Unwanted Attention

1247 Words
As Billie and I walked through the hallways of the school, it was eerily quiet. Usually it's bustling with activity, everyone is comparing schedules to see which classes they have with their friends, catching up about their weekends ect. But this morning, it’s hushed whispers and side glances at each other. Odd, I mustn’t be the only one that had a dreadful feeling this morning. “Gosh, it’s so quiet. Something definitely seemed weird this morning, I can’t shake the feeling.” Billie whisper yelled at me. “Yeah, I noticed it too girl. Maybe everyone is weary about the cars that just pulled into our territory?” I whispered back. The hair on my arms started sticking up and I fought back a shiver when I felt like I was being watched. Iris was pacing in my head with her hackles raised. I looked around and noticed that everyone had started talking like normal and shook it off after not being able to identify who was watching me. We made our way to our lockers and grabbed out our supplies for our first class, math, and scurried down the hall to the classroom. Taking our seats at the back of the class, right in the corner of the room, I figured I should probably check in with Iris. “Iris, what is going on with you? You’re acting a little strangely, is it to do with what Jill said to us earlier?” I asked “I don’t know, Autumn. Maybe with us having our first shift soon, I am a little bit on edge. It makes zero sense that Jill could link us, we aren’t part of this pack and nobody knows about me! I know I’ve been moody lately, well, angry actually, but knowing someone is coming into the territory, I just have an uncertain feeling. Almost like..” “Like when Uncle James told me to lie about who I am right?” I quickly finished her sentence. “Yes, exactly like that. Autumn, something is about to happen. I think my mother, The Moon Goddess, is preparing us for something. I don’t know what, but I’m certain it's going to be something big.” She replied thoughtfully before blocking me out. It’s not often that Iris blocks me, but when she does, it’s usually because she wants time for herself to think. Iris and I have a unique bond, we’re so close that it’s like we are one. United, bringing strength to each other. I guess that’s to be expected after everything we’ve been through. The first few classes went by in a blur. I was too busy thinking about what Iris said about the Moon Goddess preparing us for something. What could it be? I started getting lost in my thoughts again and then the bell rang to let us know that it was lunchtime. I grab my bag and run out of class, wanting to find Billie as quickly as possible before the b*tchy squad finds either of us. Since she has a different class this period, I figure she’s probably waiting for me in the mess hall. I’m almost there when I trip over something and fall face-first to the floor. I slowly gaze up from the floor and see a pink stiletto heel. Great, I was on the home stretch to freedom and the b*tchy squad found me. Picking my bag up off the floor and slinging it over my shoulder, I looked at the person the stiletto belongs to. Kylie. Right behind her is Molly and Brianna, both sporting sinister grins and a dark glint in their eyes. “Oops, sorry, I didn’t see you there.” Kylie said with all the fake innocence she could. She fluttered her eyelashes and flicked her long auburn hair over her shoulder before bursting into a fit of laughter. Molly and Brianna quickly followed suit before Kylie stopped laughing and threw me against some lockers by the nape of my neck. “Perhaps next time, you should keep your eyes down like a good little omega, shouldn’t you, Autumn! Maybe then you’d be able to see where you’re going!” She spat at me. She grabbed me by my arm and forced me to the floor, so I would be at eye level with her shoes. “You’re lucky, you didn’t damage my shoes you little wh*re.” I made the mistake of casting my gaze up at her when she spoke, so she kicked me in the chest before the three of them took off towards the mess hall, leaving me in the middle of the corridor. I sat myself up against the lockers so that Iris could heal me a little before the last class of the day. When the bell rang, I picked myself up slowly and winced from the pain in my chest. At least the last lesson is my favourite subject, art, and I don't know any of my classmates. I found my seat at the back of the room and pulled out my sketch pad and pens. I love to draw. At first, it was simple stick figures, but as I’ve gotten older, my talents have flourished. My sketchpad is full of portraits of my family and friends from Silver Shadows. I keep it hidden away inside my mattress so that nobody who enters my room can find it. Today is a simple lesson, since it’s our final year and I’ve already got enough credits from my classes to graduate, we are given free rein to draw what we want. Of course, I will go back to what I was drawing last week. A majestic wolf, with piercing blue eyes and pure black fur. I have no idea why I keep drawing this wolf, but I keep returning to it to add more detail. School is done for the day. I’m the last one to leave the classroom and as I’m packing away my things, the teacher approaches me. “Autumn, it’s been such a pleasure having you in my class this year. All the art you’ve presented has been stunning and you have been a star student. If, after you graduate, you decide to get into the art industry, please let me know. I’d love to have you do some sketches and paintings for my home.” Miss Davids said. With a genuine smile, I nodded my head to her gratefully and waved goodbye. Billie and I made our way back home after meeting at the front of the school. As we reached the main entrance to the packhouse, Iris started pacing in my head again. She was crouching down low with her hackles raised, and she was snarling. I got a sense of danger and cautiously opened the front door. Alpha Markus and his visitors were standing to the side, bidding their farewells when I made eye contact with the man who is shaking Alpha Markus’s hand. He seemed to sense Billie and me walking in and looks me straight in the eyes before an evil smirk came over his face. Alpha Markus, curious to know what has the unknown man smiling, spins around and sees us standing there. He glares at me for a while, causing me to become uncomfortable with the attention. I ran up to my room and collapsed onto my bed, shaking in fear as flashbacks of the night Uncle James and I fled filtered through my mind.
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