I felt very angry

999 Words
Nina POV: I didn't sleep well all night yesterday because of that strange man. So much so that I almost forgot to prepare breakfast for Tyler. I told myself that I shouldn't keep thinking about that strange man. Besides, we only met once, and we may never see each other again! My current boyfriend is Tyler! I had screwed up another date last night, and I wanted to make some of his favorite food to appease him and deliver it before he left home. He must have been outraged last night, and it's all because of me. I should express my apologies to him and beg his forgiveness. Tyler has always been so nice to me; surely he would forgive me, right? Actually, I wasn't sure myself. When this situation happened before, Tyler would patiently listen to my explanations and calm me down. He was never that angry. I think he must have been so upset that he left without waiting for me to come back. Thinking about it, I started to feel uneasy again. When I arrived at Tyler's apartment, the door to his room was open. I could still clearly hear his voice coming from inside. God had been very kind to me, allowing me to get here before Tyler left for work. I was just about to push the door open when Tyler's voice came clearly into my ears, and he seemed to be on the phone with someone. "How was last night? Shut up! I really don't want to talk about it!" "Nina was stiff as a mummy, no, more boring than a mummy ...... haha, yes, a mummy might be more exciting ......" I stood stiff in the doorway because of those words from Tyler. Whenever I interrupted a date before because of me, Tyler always reassured me that it was okay. But the truth was, in his mind, I was not as attractive as a mummy ... I have to say that it did hurt my ego. Tyler didn't notice that I was standing right outside the door, and his voice continued to come from inside. "Why am I going out with her? Dude, you've met her, she doesn't wear nice clothes, and she's mousy and stupid, but she's pretty and has a good figure." "Of course, mainly because she's still a virgin ...... If she weren't a virgin, I wouldn't be so patient ......" "The first time I saw her, I wanted to have s*x with her. You know, she's a very curmudgeonly girl, and I was going to get her to have s*x with me by confirming the relationship ......" My eyes widened in shock as if I had been struck by lightning that way. It turns out Tyler wasn't dating me because he loved me at all; he just wanted to have s*x with me! My heart pounded as I clutched the lunch bag in my arms. The news made my brain stop spinning for a moment. But Tyler's mean words continued to torment my ears. "She's in bed ... how can I say this... Boring, very boring ...She doesn't even know how to tease me!" "Every time I'm ready to f**k her hard, she always happens to interrupt me with all kinds of situations, which makes me angry!" "Yes, if it wasn't because I wanted to f**k her, why would I waste two months dating her?" "I'm really about to lose my grip ......" "Last night, when I was about to f**k her hard, I was interrupted again because of some situation, and that made me angry!" "After that? After that, I asked that little slut Lily out on a date. She has big breasts, and she works hard in bed; it's fantastic!" ... Tyler's words made me feel humiliated and angry. But I didn't dare push the door open to argue with him because what he said was the truth. I felt irate, but I didn't know what to do, so I had to get out of there. I just couldn't stick around to listen any longer. Now that Tyler is not happy with me, I don't understand why he did not just tell me or break up with me. If he had done so, I would not have been as angry as I am now. Of course, I couldn't stand it the most when he cheated on me and betrayed me. He sent a message telling me he needed to take care of something before leaving the hotel when he was rushing to sleep with Lily! Now, he even denigrates me in front of other friends! I never thought that Tyler was such a despicable villain! Anger filled my head, but I didn't know how to vent it, so I dialed Claire's number. Claire is my best friend, and she always listens patiently to my crap. "Oh, Nina, such a man is not worth your sorrow..." After listening to my accusations against Tyler, she soothed me this way. "I think something needs to be done to make you forget about all that sadness ...... There's a swimsuit party tonight, and there will be a lot of very fit men attending, do you want to join? It might get your lust up ......" Claire was talking excitedly over there, and it looked like she was eager to make me happy somehow. Thinking back to Tyler's mean words, I gathered the courage to say yes to Claire's invitation. The swimsuit party was held at a very luxurious villa. I didn't even expect to see that handsome man from last night at the party. He was still wearing that black jacket, toned body, handsome face; he made me unable to move my eyes ... But his eyes only lingered on me for a second, and quickly moved away again. He looked serious like he was looking for something, which made me feel very curious. When he crossed the pool and headed towards the lawn, I couldn't resist chasing after him.
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