
Saved by the Billionaire

male lead
weak to strong
love at the first sight

Emmett Davidson, a 22 year old who was all by himself when family died on a mysterious fire and had to live on his own. Struggling financially and emotionally, he feels alone in this world, with no one to look up to, except his friend Amandla.

Jackson Richard jr. CEO and a man known for brutality and icy personality, longs to have a Little, who fits his requirements. He feels empty, lonely without purpose without a Little to take care of.

What happens when these two meet? Secrets will be unraveled.

Stay tuned to find out.

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Chapter One
I slammed my hand on the annoying alarm and groaned, rolling off the bed, hitting the floor with a thud, followed by another groan. Peeling my eyes open, I looked up and took in my surrounding. Grimacing at the crusty musty flat that greeted me, I sighed. This is all I can afford. I have to accept it. This is my home now. I dragged myself to the cold shower and tried not to be mad about it. I've lost count of how many times I've talked to the landlord about this issue and he never fixed the hot water. Now, I'm being punished by using cold water all the time. Even when it's winter time. And I get easily sick. He just never gets it. He probably doesn't care anymore. I pulled on black jeans and the work shirt. My phone rang then and I almost tripped, trying to get to it. "Get up, b***h," Amandla, my co-worker and beat friend yelled through the speaker. She knows I'm a heavy sleeper and she tends to call every now and then, to make sure I'm up. "I'm already dressed," I said softly. I went ahead and made breakfast, which is basically a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I hate it but it's what I can afford, amongst other embarrassing things. Slinging my bag on my shoulder, I locked the door and hurried out. "Hello Mrs Dorcas," I greeted the lady, who sells fruits by the bus station. She smiled at me, as usual. "How are you, my dear?" Her frail voice sounded. She was no older than 70, yet she woke up every day and set up her station to sell fruits and snacks. She had glasses on, what's with her eyesight problem. I admired her determination and hardworking ability. "Good, what do you have for me today?" I asked excitedly. With that familiar smile, she bent a little and retrieved a small container and handed it to me. I took it and opened it to find lasagna. With a squeal, I smiled at her. "Thank you. This is my favorite," I said, literally inhaling the rich scent. It was warm, meaning she must have warmed it up. I fished out a R50 and handed it to her. As usual, she refused it. Mrs Dorcas knows that I'm struggling financially. We've been living in the same building for the last two years. I came here with little to nothing under my name. She'd cook for me and bring the food to my place. It was so nice of her. For the time I've been here, I've cooked less than a hundred days because of her. And anyway, I cook shitty food and hers is amazing. She's like a mother to me. I walked around and snuck the money in her little bag while giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you. You're the best," I said. I ate on the way, because the sandwich wasn't sufficient for my body. I may be huge and bulky but I feel anything but that. Which is why I used to get bullied in high school. My mom, who was one of the teachers at that school, never did anything about it. If anything, she was disappointed in me. She and my stepfather used to call me names. They'd tell me I was weak and I was a 'faggot'. That hurts more than I let on. Yes, I'm gay and I like men, but I would have thought that, living in the world when people like me are accepted, I thought that they'd accept me as well. Sadly, I can only dream about that. The Cafe was only a few minutes away from my place, so I always walked. I worked longer hours than anyone else because, well, unlike everyone else, this was the only thing going on in my life. I didn't have school or another job like Amandla. This was it for me. I made a deal with the owner and I got longer hours for more pay. It still wasn't enough, but it made a difference. So every day, minus Sunday, I worked from 8am to 6pm, sometimes longer if the other workers came late. I didn't mind. It kept me busy. I didn't have anything to do at home except scroll through my phone or sleep. "Hey, Emmy, okay, Orlando's not here, so it's just us," she said with a pout. Ugh, that means more work. It's nothing I can't handle though. I've done a lot more before and hey, I can't complain. "It's okay, we can do this," I smiled at her, grabbing my apron. It was still 7:23 and we were tidying up everything before the Cafe opened. Amandla and I made small talk and she told me about her not so great relationship life. I never bothered with finding love or dating for that matter. I just don't think I can handle it. Well, I don't think my past traumatic experience can handle it. I wouldn't want to burden someone. The one guy I got involved with, said I was weird. Needless to say, we didn't get to the dating part. I liked stuff that not everybody else loved. And well, he wanted to use me for my body and I wasn't ready. Not that I'm a virgin. Shaking the dark thoughts invading my mind, I focused back on Amandla. "Emmett?" I looked up to see Mrs Grace approaching us. "Good morning, Mrs Grace," I greeted her with a smile. Amandla doesn't like her and, if I was any different, I wouldn't too. I just can't bring myself to dislike someone in that manner or any manner for that matter. And so I was always polite to her and everyone else. She's our boss, after all. "Listen, Orlando is fired," my eyes widened at that. I looked to Amandla who was also surprised by the information. "Now, you have to take his duties," she informed me. "Yes, Mrs Grace. What can I do?" I placed the cloth on the table and walked over to her. "There's a company across this building, that orders beverages. Orlando used to deliver-" "I h-have to go there?" I almost squealed. She gave me an unimpressed look. "Do