First Nightfall

663 Words
First Nightfall   Four years later... A beautiful figure swam across a seventy feet pool in the back of a two story mansion located on a hillside. It was a private estate. With clear waters surrounding the figure, you could see his pale skin that glistened from the rays of the lovely morning sun. From across the pool, a handsome tanned skinned man in his forties walked out of the house's backdoor wearing his blue business pants and white shirt. The figure on the pool stopped swimming and got off the waters at the end where the handrail was located. It was almost in a slow motion as the young and beautiful man clasped his hands on the rail and pulled himself out of the waters wearing nothing else but his black swimming trunks. His muscles flexed as he held on to the rail. And as he stepped up to the concrete floor and the water slid down his handsome physic, he made a combing movement on his wet hair with his right hand fingers. 'Sexy'. His audience thought. The man in the suit licked his lips as he stood in front of the swimmer. A proud grin adorned his face. "Good morning, baby..." The man in his forties, who at his age still looks very young and charming, gave the other man a good morning kiss on the mouth. The younger man kissed him back without touching him as he was still wet from the morning exercise and didn't want to ruin his fiancé's work clothes. "You too, babe..." The older man walked to one of the outdoor chaises near the pool. He took one of the prepared white and clean towels and handed it to his younger fiancé. "Couldn't sleep well last night?" The man helped him dry his hair. He stroked the younger man's face and kissed his lips one more time. While the older man continued drying his hair, the young man didn't utter a response. He looked at the other straight into his eyes. His fiancé is a forty six year old business tycoon. A billionaire based on the US dollar currency. This man could just up and go without bothering to check on him, whether he is okay, or whether he was troubled from the lack of sleep at night. This man didn't need to bother himself to dry his hair after his occasional morning swims. He didn't have to walk barefoot out of the giant house that he owned to greet him good morning. His working attire, incomplete. This handsome man. The man who saved him from almost dying on the cold hard floor of a Bangkok City alley. The man who gave him everything and anything for the past four years. The man who showed him love when everything was lost. His second chance. This man that he vowed to marry months from now. His fiancé. "Baby?" The older man asked him with worry. "I love you, you know that?" He confessed in between his soft genuine smile. His black orbs were shining. Even his thick brows couldn't hide the shimmer in those eyes. The older man smiled back. He threw the towel away carelessly. He wrapped his arms around the young man's waist and kissed him passionately. The businessman picked his fiancé up by his backside and pulled him towards his body. The younger man rounded his arms on his neck. He didn't care if his fiancé's body was still wet. He didn't care that the clothes he wore might get ruined by the pool's chemicals. He didn't care that he had to be at work in less than an hour. He didn't care that he might lose a huge client if he was late. All he cared was that moment. When his fiancé said the word love. And when they pulled away from each other's mouth, they gazed at each other's faces. Locked their eyes to each. Black to the brown ones. They both chuckled. A warm pair of melody that graced the beautiful scenery of their yard. Happiness. That's what they both felt at that moment. "I love you too, Beau." Prama Khamsaen whispered to his beautiful and handsome twenty three year old fiancé. ______________________________  
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