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Daisy I walked into the diner and smiled before getting my coffee ready. I was in my own head until I heard someone call my name in the back. “Yeah?” “That biker guy, the one they call Fuse, came back last night asking about you.” Liam told me and I felt confused. But he did give me a big tip last night, maybe he needed some back? “Ok, I’ll see what he wanted if he shows up today.” I smiled and he nodded. Fuse… I hated the nickname. All because he had a short temper because he was protective. He fought for his brothers, was the first to help… they said he was always itching for a fight. Bragged about it. But I knew Victor. He was the man who loved what he had in the whole brotherhood thing. He likes to make people he cared about happy. He was a good man, and he had been a good kid. He used to walk me home since he lived a few houses away from the trailer park I grew up in, once there he got right into the friends and I always assumed he only walked me home because I was a small girl. Other times I thought he could use me as an excuse to why he was home late. We would play games like guess the color in my head or ispy and when he graduated high school and became a patch for the MC, I was just… nothing. By that time my mom was telling me I needed to get a job, therefore, diner. No more walks home after work, I’d pull a full shift from 3-11pm. Not that I ever saw a dime of what I was working for, but it kept me busy and easy from boys. I even worked the night of my senior prom. It was a blessing though. I didn’t turn out like my mom where I was 15 and pregnant. I didn’t have abusive ex’s who showed up at random times in my life. I had a work ethic, I had dreams, and I had savings for myself. I ran around the morning rush, getting plates and coffees and ringing up to go orders. I smiled at some of the regulars and waved as they left and when 9am hit I watched him walk in, eyes on me and I smiled and pointed to a table while walking the coffee pot around for refills. I grabbed another mug and headed for him before I was pulling out the pad. “Same-“ “You’re going to tell me if Tucker calls you again.” I gulped as I looked down at him and he was nothing but serious. “I don’t know what you mean-“ “Don’t bullshit me Daisy. He made you cry last night. Rowdy told me what he thought the issue was, I went there after I left and set the fucker straight. He calls you again, you tell me.” “Vic, I’m fine. He can’t make me pay him-“ “He tried to sell your debt to us. We didn’t take it. He has no papers on it. Now that’s us… if he finds someone to take it, they won’t care. He hounds you-“ “Order for table 12! Daisy!” I turned my head and was glad to see an upset cook trying to push out more plates but had no room. “I’ll put in your usual.” I told him as I turned and walked away, hooking the coffee in to keep hot I ran around some more, dropping plates and making sure everything was good before I put his order in. Looking over as I did to see if he needed more coffee he was joined by some of his brothers. “Hi. Coffee?” I asked the table and they both nodded. I got two more mugs and set them out before getting the pot and filling the three mugs since Victors was basically empty. “Give it a minute Girly.” I nodded at Kiwi and Ryder and turned. I saw his plate was ready but held back as they talked some more. When it was calm at the table I walked Vics plate over and pulled out my order pad. “Mexican breakfast for me.” Ryder told me and I nodded before looking down at Kiwi. He was the only one I never knew before. He was a transfer or something like that. He came with his nickname since he was from New Zealand. His accent always made me melt. “You little one… what do you think I should have?” He asked and I felt my eye sight go fuzzy as I held my breath. “Uhh-“ “Get that … whatever Fuse has. It’s what he always gets so it must be good.” Ryder told him and I licked my lips as I looked to Victor. “Is it good?” Kiwi asked looking back up to me and I gulped and nodded slowly. “You look so pretty when you blush little one.” He moved to raise his hand but he flinched and I jumped as he growled and looked right to Victor. “Touchy.” “No touchy.” Victor told him and I stepped back. “Thank you Daisy.” He didn’t look at me as he dismissed me and I just nodded slowly before turning to put the orders in. Another 10 minutes and I was able to look over at them again. Kiwi had his cup up like he was trying to signal me and I nodded. “Not saying it again Kiwi-“ “Darling, a chance you ever have a night off?” Kiwi seemed to ignore and dodge a kick from Victor as he stood next to me. He was tall, darker and heavily tattooed. He was a monster of a man but as sweet as a teddy bear. “I work to afford to keep eating Kiwi. Sorry.” I shook my head and he sighed as if it was a huge let down. “Refill for you too?” I asked them all and I made sure not to make a mess with my shaking hands. I set their plates down, took Victors empty one and set down his bill. It was a fast paced morning and when I got back to their table I set down two more checks and smiled before watching Vic dismiss them. He stayed where he was. Watching me. It was 20 minutes before I headed back to him. It was almost lunch. “Are you waiting for something?” “Your break.” He narrowed his eyes at me as if he was being patient with me and I gulped. Apparently he wasn’t