Chapter 4

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their journey to her home was silent, no one spoke a single word throughout the drive. Ariel kept looking out of the window, her body shivering as she could feel his dirty gaze on her. she felt like he was trying to see through her clothes with those lustful eyes. Ryan on the other hand was enjoying the beautiful view before him, the beautiful angel sitting beside him was so enchantedly gorgeous that no matter how hard you try but would never take your eyes off her. she was a beautiful sight to behold. Ryan knew he was making her uncomfortable by the way she was shivering but couldn't help staring at her like a creep. Ryan cursed under his breath as soon as his car halted as he knew he would have to let her go for now "get out" he said and Ariel eagerly followed his command, she didn't even hesitated for a second to open the door and almost jumping out the car and running to her home. "a baby she is" Ryan shook his head in amusement and left from there but not without glancing at her retreating figure. Ariel ran to the front door of her house and twisted the door knob and it was luckily unlocked. she didn't think much and ran inside shouting "mama? dad?" "Ariel!" both her parents exclaimed from the living room and Ariel quickly hugged her father. her father's embrace was the safest place for her. "are you alright mama? dad?" she asked checking them for any injury. "we are fine princess don't worry" Michael assured her, patting her head lovingly. "mama!" Ariel went to her mother and she wrapped her arms around Ariel "my baby! are you fine? did he hurt you?" "I am fine mama" both mother and daughter cried in each others arms while Michael rubbed Ariel's back softly. after few minutes when both mother and daughter stopped crying, Michael made them drink some water and all of them sat on the couches with Ariel's head on her mother's lap. "I am sorry it's all my fault" Ariel said as more tears spilled out of her eyes. she was afraid what if he had hurt her parents, she would have died there. "no princess, none of this is your fault" Michael cooed smoothly as he caressed her hair. "what does he want from you?" Arina asked in concerned, she knew how fragile her daughter was and how dangerous Ryan was. "he wants to marry me" "what? how could this be possible? you don't even know each other and besides you are already engaged" dad said in confusion. "I don't know dad why he wants to marry me" Ariel replied. "did you ask him?" Arina asked her daughter. "no" Ariel answered "I was confused and scared. I didn't know what to do" Ariel told her parents about everything, what happened to her since the moment she left her house; about their meeting on the road and her visit to his office. her parents went numb when they heard how vile he was and they knew they had to protect their precious daughter from that filthy man. "don't be afraid of him Ariel. you don't have to worry about us, you will only marry the man you love" Arina said breaking the silence. "yes! don't worry about us. we won't let that man anywhere near you!" Michael agreed with his wife. "how could you say not to worry about you! you are my only family and I could do anything for you two" Ariel said with sincerity. her parents were her life, Ariel never had to ask for anything from them because they had provided her with everything. they weren't rich but they do belong to a decent upper middle class family where they had everything they could ask for and it was not money that build a home but love. "but you can't marry a man you don't love, Ariel" her dad objected "but I can marry anyone for the sake of my love ones" she said meeting her father's eyes. Michael looked at his daughter and searched for his carefree little girl in her eyes but couldn't find her. all he saw was a girl with determination there and he wondered when she had grown up from a little stubborn princess to a fine determined lady though the stubbornness was still there. "and what about Ian? don't you love him" Arina asked holding her daughter's hand. "I do mama, you know I do!" Ariel looked down at her laps "but n-not more than you" "that's it I have decided that you are not going to marry that man. you will marry Ian as soon as he is back" Michael declared "when he is coming back?" "a day after tomorrow" "it's decided then, you will marry Ian the next day he gets back here and then we will see what Ryan Armando could do" "but would he agree for the marriage this sudden?" Ariel asked confused. "he would" Arina smiled at her daughter as she glanced at her husband. "everytging is sorted then" Michael asked "let me talked to Ian" he said and pulled out his phone from his pocket. "dad wait! don't tell Ian anything he would be worried" Aried rushed to "I will talk to him once he is back" "but princess-" Michael didn't think that hiding this from Ian was a good idea. "she is right, honey. Ian has gone there after so long, let's not ruin his vacation with his family" Arina interrupted her husband and the old man sighed in defeat. "alright now you take some rest, princess" Michael told Ariel who nodded in yes. they had their dinner together where Michael explained how the plan should be executed and Ryan must not know about it. Ryan, on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about her. everytime he closed his eyes her image flashed infront of him snatching away his peace. Ryan didn't know what was happening with him, he had never experienced something like this before. it was like every cell in his body was craving for her. Ryan felt like he wasn't in control of his own mind. the ticking sound of clock on the wall made him