” I told her while grabbing a handful of her long black hair. I pulled Emera by the hair and turned her around to face the wall. She has a white camisole on with no bra and red lace underwear. I grab her hands, placing them on the wall. “Don’t move them,” I tell her. I grab her underwear and rip it apart in a rush. “That one was one of my favorites.” She whined. I begin trailing kisses down the back of her ear to her back as I spread her legs apart. I take out a condom from my pocket while I start unzipping my trousers and removing my cöck out, quickly sliding the condom on. I didn’t even tell her to be ready. I slam my dīck inside her already wet pūssy, making her moan in pleasure. I grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head back while kissing her neck, slamming my cöck inside her harder. All you can hear are my balls slapping her asš. I released her hair and hit her asš hard. I slipped my cöck out and turned her around, grabbing her cheeks as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I began walking towards the kitchen counter, where I placed her. Due to the coldness of the countertop and the fact that she was hörny, her nīpples were pebbled. I begin rolling them between my fingertips with one hand while entering one finger inside her. Once I knew she was almost at her climax, I removed my fingers and slammed my cöck back in. I’m thrusting her hard and fast when she reaches her orgäsm, followed by mine. Once I had regained my breathing, I pulled out, removing my condom and throwing it out in the waste bin before fastening my trousers back on. *Safe to read* Leaving Emera’s apartment, I grabbed my phone and dialed Aiden. “Any Updates?” I asked. “Capo, you will not like what we have,” he replied. “I will be there in thirty minutes,” I replied before ending the call. I sped to my estate, wanting to know what this information was that I would not like. Once at the estate, I went straight into my office, where Aiden was waiting for me with a manila folder in hand. “Capo, according to my source, Tarantino took Draghi,” Aiden said. “How long ago?” I asked as I looked through the paper he had given me. “forty-eight hours ago.” He replied. Fūck, that is about the last time I heard from Draghi. “Let’s go for the girl then. If Tarantino has Draghi, it will not take Draghi long to offer the girl up as a form of payment to him too.” I replied. Aiden nods his head, turning around to leave my office to get the backup needed. If Tarantino knew about the girl, I’m sure that he would be moving fast. About twenty minutes later, Aiden came back to the office to tell me that we were ready to move. “Let’s go,” I said, standing up from behind the desk. Aiden nodded, turning around and leaving the office with me hot on his heels. According to the information that Aiden had gathered, We reached the girl's apartment just in time for her to leave for work. We collected information about Tarantino’s whereabouts all night and staked the place. I stepped out of my SUV and started walking toward her apartment building as I saw an older lady leaving and holding the door for me. “Thank you, ma’am,” I thanked the old lady as I walked past her and headed inside, taking the elevators to the fifth floor where Draghi’s daughter lives. It is way too early to be taking five flights of stairs. Once I get to her floor, I start walking toward her door. She is coming out of her apartment but is fumbling with the keys to lock the door, not noticing that I am right there. She bumps right into me when she turns around. “I’m so sorry.” She said as she looked up. “Nothing to worry about, Principessa,” I replied. She nods her head while looking back down at her feet before leaving. “Where are you going, Principessa?” I asked her while pulling her back by her arm. She attempts to remove her arm from my hold when I hold on tighter. I smirked while shaking my head. “Tu Vieni con me!” (Italian for You are coming with me), I said before throwing her over my shoulder.
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