Chapter 1

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[all POV’s will be harrison’s unless stated otherwise~] Hello~ I'm back with another pet play story ^^ I've been wanting to write again for a while but it's been hard to get back into it. On my break from this account, I've been writing fan fiction on AO3. Writing characters that already exist is a lot easier for me so I'm using the same characters I wrote in PET for this, please understand. If that is a problem for you, I advise not reading it~ PET and this story have nothing to do with each other, I just wanted to use the same characters because they mean a lot to me. PET was by far my favorite story to write and I really love those characters. There are similarities in the characters of course, their personalities are just a little different. Morgan and Caesar are both doms in this while Harrison is the sub and a puppy hybrid. Just saying it again, PET and this story have nothing to do with each other. I hope you enjoy~ Growing up, it wasn't uncommon for strangers to come up and gently coo at me. They'd compliment my ears or tail and tell me how cute I was. At 20 years old, this still hasn't changed. No matter how many times it happened, I'd still stutter over a soft 'thank you' and let them pet me. People were always fascinated when they saw that I was a puppy hybrid. We weren't that uncommon but there weren't too many of us where I lived, so I could understand their curiosity. The attention was nice most times. I'd lean into their soft touches and let them coo whatever they wanted while they pet behind my ears. Being a hybrid wasn't all ideal though. It meant always having my emotions displayed even when I tried to hide them, or having people look down on me because they thought hybrids were dumb dogs that needed an owner to speak for them. Just yesterday, I had some older man talk to me like I had the brain cells of a four year old. I'm sure he meant well, but it was still insulting. I've even had people doubt me when I told them I was in my second year of university. What did they think we did all day? Feeling a little sulky, I quickly perked up when I got a text from my older brother, Declan. 'do you think you could do your best older brother the biggest favor in the world~ i forgot my lunch and have a meeting soon :('. My lips twitched up, mentally picturing the pout that was surely on his lips. I sent him a text back and quickly pulled on a new pair of clothes to walk down to our shared university. My tail flicked behind me happily when I left the house with his lunch in hand. Declan firmly refused to let me stay in the campus dorms when I first brought up moving out. I figured he'd say this since he was so protective over me, so I wasn't too upset by the limited freedom. It was cheaper living with him and his girlfriend anyways~ It was Friday, which meant Declan had film studies, which meant Caesar had film studies. And if Caesar was there, Morgan wouldn't be too far. My tail flicked again at the thought of them. I'd have to get that under control before I saw them, I mentally thought with a huff. It couldn't be any more obvious that I had a crush on my brother's closest friends, surely they had to know. Declan was probably the only one oblivious to the crush I've had on them for the past year. Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I quietly poked my head in the room Declan said he'd been in and immediately spotted him talking with Caesar. My stomach swooped when I saw him. He wasn't doing anything special, just sitting with a small smile as he nodded along to whatever my brother was saying. He didn't need to do anything to make my legs feel numb. His black hair was parted down the middle today, framing his face and making him look softer than usual. I mentally whined, he was so cute it was almost unfair. Forcing myself to calm down, I quietly walked into the room and immediately gained everyone's attention. My face flushed from the sudden attention as Delcan beamed a large grin. He forced me into a hug, his brown hair that I also inherited tickling my neck in the process, and pet my head. "Thank you so much, you're a life saver." I hummed and let my gaze wander over to Caesar. He was already watching me, same smile on his lips that stretched wider when we made eye contact. "Did you walk here?" He asked, noticing the bag on my back. I nodded shyly. "Um, yeah." Declan frowned at this and pulled at one of my ears, making me whine. "Why didn't you take an uber? You shouldn't be walking around alone." I rubbed at my ear and puffed my cheeks out. Declan was always worrying about me leaving the house by myself, which I could understand at times. I knew a lot of people fetishized hybrids and wanted to keep them as some sort of pet. "It's not dark out and nothing happened." "Still," he frowned, "take an uber next time you're alone, okay?" I nodded, only to make his worry ease and was rewarded with a pat on the head. "Good boy." "Declan." My cheeks went red with embarrassment. "I told you to stop saying that, it's weird." He smiled sheepishly and mumbled an apology. Caesar's lips quirked up as he watched us. He looked like he was going to say something but a sudden weight on his back stopped him. Morgan draped himself over Caesar's back and grinned at me. His long blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail today, cute. "Harrison! I didn't know you were coming~" He wrapped his arms around Caesar's chest with his full attention trained on me, deep blue eyes scrunching with the intensity of his smile. My stomach swooped again. They look nice together, I thought but instantly pushed the bitter thought away. They were nice together. When Declan told me offhandedly that they were dating a few months ago, I felt devastated. I always thought that maybe I at least had a chance with one of them, but now I had none with both of them. Morgan and I were the same age