Chapter 4 : The Good Fate

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I was halfway grabbing a black tank top out of Beatrix's closet since I was forced to move back here without any notice and only a pair of clothing on before being told to "get dressed." How ironic Dad! "Miss Bentley, I have been looking you everywhere." came a voice right after an abrupt knock. I scoffed realizing it was Lila. When will this woman ever stop intruding on the people of this household? I had almost formed up a sarcastic reply until my eyes fell on a piece of clothing in her hands. My gaze followed her expressions that seemed aghast as she stared at the tank top in my hand. At least, I am not the only assuming things and getting shocked by them, not that she assumed wrong by spotting the tank top in my hand. "I brought your dress for tonight!" she spoke hastily as if afraid I would run past her and show up in a tank top at my first meeting with a forcibly turned-fiance. I scrutinized the red piece of clothing in her hand. My senses kicked in a bit and I found myself shocked, staring at it. "No, thanks," I said before turning away. I would prefer suicide than wear that short red dress to an unwanted dinner. She scurried closer but stopped when I shot her a glare. She had been working here since I was young so that made her aware of how cruel I could be when it came to forcefully make me do something. "Mrs Bentley told me to make sure I give it to you." she insisted and I rolled my eyes. Of course, she did. She would just love to make me go through that torture. It's high time, I give her a piece of my mind. The day had already been worst enough. Snatching the dress from her hand, I stormed off to Katalina's room. The footsteps echoed as each of my steps slammed against the floor. A few servants watched me wide-eyed, whispering over what was to come. Pausing, I shot a deadly glare to one of the servants who was gasping with an intrigued expression printed on his face. Let's just ignore the part where he later ran off to the nearest corridor, shivering. Bursting the door to her room open, I clenched my jaw in an attempt to control my anger. "Are you sure this is a family dinner and not some kind of slave auction?" I asked, standing in my father and Katalina's room's entrance while holding the dress disgustingly. On second thought, I should have kept the dress for a night out with girls but again, it was from Katalina. I prefer suicide over, dressing according to Katalina. She gulped hard stuffing her hand back inside a half-opened drawer and slamming it shut, suspiciously. "Have you forgotten your manners dear?" she glared at me, afraid that I might have seen her suspicious activity. And she is absolutely right. Forget the dress, what the hell did she just hide from me? "Now, let's not talk about manners especially not after this." I, once again waved the dress in front of her while shooting her a sharp look. She breathed a sigh of relief realizing that I noticed nothing. "I've heard a thing or two about Raphael's preferences in women-" she paused eyeing me down, disgustingly. "and I thought that dress will help a lot to make you look presentable." she snorted and turned around, completely ignoring my presence. Anger flared inside me, watching her attempt to treat me like s**t. I shifted out of this house 2 months back to not get dragged into this type of business where I would be forced to do things. Of course, as a daughter of a mafia leader, I would have expected that but never did I expect that my father would take me as someone who would give in. Especially when my dumb stepmother is a part of dumping me into hell with Raphael Crassus. Oh, how much I despise men of the underworld and Raphael. He needs separate mentioning since he has a whole column reserved for him in my hate list. Asshole. Ever so slowly, I took some steps edging close to her with a dangerous look on my face. "Listen Katalina, I warned you before and I am saying it for the last time." I leaned in on her face dangerously close. Her features twitched as my intimidating stance began to frighten her a bit. She gulped hard and twitched her long nose into displeasure. "Stay out of my business or I'll make you my business and trust me that won't be very nice." She rolled her eyes after a few seconds of gaining her courage back. I had never been the most admired woman of the Bentleys. In fact, many fear me the most after my father or sometimes even before him. Of course, I did not acquire that only with words but also a few stunts pulled on some men after they tried to over-smart me. Come one, who likes men who try to double-cross you? I gave her a last look before turning around. However, her words made me pause short. "You know you are stuck with him, Raphael. Besides, at least be grateful for the good fate your father has chosen for you." Anger once again flared in me as I tried to conceal it my best. How dare she even think that this is a good fate and I would let myself be stuck in it!? For women like her, I almost feel pity for them since they never got a chance to make decisions for themselves, let alone have a say in their weddings. No wonder, she thinks that I'll be suffering the same fate. "Unlike you Katalina, I'll choose my fate." Enraged, I spoke up. Something flashed in her eyes before she masked it away. Though I was already convinced that her vicioousness was finally coming to the surface. She plastered a sarcastic smile on her face before she twitched her lips in a taunting manner. "Your fate was chosen for you the moment your father signed the deal with Raphael." I gasped, lightly because most of it was hidden by my furiousity. No he couldn't have... could he? Being an expert family in dealing was one thing but getting dealt with was an entirely different case and illegal in my criminal view. What has gotten into father? I found myself more confused and curious instead of being heartbroken.
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