letting the Tucker thing go. “That’s not for another half hour.” “I’ll wait. I’ll move to the bar if I see you need the booth.” He told me and I just looked around knowing we probably wouldn’t need it since lunch on Monday’s were usually take outs and I would just be needed at the register. I was physically aware of him watching me until my break and when I put in my order he joined me at the bar and tapped the seat next to him. I just bit my lip and went to sit down. “How long have you been out of the park?” He asked me and I gulped. “7 months now.” I had finally gotten around to putting my savings in as a good down payment for a loft that had great rent prices. It was a little more than half my income but with working at the diner I didn’t spend much on utilities or food. “So he thinks you owe him-“ “He wants to round it up to 10 thousand.” I told him and he shook his head. “Its your moms place-“ “And when she died eight months ago I took over the lease.” Not to mention the rest of her debt. It took me 3 months of tips to pay off the liquor store she got “credit” from. “Daisy…” his soft voice had me looking up and over at him and he sighed. “I didn’t know about your mom.” That’s true, he had been gone for some reason or another, none of the guys really talked about it when I asked if he was ok. But then I’m sure none of them could tell me why he couldn’t come in. “It’s fine.” I tried to stop it. When it first happened I got so many “how sad” and “poor girl” comments and I didn’t want more now. Not from him. “It’s shitty. I know it is. But her stuff shouldn’t be put in your name.” He told me and I huffed a laugh, “Do others want money from you?” “I paid her stuff off. Everything but the park. I don’t live there, I didn’t sign any agreements…” “What do you mean you paid her stuff off. What else was there? Who asked you for money?” “The store she used to get her stuff from. They let her have a bunch of stuff on credit a month. She would pay the first of the month or try to.” I waved it off knowing I didn’t go in there anymore. “Anyone else?” “One of her ex’s tried a couple times. He’s a guy who passes through town every couple months. Now that I’m not at the park he doesn’t know where to find me.” I told him and he cursed and shook his head. “It’s fine. Thank you for talking to Tucker and his wife. It’s a sweet thing to do.” “You tell me if he contacts you again. I don’t wanna be here wondering if you’re crying in the back because of him.” He ordered and I nodded slowly. “Words Daisy.” “I will tell you if he tries to call me again.” He nodded at me and I sighed. “Good girl.” He stood, and as quick as I could blink he kissed the side of my head, in my hair, and turned. I saw the bill on his table still with some cash under so while I waited for my lunch and he left, I went to collect and ring him up for the register. And yet again… he left me a $30 dollar tip. I shook my head and thought about what he was doing for me, or rather what he did for me. My heart was his… but I knew even now I never stood a chance. Even if I wasn’t in the park… I was still just trailer trash he was helping out. I worked the rest of the day, waiting on some of the others from the MC and I had a smile on my face when the date night couples came in. It was cute that the brothers indulge in double dates. The first time I called Tank by his real name in front of Fiona she about got in my face wondering how I knew his name, and when Travis reigned her in and told her who I was, she apologized and said she kind of remembered me. I called him Tank now. Just to be on the safe side. I was walking home when I heard a bike rolling up behind me and I turned to see Victor with his face on full display. Where was his helmet? “Where you going babe?” “Home... like other people do after a long day at work. What are you doing?” I asked and he kind of walked along with me. “About to take you home. Get on.” He told me and he held out a helmet and I realized it was probably one he usually used. “You need that, not me. And you should already be wearing it, I am fine.” I told him and he narrowed his eyes before spying something and then revving up and onto the sidewalk using a small dip of a driveway. “Get on Daisy before I just start walking with you.” He told me and I just bit my lip and shook my head. I was not going to ride with him if he wasn’t protected. I hopped around him and down the rest of the street before I heard his boots scuffing behind me and then my arm was tagged and I was pulled to a stop. “I just want to get home.” I told him and he nodded slowly and worked his jaw. “Next time I can swing by, I will bring an extra helmet, until then, lets walk like old times.” He stated and I just smiled, he remembered walking me home, it must have been a small blimp on his memories but it was everything in mine. “You know you don’t have to walk with me.” He shook his head at me right away and I just raised my fingers and nibbled on my thumb. “I want to. You’re a sweet little thing, easy prey.” He told me and I just shook my head. “I do carry a knife. I am not some dumb blonde in the scary movies waiting for Jason or Freddy to jump out and kill me.” I told him with a huff and he smiled over at me. “Like scary movies do you?” I shrugged at the question and he laughed. “I’ll bring one for next time too. Maybe the new IT.” he told me and i just laughed. “What?” “I didn’t really like