
Yours Unknown Book 2

age gap
small town

Ivy Turner has recently returned to her hometown of Riverview after being away for some time. However, her excitement for being back in her hometown is overshadowed by her constant fear of a stalker who has been making her life a living hell. This stalker has been known to take control of her life, causing her great distress.

Despite her concerns, Ivy is determined to be around her friends and family again and resume her normal life. However, things go awry when she realizes that her stalker has not gone away and is still very much present in her life. The pain and betrayal she experienced before are still very real, and she is constantly looking over her shoulder, worried about what her stalker might do next.

As time goes on, Ivy's stalker becomes more daring in his attempts to win her affection, increasing her fear and anxiety. Ivy's journey is far from over as she tries to navigate her life while dealing with the constant threat of her stalker.

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It had been six months since we moved away from Riverview, and we moved to a little place called Elmwood. It rained most days, and when it wasn’t raining, it was foggy or snowing. Pretty much the opposite of everything I liked. I had woken up from another nightmare. I have had them almost every night since moving away. They always felt so real to me. My bed would always be soaked with sweat, and I would always have a hard time breathing. They were almost always the same dream. They made me wonder what my friends and family were doing. I missed them more and more every day. Not that I would tell this to Dean, but I had been in contact with Ozzy over the months. Never seeing or talking to him again was just too much for me to handle; I needed my brother. I only made it a month before I had to call. I missed him. Ozzy and I had never been apart before, so it hurt more than ever. Out of habit, I got out of my bed and walked over to my window. It had become a nightly routine when I had my nightmares. Mist covered the backyard, and the clouds blocked out any light. Because of the fog, I could barely make out the trees in the distance. The foggy night made the memory of my stalker come back tenfold, causing a shiver to run down my spine. My stalker told me all the time how much he loved me. I didn’t see how it was possible. I was stuck in Elmwood without my loved ones all because of him. The way he went about things made me so angry; I would never be able to forgive him, and I would never be the same again. I felt myself changing into a person I didn’t want to be. I tried my best to stop it, but I had become angry at the world, and I knew it was caused by the trauma I had gone through. The detectives did end up giving Dean and me new names. They weren’t too bad. I was Evie Goodwin and Dean went by the name Joseph Goodwin. We moved into a little house, one that was provided by the state. Dean got a job working at the police station but was disappointed because he was demoted. They didn’t even let him keep his truck, which he worked so hard for. I always felt guilty for bringing him down with me. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen, then grabbed a glass of water and downed it. I took another look out of the window just to be sure, fearful that my stalker would find me, but as always, no one was there. From what Ozzy told me, he hadn’t even shown himself at home since I left, except once. Ozzy said all he did was leave a note, but him being the brat he was, he wouldn’t even tell me what it said. Because of my nightmares, I went to Dean’s room almost every night. Having him around made me feel safe, and my nightmares stopped for the night. I went to his room and crawled into bed next to him. People found this weird, but it was the only way I could sleep peacefully. Saying that I was an emotional roller coaster would have been an understatement. There was nothing worse than being trapped in your own mind. Dean wrapped his arms around me when I got into the bed. “I’ve got you, Evie. Everything is okay,” he mumbled. He was still sleeping, but with this becoming a nightly occurrence, this routine was embedded into Dean’s head as he slept. I felt unsure of how comfortable I was getting sleeping next to Dean. I was growing uncertain and had troublesome feelings towards him, but feelings tend to grow when you spend all your time with one person for six months. He was all I had left of home, and I grew closer to him than I ever thought I was capable of. The memories of my stalker would always remain in my head. The hurt, the sadness, and the betrayal of someone I held dear to my heart still haunt me to this day. There had been no news about whether my stalker had been placed into custody. He was still out there. With that knowledge, I had fallen into a depressed state, and it scared me. The only thing that kept me going was the daily phone calls to Ozzy and the one I call a hero: Dean. I tried to think happy thoughts as I went back to sleep. I was shaking, still, from the nightmare that woke me. Dean tightened his hold on me; I felt warm, and I was able to sleep again. The next morning, the sun shining in Dean’s window woke me up. Dean was no longer next to me and at work. He was happy about working; he always came home in a good mood, and that was enough for me, even if I didn’t get to leave the house. I made my way to the kitchen and started making myself something to eat. Thankfully, my cooking had gotten better as I was forced to learn with my mother gone and not having Lisa around; I had to start cooking for myself. After I finished making my food, I headed to the living room, turned the TV on, and watched the news as I ate—like I did every morning. “A mass shooting took place today. It left one officer dead and two injured,” the woman on the TV said. I was fearful. The overbearing feelings of love for Dean came back to me, and I had to call him. I didn’t listen to any more of what was on the TV. I took out my phone and dialed Dean’s number. Hearing stories like that always made me worry about his safety. He answered instantly. “Evie, I figured you would call. I’m fine,” he said. I could hear the smile play on his lips as he laughed a little. “I just wanted to make sure. I heard on the news that cops were injured and another dead.” “I’m alright. I have been at the station all day. Detectives don’t really get in the middle of things like that. We do the hunting part,” he replied, laughing again. “Okay, I love you, stay safe.” “I will; I love you too,” he said, and I ended the call. I have felt confused over the last six months. I had developed feelings for Dean, ones I never thought I would have but that I had accepted. At first, I figured it was because it was just him and me here, and he had done everything for me, but they were getting stronger. I was worried and unsure of what to do about them. I ignored them the best I could. After turning the TV off, I finished my breakfast, cleaned my dishes, and took a quick shower. Having one bathroom in the house was a hassle. Dean had walked in on me many times and always panicked over it. I wished I could say I did things during my day, but that was it. I woke up, ate, showered, watched TV, went to bed, and then restarted everything the next morning. On the days that I did get to go outside, Dean would panic the whole time I was gone, always thinking I would get caught up in trouble. I put on some comfortable clothes, headed to my room after grabbing my phone, and saw messages from Dean and Ozzy. Dean’s message was always the same. I love you and will be home at six. Stay inside! Ozzy’s message was the one I was interested in the most; I loved talking with him. Hey Evie, call me when you wake up. I miss your voice. I tried to do everything I was told when I came here, but I missed my brother way too much to listen. I dialed his number and waited.

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