but he was in Caesar's grade with Declan because he was 'a genius'. We used to hang out sometimes, apart from the other two, since we had similar interests and were closer in age, but I slowly distanced myself when I found out he got together with Caesar. It was hard seeing them together at first but I was trying to make myself get over. It was safe to say it wasn't going well, especially from the way I jumped at the opportunity to see them now. Is this what withdrawals feel like. "Ah, yeah," my ear twitched awkwardly, "Declan forgot his lunch." My brother looked guilty as he checked the time. "I actually do have that meeting soon but I'll take you out to lunch soon to make up for it." I nodded as he took his lunch and started gathering his notes together. Morgan leaned down, whispering something softly next to Caesar's ear who nodded a moment later. "Ah, Declan! Caesar and I can take Harrison out to eat, we were about to get lunch anyway." "Oh, really? That's a good idea," Declan turned to me, "you haven't eaten, have you?" Did I really want to go out to lunch with both of my crushes and watch them act like a couple? "Not yet." It was just lunch, I tried repeating to myself as I felt my tail start to wag. Caesar saw the movement and laughed softly before he stood up, Morgan following suit. Morgan noticed too and grinned as he slung an arm over my shoulder. I let out a shaky breath and tried not to lean into him. "Sounds fun, right? We haven't hung out in a while." He smells good. "Caesar's been missing you~" I peered over at Caesar as he walked with Declan to the door, before shyly looking back to Morgan. "Really?" "Oh yeah," He laughed airily while we followed the older ones, "he's always asking Declan to bring you with him when he comes over. Declan always says he will but then you never come!" I totally wasn't avoiding you or anything. "Sorry! I've just, uh, y'know, stuff." I flailed a hand around and he watched me for a moment before bursting into laughter. His hand slipped from my shoulder to ruffle my hair before he pulled away altogether. "You're so cute~" A strangled sound fell from my mouth. "It's okay, we're not mad. We just miss you." "We?" He raised an eyebrow. "Did you think only Caesar missed you?" I shrugged sheepishly. "Nope~ We both missed you. Good thing we're hanging out now, right?" He bumped his hip with mine with an easy smile. Being with Morgan felt easy. He was a naturally laid back person with a bubbly personality and contagious smile. It was hard not to get along with him. At first, Caesar could seem a little cold. He didn't show his emotions as much as Morgan and didn't express how he felt through his words. His touches were always gentle though, soft and calculated like him. He was pretty playful after getting to know him and overall a calm person. Being with them was easy but it hurt sometimes. Seeing them together made me feel jealous, but I wasn't sure of who. I didn't want them to break up or anything, it was hard to even remember what they looked like without each other. They complimented each other nicely. I just wish I was there too. The three of us walked to a diner just a little ways from their university. They held hands the whole way while I fought not to stare so openly. Caesar guided us over to a circular booth in the corner and squished me in between them. My mind went blank before my tail started wagging quickly, causing him to look over. His lips twitched up. "Excited?" My shoulders hunched shyly before nodding slowly. God, it couldn't have been any more obvious. "It's just been a while," I scratched my cheek and looked down at the menu, "since we went out together." He hummed lowly. "Declan said you were working on a new piece?" My ears, that were naturally folded, twitched happily. "Yeah! My professor just assigned a new project and I really like it." I didn't realize how excited I'd gotten until my tail started repeatedly thumping against the booth, noisily. Morgan looked up from his menu and smiled when he noticed. "Really? What's it about?" "Oh, um-" My voice trailed off, too distracted to answer him properly. Feeling flustered, I had to forcibly grab my tail and tuck it under my leg. It hurt a little but it was better than embarrassing myself from getting excited at everything they said. Feeling a weight on my head, I looked up. Caesar ran his hand through my hair and gently scratched behind my ears, instantly make them twitch happily. Not being able to resist, I leaned into his touch and he laughed quietly. "You're just a pup" he uttered softly, "it's okay to act like it." He petted me for a few more seconds before pulling his hand away. My face flushed again, something I noticed was happening a lot around them, as I peeked a glance at Morgan to see him already watching me. "Your project?" Relief ran through me. He didn't seem mad that I'd shamelessly enjoyed his boyfriends pets, even smiled a bit at the interaction. As I told them about the new art piece I was working on for school, my tail gradually uncurled until it was eventually swaying slowly behind me. Caesar rested his hand on his palm while he watched me animatedly go on about all the ideas I had with a calm, interested smile. He even threw some questions in now and then, smile growing the more excited I got. "Your other artworks are beautiful, I'm sure this one will be too." He praised with such confidence, like anything I touched could be art. "Definitely!" Morgan chirped, almost as excited as I was about it. "You'll have to show us when you're all done." His smile made my knees feel weak. "Thank you." I shied away from their praise, almost afraid I'd do something embarrassing if they went on. My mind flashed back to a few months ago when Caesar had congratulated me for passing all my exams and showered me with praises. 