restless, he tried and tried to get her out of his mind but nothing seem to work in his favor. Ryan sighed in defeat and stood up throwing a T-shirt on he walked out of his room and pulled out his car driving to her home. "she has caused this havoc in me and now she must calm it" he muttered and after forty five minutes he stood across her house, parking his car on the road he entered inside Petrova premises. Ryan's calculative eyes looked at her house, it wasn't big but just a two story house which was no doubt beautiful. Ryan didn't knew why but he liked it from outside although he had never liked house this small but he didn't know why he liked it; maybe because it belonged to Ariel. Ryan casually walked inside the little garden they had and stood right across her room, he looked up at her closed window and pulled out his phone calling her. Ariel was sleeping peacefully when she heard her phone ringing and without glancing at the screen she picked it up. "hello" she said in a sleepy voice, rubbing her eyes a little. "hello sweetheart" her eyes went wide open as soon as she heard this husky voice. a shiver ran down her spine and she felt her throat getting dry. "who is this?" she asked eventhough she was well aware with whom this voice belong to. "I know you recognize my voice so drop the act" he said coldly, he didn't liked it when she tried to avoid him. "w-what do you want now?" Ariel felt herself getting irritated, why this man had called her at this hour disturbing her precious sleep. "I want to see you right now" Ryan sense a hint of desperation in his own voice which he hated. "are you out of your mind it's mid night!" "so what? come downstairs I am standing in your garden, right infront of your window" Ryan demanded, his voice held mischeifness. "or else?" Ariel raised her voice slightly but Ryan let it slip this time as he was in the playful mood. "else I will come to your bedroom and will cuddle with you whole night or maybe more than that what say?" he playfully spoke and Ariel didn't doubt his this time, she knew he could do that. "fine! I am coming" Ariel defeatedly sighed and put on a red robe to cover her legs till her knees and shoulders as she was wearing a Cami and booty shorts as her night wears. she quietly came downstairs not wanting to disturb her parents, she tip toed to the garden. Ryan on the other hand was taping his foot impatiently. it was the first time Ryan was excited to meet a girl in his whole life. there she was, slowly coming to his direction, covered in a bright red robe hiding those beautiful curves of her body, her hairs tied down in a low bun yet some daring strands fell on her face waiting to be tucked behind her ear. she walked gracefully yet timidly to him like an angel. his cold ice blue eyes stared at her intently. a light wave of wind passed making her loose strands of hair dance with it making Ryan to go mad with desires. Ryan smiled when Ariel huffed in annoyance when her hairs caressed her rosy cheeks and those plump lips, she unknowingly pouted and Ryan felt like she was teasing him. "don't you have some basic manners! you want to meet a girl at mid night" she taunted stopping at an armful distance from him. "I am not meeting with any girl but my fiance and there is nothing wrong in meeting your fiance at mid night" Ryan smirked making Ariel to roll her eyes at him. Ariel turned on her heels and took a step back as she thought she could go back now but a hand grabbed her arms, making her to turn around and to face him. "I didn't told you to leave" he snarled at her, not liking the thought of her leaving this soon. "I don't think I need your permission to go back to my own house!" Ariel retorted back in anger trying to free herself from his grip. Ryan snaked her waist with his other free hand and pulled her against him, her hard chest collided with her soft fleshy front. Ariel's eyes widened as soon as her melons got squeezed by his sudden pull against his rock hard chest, she flushed in embarrassment as soon as she realized she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. Ryan smirked at her flushed red face and wide eyes, he enjoyed her embarrassed state. "leave me!" Ariel struggled harder as she realized this man was here to molest her. "shh sweetheart! stop moving and I swear I won't do anything" Ryan said when he saw the accusation her eyes held, he wasn't here for this right now and from the look on Ariel's face he knew she was thinking that he would take advantage of her. "please step back" she quietly mumbled feeling uncomfortable with his close proximity. "I won't take you before the wedding so rest assured" Ryan meant to assured her but all Ariel felt was disgusted with him and with his words. "you can never have me! not now not ever!" Ariel yelled as she hit him on the chest "take your hands off me!" that ticked Ryan off, the more he wanted to make her comfortable the more feisty she was becoming. Ryan was just trying to calm her but she was being so unreasonable making him mad. Ryan step back a little creating a little gap between their flushed body and Ariel almost sighed in relief but it was soon replaced by a gasp of utter horror when Ryan swiftly untied her robe from her waist. Ryan's eyes scanned her body in her low cut Cami top showing good amount of her breast and then the cute navel, the small curve of her waist that rose up to her ass and then those long white legs of her. she was far more beautiful than he had thought of her to be. Ryan felt a twitch down there in his member, Ariel was not what he usually considered as his type yet she managed to arouse him like never before.
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