Scouts Honor

1586 Words
"Now, aren't you a sight for sore eyes" I stated as I walked over to the table with a smirk on my face. "Happy birthday Lay Lay!" Cara jumped into my arms and gave me a huge hug. "How are you feeling? You have come of age and can now even find your mate!" she said. I looked at her sideways as usual. I love her so much! I don't know what I would do without her, but sometimes I forget she battles her own demons. Poor girl swears she sees the future and has been alive for over 120 years. She also swears she has magic but needs the "elements" to do so. Since she talked about my "escape" that she had "foreseen" every day since we met, I knew that topic would soon come. "The time is near. Are you prepared for the escape? You are of age now, and they will be coming for you. Do you remember everything I taught you throughout these years?" Cara asked. "Yes," I sighed. Throughout these years, Cara has explained to me all about "werewolves," "vampires," "shifters," and "witches." I use a lot of air quotes when speaking about Cara because you have to take everything she says with a grain of salt. She believes in her stories just as much as I believe in mine, and it's always lovely to hear her stories. She always goes into such great detail. Sometimes she holds storytime with all the patients. We all sit there, taking in everything she's saying. Every battle, every love story, every life saved, it's as if she's painting a beautiful, painful picture, and we can see every color vividly. "Don't forget the promise you made to me," Cara scolded, pulling me from my thoughts. "I know, I know. I promise to come back for you once I escape. Scouts honor." I reassured her with my right hand on my heart and the first two fingers of my left hand in the air. "I just can't understand why you can't come with me when I escape," I stated while entertaining her ideas. "I have already told you. It's not in the cards for me! You must find yourself and gain your strength and power and come back for me!" She stated rather matter-of-factly. See, Cara has explained to me that she is a hybrid. She said her mother was a seer who was very much loved during her time as a child. She talks about how her mother would foresee wars and famine and saved the people many times. Her father was a mighty white warlock. She said when she was born that her father was already 750 years old, and even though he loved her mother, his position in his world held great responsibility, and he just never had much time for Cara and her mother. Being half seer, half white witch, she says some of her powers are not as strong as a full-blood. Her visions, she says, are usually accurate but sometimes fuzzy. I must admit there was more than one occasion she said something would happen, and it did, but those are obviously coincidences. She claims her magic has been dormant since she has been in this place. "I need my elements," she would often say. "So when will all this be taking place?" I asked, looking her in the eye. She shot her eyes at the floor in shame "you know I can't see as clearly as my mother! I don't have a date and time; I just know it is soon after your coming-of-age day, so any day now!" I smirked. "I shall finally be free! I shall spread my wings and fly away from this place," I teased as I opened my arms as if I was about to take off in flight. "It's not a joke! The time is near! I need you to take this seriously, Mylay!" She scolded. "Ok, Ok," I exclaimed, putting my hands up in surrender. "I will be more focused on my "escape" and coming back to save you!" I chuckled. "You are impossible, Mylay Marks!" she chuckled as she swatted my arm. I looked over at the clock; it said 8:58. "Crap" I shouted as I jumped up. I have a session at 9. I will meet you in the rec room at 10," I said, hastily walking away from Cara. I walked down the long hallway and up a flight of stairs to Counselor Macky's office. As I walked in, the lovely smell of coffee hit my nose. "Mmm" was the only sound I could make as I took another whiff. "Ahh, Mylay, 3 minutes late, I see. Come, have a seat. Would you like some coffee?" She stated as she peered over the top of her glasses which she slid down her nose. I giggled. "I was so close this time. Tomorrow I swear I will be on time!" I stated as I poured myself some coffee. "Ha! I've heard that before! You're impossible! Do you know that Mylay?" she laughed. "I may have heard that once or twice," I chortled, then winked my eye at her. "Sit down, sit down! I have something for you," she stated excitedly. I sat down, and she handed me a small bag with some frilly paper sticking out of the top. With a genuine smile on my face, I said, "thank you, Counselor Macky." "Stop it, My. You know when it's just me and you, it's just Karla" she countered. "Thank you, Karla," I responded as I blushed. See, this is another morning crew person I love! She has always been so kind to me, and every time I entered her office, I always felt safe and at peace, even if it was only for about an hour. "So, how have you been feeling, My?" Karla questioned. "I have been doing well!" I answered. "Taking it one day at a time, I hope!" she stated. "Of course! That's all I can do anyway," I sighed. There was silence for a few moments as Karla studied me. It was like she was working up the courage to say something. Finally, she broke the silence. "So how's Aja?" she asked with a sweet smile on her face. "Quiet! Thank goodness! It's been so long I am starting to think she doesn't exist anymore, or I guess maybe she never really did." I expressed, a bit of disappointment laced in my voice. I told Karla everything eventually, and unlike everyone else, she didn't look at me like I was crazy. Granted, I knew it was her job, but I still knew that she genuinely cared about me. Or at least I hoped she did. "Still nothing, huh?" She asked. "Nope!" I answered, popping my P. The session went as usual, and right at the end, just as I was getting up to walk out to go meet Cara, I heard the words "open it." "Excuse me?" I turned around, confused. "The gift. I want to see you open it!" She stated as she pointed to the bag. I mouthed an 'o' and sat back down. I pulled the paper out of the bag and dug my hand in to grab what Karla had bought me. I pulled it out, and there it was in my hand, a little gold box! Just like the one Ashton gave me that dreadful night! I started breathing heavily and fast as the room started spinning. "What is this!" I yelled. I started pulling at my hair. Flashes of that night rushed through my head! Ashton, my bones breaking, the pain and the humiliation! I couldn't catch my breath and I started slipping. "Calm down, Mylay please!" I heard Karla say with fear in her voice as she reached to press a small red button under her desk. The next thing I knew, I was no longer in control of my body as my eyes went dark, and I heard a voice I knew wasn't my own. "What is the meaning of all this? Is this some joke to you? I thought you cared about Mylay!" I heard the voice say with a mix of anger and disgust laced in every word. "N-No, it's n-not like that, Aja!" Karla screamed out, petrified. "Ha! You, humans, are all the same! What? Did you get her this to see her reaction? After knowing everything she's been through?" I heard Aja yell as she flipped Karla's desk over in a rage! Then she zeroed in on Karla. "You know what? I thought you might be good for My, but now I think I should just kill you," I heard from Aja with a sick smirk on her face. As she stalked towards Karla, I yelled "STOP!" through our minds. "Don't you take another step, Aja! We will not harm Karla!" I fought to gain control, but I was weak, and Aja was in a rage. She threw her head back in a sadistic laugh. "Watch me!" she said aloud, as she stood in front of a scared Karla and lifted her off the ground by her neck, with her feet dangling beneath her. As she gasped for air, Aja looked her in the eyes and said, "You know I could break your neck in one snap, right?" Aja chortled. Just then, the door swung open, and I felt an intense feeling in my neck before everything got hazy and I slipped into darkness.
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