those.” I told him with a shrug. I had made it a point to get that day off, saw it at midnight and while sure it had some jumpy parts it was just kind of gory and I would even say funny. “Maybe I will get the Annabelle movies then.” He tried and I smiled and nodded. I had seen the first one, but not the others. “You wouldn't have to. Honest, I usually try and sleep when I get off, I wouldn’t want to fall asleep on you or-” “You would fall asleep watching a scary movie?” He asked and I nodded. I had done it if it wasn’t that scary, like the Amityville Horror house movie. I had been out before anything ‘scary’ happened. I told him about the times I had been asleep and woke up scared, but that was more to do with the noise and screaming. He laughed with me instead of thinking I was weird and I just walked to the building with him. I needed a key to get in the gate but that was about it, and the gate was pretty high up. “You go up, I am going to check the sides.” He told me and I felt a little confused as to why, but I left the gate key set with him and went up the side to the second floor. He watched me go and I just waited to see him get into the gate before following me up. He was headed up and I opened the 2nd floor. “Hey.” I smiled at Aiden, my across the hall, nice as can be, gay as they come, neighbor as he passed with a hand full of trash and the other holding a cardboard box. “Hey there cutie, everything ok?” I looked at my neighbor Aiden and nodded and he smiled. “I will always have wine out for you-“ “Back off, now. She’s taken.” I turned at Victor's voice and saw him coming closer to us from the stairway. Me? Taken? “She’s a free bird. She’s not going to just bow down to some ego ridden male no matter how hot you are.” I saw the anger on Victor's face turn to a blush. “Now, my dear, is he bothering you?” “No Aiden. He’s Victor, and Vic, this is my neighbor Aiden.” “Gay neighbor… swing my way?” Adien c****d his head to the side and smirked as he held out his hand. The trash bag at his feet was long forgotten as he focused between the two of us. He already knew the answer but he was always in for a penny getting a pound. “Not me. She’s mine.” Victor nodded to me and I gulped and licked my lip. His? “So you know someone who looks like you who will be into me?” Aiden looked him up and down again and smiled wide. “I promise to be good-“ “Nope. Aiden. Stop.” I cut him off as he licked his lips and I fought off a laugh. “Come on.” I reached for Victor's arm but he linked my fingers with his and held tight. “Such a waste of a straight man… nice ass.” He called before he hit the stairwell and I blushed as I got to my door and pulled out my keys trying to be fast to unlock it. “He’s a good guy.” I muttered knowing the stigma and all that and hoping he wouldn’t talk s**t. “He saw me moving in by myself and help and his friends helped when they came over-“ “Love, I don’t care that much about you having him as a friend. I want you safe and if he is someone I can depend on to help, like he just did thinking I scared you, then I’ll take it.” “He’s… sweet.” I told him as I pushed open my door. He pushed it open and told me to wait as he moved in and looked around. Aiden had given me some old stuff he was going to throw away when he saw how little I had, so now I had a nice chair with my old couch, I had tons of fluffy blankets kind of scattered around my place… and a kitchen table with his old chairs. “It’s clear.” He waved me in and I turned and closed up the door as he watched me. “Relax, shower, do what you normally do.” He told me when I didn’t move from the door. “Shower? With you here?” I asked and he smiled at me and crossed his arms. “I could always join you.” He smiled coming closer to me and I bit my lip and tried to control my breathing. “Or I can leave you for now. With Aiden nearby I trust you’re in a safe building. I will go and get my bike and go and head to bed.” He told me and I nodded slowly. “You call me if Tucker calls you.” “I already agreed to do that.” I whispered and he nodded slowly as he looked over my face. “I know, and if he shows up here, you tell me that too. I want to know if he bothers you at all. Even if you’re walking down the street and he calls your name. I want to know about it.” He told me and I just nodded slowly so he knew I understood and I would do it. “Good.” He smiled and I licked my lips and smiled back after a moment. “Night.” I whispered and he nodded slowly and headed to the door. I followed and he turned as he walked out and leaned in, his lips on my cheek left me breathless and his wink as he turned and headed down the hall as Aiden made his way back. He said something and Aiden went wide eyed and smiled as he turned back to watch him walk. “Honey... if you weren’t dead on your feet I would make you come over and spill the beans! When do you get off at 8 next?” He asked and I just bit my lip. “Two days, why?” I asked and he smiled. “Because you are dishing. How do you know him?” “Childhood.” I told him and before I could stop it I yawned. “Go get some sleep babe. I will set the building on high alert at the next meeting.” He told me and I nodded slowly. “Night honey.” “Night.” I told him and he winked as he opened his door and we closed up at the same time. I put the lock, the chain, and the little loop before turning and getting my shoes off.
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