Chapter 4

487 Words
I turned my back to him and walked towards Lily and her mom, I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall, she was my best friend for as long as I could remember and I knew it wasn't going to be easy being away from her . She stared at me with a similar expression and I knew she was trying just as hard not to cry. "I guess this is it."I whispered, not wanting to say goodbye. "I guess it is, I will miss you so much Leah."Lily cried pulling me in for a hug, I returned her hug and couldn't stop the tears this time as they flowed down my cheeks like a running river. "It’s going to be okay, we will have our phones with us, I'll call you as soon as I reach my new home." "I hope you don't forget me when you get new friends."Lily said sadly. "Of course not, you know you would always be my best friend."I promised her and I meant to keep that promise,no one could replace Lily. After a few minutes we finally let go off each other and I smiled gently at her. "Tell me how it goes with your stepbrother." she teased with a wink sent in my direction. Leave it to Lily to make me smile at a time like this, always lightening the mood, I would miss her dearly. "He seems like a total jerk if you ask me."I mumbled rolling my eyes, remembering his attitude. Suddenly Lily's eyes widened again, what was wrong now? "He is behind me isn't he?"I asked in disbelief, he definitely had horrible timing. Lily just nodded as if stifling a giggle. I slowly turned around, forcing a smile on my face and stared into his mesmerizing deep blue eyes, how did anyone not drown in those eyes? "You ready to go?"he asked in that sexy voice that made my knees feel like jello, something about the way he spoke brought shivers up my spine and butterflies in my stomach.No guy in my high school ever did sound like that , were all the guys where he came from like this? "Miss Rose?"he asked again. "Um, yeah I'm ready."I replied finally finding my voice. "Well what are you waiting for, get in the car."he ordered roughly. Jeez..what was his problem, did he wake up in the wrong side of the bed or something? Without waiting for another response from me he strode off to his car. Sigh...'it was nice meeting you too'  I mumbled under my breath. I gave Lily one last hug and jumped as I heard the car honk, once , then twice. Seriously? Was he that impatient! "I'll call you."I said to Lily with a soft smile. With that being said I stomped off towards the car with Jace or as I like to call him, 'The jerk'.
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