Chapter 1

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Phoenix sat at her desk and tried to focus on her chemistry work, but she was finding it hard to do so with Jakon in the same room. Ever since she had come of age and received her wolf, he had been following her around and talking to her.   If I hadn’t gotten my wolf, he wouldn’t be giving me the time of day. He has been so mean to me all year. He didn’t change until the Shift Moon Ceremony two weeks ago. He thinks that he is hot stuff just because he was an Alpha’s son before he was adopted by Doctor Grant. Even though I can’t stand him, I can’t help but feel attracted to him, Phoenix thought to herself.  “Phoenix, can you tell me the elements that can be found inside an apple?” their Chemistry asked, looking at her with his arms crossed. She groaned to herself inwardly as she looked up. She had been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn’t been paying attention. Luckily for her, she had read ahead in the textbook and knew the answer.  “The elements are, Boron, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Nickel, Lead, Selenium, Titanium, and Zinc,” Phoenix answered, easily. The Chemistry teacher nodded his head in approval.  “That is correct. Thank you, Phoenix,” The teacher said, turning back to what he had written on the white board just as the bell rang for lunch. “Alright, no homework tonight. See you all tomorrow.”  “Nix, are you okay? You have not been yourself the last couple of days?” Sarah, her best friend asked concernedly. “Is it because of Jakon?”  “Will you hush? He could hear you. I am not sure,” Phoenix admitted to her with a sigh. “I have just felt off the lately, you know. It might be all the stress because of finals next week.”  “Righttttttttttt, that’s why you were staring at Jakon before the start of class,” Sarah said, giving Phoenix a friendly shove on the shoulder.   “What? I am just still amazed that he can fit that big ego of his through the school door. That’s all,” Phoenix lied.  “I still don’t see what the big deal is. So, he likes you now. What’s the big deal? Why don’t you give him a shot, Nix. You have to admit, he is quite the looker,” Sarah said, watching Jakon walk out of the classroom with his group of friends. As he left, he shot a longing look towards Phoenix.  “I told you; I am not attracted to someone who has such a big ego that he has to treat people the way he does. He can ask me out all he wants to, but my answer will still be no,” Phoenix said, picking up her bookbag.  “Then who are you going to take to our junior prom? You know that it is this Saturday, right?” Sarah asked, curiously.  “Oh, how well do I know. My mother is so excited. We already have my dress picked out and my Aunt Lexi is doing my hair and makeup on Saturday morning,” Phoenix said. “My mom has been asking if anyone is taking me. I think that she is hoping that I go with Jakon.”  “I still can’t believe that he acts the way he does towards you with his father being friends with your parents. That is crazy,” Sarah said, as they headed to the door of the classroom.  “Phoenix, can I see you for a minute please?” Their chemistry teacher called, just before they made it to the door. Phoenix sighed quietly as she turned and headed up to his desk while Sarah waited for her at the door looking confused.  “Yes, sir?” Phoenix asked as she approached his desk. She took the paper that he offered. What she saw made her gasp sadly.  “Phoenix, I have to ask, is there something going on at home or anything like that? You have seemed very distracted the last couple weeks and your grades have taken a hit. I just wanted to touch base with you and make sure that everything is okay,” he said, watching her face.  “Yeah, everything is okay. Just stressing about the finals coming up and junior prom. Is there any extra credit I could do to bring this up from a 73?” Phoenix asked, curiously. She was really bummed to get her first C ever.   “I will tell you what. I will let you retake this test tomorrow during lunch. You have aced everything this year, up til now, so I will allow you to try again. If that is okay with you?” he offered.  “You would be willing to do that for me, Mr. Rogers?” Phoenix asked, shocked.  “Yes, I would. You are one of my best students and I can tell that something has been bothering you lately. Hence my concern. But I am only willing to do it this once. I know the weeks leading up to finals can be stressful and I want you on the top of your game. You are an amazing student, Phoenix. I see you doing amazing things in the future. So, I will see you tomorrow at lunch?” Mr. Rogers asked, hopefully.  “Yes, sir. I will be here. Thank you so much,” Phoenix said, excitedly as turned towards the door where Sarah was waiting.  “Spectacular,” Mr. Rogers said.  “What was all that about?” Sarah asked. She had clearly been paying more attention to her phone than to the conversation.  “He is going to let me retake the test from Monday. I got a 73. I can’t believe I have been letting the situation with Jakon distract me that much. Ugh,” Phoenix said, angrily.  “You got a 73? I got a 65. That test was super hard. I am honestly scared to take his final. If that last test was that hard, can you imagine what the final is going to be like?” Sarah said.  “The test itself was easy enough, but I was distracted. I am determined to get into an Ivy school by the end of next year and I can’t do that getting Cs on tests,” Phoenix said, determination thick in her voice.  You can’t go to Mr. Roger’s classroom alone tomorrow, Nix. I don’t like it.  Phoenix froze, thinking that she was going crazy. She looked around her, then shook her head when she didn’t see anyone around other than Sarah.   That’s it, she was losing her mind. How could she have heard Jakon if he was nowhere to be seen.   You are anything but crazy, Nix.  
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