'What a smart pup.' He'd teased while petting me. Overwhelmed from being praised so much, I whined aloud, surprising both of us. Caesar leaned closer, saving me from having to live through the mental embarrassment of my memories, and gazed down at my menu. "Do you know what you're getting?" "Oh." I quickly looked down, not having read the menu since we got here, and pointed at something randomly so they didn't have to wait on me. "This." He raised an eyebrow, looking amused. "You're sure?" Glancing at the random meal, I did a double take when it was some sort of fish. "Uhh," No allergy would stop me, "yeah." "Yeah?" He scooted closer until our thighs were touching and shifted the menu so we could both see. I stiffened at the small touch, having the sudden biggest urge to sit in lap. Pushing the thought away, I tried to focus when he pointed at a different dish. "You like this, don't you?" He dipped his head down to look at me just as I was looking up, making our eyes meet intensely. My lips parted to agree but only a soft, incoherent noise slipped out. Caesar pulled back slightly but still waited patiently to see if it was okay. Snapping my mouth shut, I quickly nodded and threw an awkward thumbs up at him. Kill me now. Why did I think I'd be able to function properly while being squished between them? After that, lunch went by without anymore embarrassing moments, god bless. Morgan kept conversation going easily, saying anything and everything that he thought was worth sharing. I was grateful for it, always having found silence to be awkward. Maybe I was just awkward. When the food had come, my tail wagged happily when I noticed it was fettuccine, one of my favorite foods. He knows my favorite food. This put me in a good mood for the rest of lunch, happily munching on it until it was gone. Morgan praised me for it too, so earnest in his words. "You're such a good eater~" He was already poking at Caesar's food, his long gone, making Caesar roll his eyes. Yet, he stilled pushed his plate over for him to have. As I spent more time with them together, it was hard to be upset that they were together. Jealously, I'm still not sure of what, still lingered in my stomach but it had considerably gone down as I watched them. They really were good for each other. Caesar paid for the meal, Morgan kissing him in thanks, while I uttered a more subdued thanks and avoided their eyes. It wasn't until we'd already been walking for a few minutes, that I realized I had no idea where we were going. I just started following them, sandwiched in the middle this time, without a second thought. Like a dog following it's master, my mind unhelpfully supplied. I looked around for any sign to where we were walking and faltered when a group of teenage boys slowed when they saw me. One of them smirked before pursing his lips out to make a kissy sound, and patted his thigh. "Come here, boy." My ears slowly flattened on my head as I looked away. They're just a couple of teenagers, don't let it get to you. "Do you not understand? Ruff, Ruff." He let out a mock bark. "What about that? Is that easier for you?" Morgan slid his arm my shoulder and continued to walk forward calmly. He'd stopped in the middle of his sentence with a frown when the boys interrupted, but was now carrying on like nothing happened. I had no choice but to follow him, ears still flattened and tail curled against my leg. I stiffened when Caesar placed his hand on my lower back and soothingly ran it in slow circles. "It's okay." He uttered softly, not giving the boys a second glance. I forced myself not to look back and slowly relaxed with each step further away. He glanced down at me at some point, hand still a steady anchor on my back. "I know it sucks but that's why Declan is so worried about you being by yourself. It's not your fault people are like that, but it's still better to walk with someone when you're out." His hand slid up and rubbed my neck, making me let out a soft noise of content. Morgan, who was now holding my hand, squeezed it with a firm nod. "If you ever need someone, we can come with you. We're usually not doing anything." He nodded to himself, as if mentally rescheduling any future plans he had, and grinned. "Just send us a text and we'll come." I had the strong urge to nuzzle into him, but for his sake and mine, reigned it back. "You don't have to-" "Nonsense." He squeezed my hand again. "It give us an excuse to see you more, anyways~ Right, babe?" "Mhm, you don't come over as much anymore." I smiled sheepishly, not thinking they would even notice something like that. "See? Told you he missed you. He only talks about you all the time." Caesar rolled his eyes, but didn't deny Morgan's words. My breath caught, did he really? There was no reason for Morgan to lie. As we continued to walk, I started to notice more and more familiar surroundings. My chest warmed when I realized they were walking me home. "Thank you." I smiled shyly when we finally reached the front door. Caesar slid his hand into Morgan's after he'd let go of mine, and ruffled my hair one last time. "Don't forget to lock the door." I huffed back an 'I know', clearly old enough to remember this. A smirk played at his lips, making me realize he was only teasing. After opening the front door, I turned back to see them still waiting. "What?" Morgan teased when I hesitated to leave. "You want a goodbye kiss or something?" "No!" I denied it much too quickly and turned around with a huff. "Just- text me when you get home or something." I threw the door open, more than ready to wallow in my embarrassment alone. "Or don't, I don't care!" I heard them laugh together before the door slammed shut. Not long after, when I had my face stuffed in my pillow while still wallowing in embarrassment, my phone buzzed with a text. Morgan: made it home safe and sound Caesar: morgan ate s**t after you left Morgan: SAFE AND SOUND !! I whined into my pillow, mentally throwing myself a pity party. Fuck, I really liked them.
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