Picking Up the Ruins

1206 Words
Josh POV I never thought I would be separated from my sister again. I felt like I only just got my Twin back. This is something that I have to do though. I have to go back to my father's pack and clean up the mess he made. After years of abuse, s*x trafficking of She wolves and Trafficking of children to become slaves, I am going to have my work cut out for me to regain trust. My father Warwick was an evil man. He abused my mother and then tried to kill me repeatedly, Finally, I and my Mother Sally escaped and went to the blue moon pack where my new best friend was the alpha, Problem was Freya got left behind. We tried to go back and get her with so many failed attempts and near-death experiences, Finally Jensen my best friend and Acting Alpha to his father Alpha John Castle. Lucky Jensen went when he did, Freya would have been left for dead after a beating from my father. Between my Stepbrother Lawrence, after my mum found her second chance mate with Lawrence's father Peter, who was a great man, Jensen and Sarah who was part of my father's pack got her out and helped her heal physically. Mentally It took a lot longer. We found out a little of what my father had been up to within his criminal activities. I knew when I get to the pack I had to prepare myself for far worse than I could imagine. The pack may not accept me either. I haven't met a single one of the pack members since I was a child. I wanted to do a complete overhaul of the chain of command with the small coast pack. Alpha John, Jensen's father was coming to oversee the takeover and give his support. He was a brilliant man but his wolf-like sons were something to be feared. Even I got a little frightened seeing him mad. This man was full of control with his wolf urges. He is more Lycan than a wolf, Which made him stronger than an average Alpha. Lucky for me I wasn't an average Alpha My sister and I was born to 2 Alpha parents and I was a Lunar Twin. Built to protect the realms with my twin. At first, our descendants Geri and Freki were gifted to Wohan a god-like a man who the moon goddess was in love with many 1000s of years ago. She Blessed Geri and Freki Lunar twins with Powers to help protect Wohan while he was out in battle. They were designed to be Loyal, strong, Powerful and most of the ll-cause destruction. Frigg the moon goddess saw the destruction Wohan was creating and the abuse towards her Lunar twin shifters, She paired them with mates hoping Wohan could see that love does concur all. He destroyed the twins and their mates when he found out, that Geri was pregnant with his own son's child. He was obsessed with Geri and wanted her all for himself. She was the only one who could break down the barrier between the worlds. Frigg also saved Geri's Children who happened to be twins and gave them to a poor shifter family where no one suspects them of being special. For years people have abused Lunar twins. The females in twins tend to be the strongest magically wise. The male twin has strength abilities but mainly got killed off before he grew of age. Being a threat and overprotective of their twin. This is the first time in history that the lunar twins are of both Alpha parents. I was always a huge teenager, Most male wolves get their wolfs at 16 but because I was a twin and we share a bond, I get my wolf when she does at 18. The moment my 18th birthday came Freya and I both grew in body mass. I grew in height also. I was pushing 6ft8 currently. I knew I looked like a walking talking beast. I'm not though, I like to think of myself as a funny gentle giant. I have nicknames for almost everyone, whether they like it or not. I loved reading History and legends. I had no want to become Alpha. I'm doing it out of duty, I want to protect the people from my later father's pack from further pain and agony. I knew Freya would have made a better Alpha than me but she is already Luna of one of the biggest packs. It took Took a few hours to get to the small coast pack. As soon as I got on the land I let my Alpha aura out. To let everyone know not to f**k with me. It was a typical primal animal dominance. If anyone tried to challenge me I would have to fight. I know with my sheer size of me and my fierce aura no one would have the balls. I got to the pack territory gate and saw a young boy on patrol. He didn't even look like he had his wolf yet. He had a gun strapped over his shoulder and was in complete camo gear. "Stop there. you are about to cross the pack border. I will have no choice but to shoot" the boy said. I could see him shaking "Im Alpha Warwick Michael's Son, Josh Michaels, Twin of Freya Michael's. Your Alpha is dead. I am here To claim my right as Alpha of Small Coast Pack. Unless you wish to challenge me, I would take me to the packhouse. We need to prepare for Alpha John Castle from the Blue moon pack's Arrival" I said letting my Aura slightly hit him just as a warning. "The alpha is dead? Oh god, this is the best news I heard all day. I'm Garth Nicolls, at your service sir" Garth said. We walked away to the packhouse. North hadn't wiped the smile from his face after hearing Warwick was dead. "Was he that bad Kid? My father?" I asked "Yes. I can tell you are different though. You do not like him. I always liked Miss Freya too, she was nice to me and my sister little sister Jane. I was working border patrol to earn enough money to get her out before Warwick Claimed her or sold her." I said "How old are you kid?" I asked again while we were walking "Just turned 15 sirs, Josh... I mean Alpha" Garth said looking extremely embarrassed with getting my title wrong. "Garth Please just call me Josh. Im here to help make this pack great and run smoothly to benefit all pack members. Also, I dont like titles kid" I said. After Garth walked me inside He stood up strong and tall on a chair and screamed. "Alpha Warwick is dead! Alpha Josh is laying Claim to small coast pack as Warwick's only son. I speak from knowing him the most out of anyone in this room he is going to make our pack a good pack and save us." Garth said. This kid had more balls than most. He just named me to target No.1 in this whole packhouse.
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