you have a problem with that?" She asked me. Gulping, I shook my head quickly. "No, ma'am," I let out. "Good. You're expected to have delivered the drinks by 8 o'clock, which means, be here earlier than you usually are. No excuses. The boss is quite a strict man and you wouldn't want to cross him," she said. "Or me," I blinked, my heart hammering away. "Do I make myself clear?" "Y-yes," I breathed out. "Good. The orders are ready. I've informed them about Orlando, so be grateful they let you come this late," she said walking away. "Oh and, don't go into the boss's office. Find his assistant and give her the coffee," "Oh my God, I'm freaking out," I heaved as soon as she was out of sight. I sat down, trying to calm myself. I was breathing heavily. "Emmy, calm down and take deep breaths," Amandla was right in front of me, holding my hand like everytime when I panic. "You can do this, okay?" "No, I-I can't Amandla," I almost whimpered. "What if I mess this up?" Amandla hurried to my bag and fished out my inhaler. "Here, take this," she held the Asthma inhaler to my lips. I had Asthma, since I was about six and it hasn't gotten better. Or worse. I wouldn't know. I've lived with it for so long that it is now a part of me. I managed just fine and on bad days, well...I try to. "You're going to be fine. Just take the order and leave them at the reception and tell the receptionist that you are new and are not familiar with the building, okay? She'll show you or maybe take the drinks," I nodded. The more she talked, the more at ease I felt. It can't be that bad. I just need to deliver the drinks without spilling them or upsetting any of the workers. It's not like I have to stay there. Turns out, there were donuts on the side. I grabbed the order and I was fine, given that I had muscles and it wasn't heavy. I should be fine. Amandla smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up as I walked out. I managed to cross the busy road with great difficulty and ended up upsetting some drivers who honked at me, startling me. I held on to the order for dear life. The doors to the most prestigious building opened as I walked in. Two security guards were walking about, surveying the area. I walked over to one of them. "Hello, sir," I greeted with a nervous smile. The man's face remained stoic. His mouth didn't even twitch. I swallowed and went ahead, explaining my situation. "I have these orders and I'm not sure where to take them. Can you help me please?" I asked him. His eyes swept over the boxes and drinks in my arms. "Talk to the lady behind the counter," he pointed forth. I nodded with another smile that I now know he won't return. "Thank you," I walked over to the countertop. There were about three ladies behind the counter. "Hi ma'am. I have an order from Delight Cafe," I almost cringed at the name. It just doesn't add up in my head. Maybe it's just me. "Oh you're late," the lady gave me stern look. "Sorry, I just started doing deliveries and I was only informed a few minutes-" "We don't want to know," she said and I shut my mouth immediately. "What's your name?" "Emmett Davidson," "Okay, uh, Chelsea, please come get Mr Richard's order," she said over her shoulder. I'm guessing Mr Richard is the boss. Another lady in black and white came over to where I was. I placed the order on top of the counter and waited for her to take what she was supposed to take. "Hi," she greeted, looking me up and down. "Don't you think the new errand boy is cute?" I heard the third lady say, looking at me. I averted my eyes, not knowing what to do. I've had quite a share of women hitting on me. It always made me uncomfortable. "Oh my God, yess. That's what I was going to say," Chelsea, the lady in front me, squealed quietly. She looked at me. "What's your name again?" She asked me. "Uh, it's Emmett," I rubbed my neck shyly. "Ooh, no wonder you're so...bulky. You're like the Twilight Emmett Cullen," she said winking at me, as they giggled. She grabbed two black coffees right at the top and a small box of sandwiches. "Alright hot Emmett," the ladies giggled while I wished I could bolt right out the door. I wasn't used to this kind of attention. "Follow me. I'll show you where to put the order every time you deliver them," she stood up. We walked into the elevator and it was just us. I kept my distance. I could feel her eyes on me and I was so uncomfortable. "So..." she started. I dared a look at her. "You got a girlfriend, Emmett?" I looked ahead and away from the lady, trying to get rid of the nerves. Clearing my throat, I shook my head. "No," it was barely above a whisper and she must think lowly of me by now. Luckily for me, the doors opened and I was out. "There's our cafeteria. You can just place it in there and I'll take it from there. Remember, you press 7 when you get into the lift, okay?" "Thank you," I said politely and hurried to put everything down. When I came out, she gave me an envelope that I had to give back to Mrs Grace and that was it. All I had to do was give Chelsea her order - well, the boss's order - and head to Level 7 to deliver everything else. It's not that hard. Right? "Mel, do I have messages?" A very chilling familiar voice boomed through the open space. I looked up and came face to face with my worst nightmare. Judging by his shocked expression, I'm guessing he recognized me. "Emmett?" He said. "You know him?" The lady I was with, inquired, looked between the two of us. "Yeah, I went to high school with him," Trevor Jones said walking over, looking fancy as hell. If he wasn't mean to me, I'd probably like him. He's good looking. Gladly, I don't like people like him. "Well well well, look at you," he said with that same smirk. "What are you doing here?" He inquired. "Deliver," was all I could manage. The man scared me to death for what he did to me in high school. Him and his friends. Being in the same place with him made me want to s**t myself. It's pathetic but it's true. I may be huge, but I couldn't throw a punch even if I wanted to. I mean, I probably can. I just don't like violence. "Deliver?" He frowned at that. He looked at Mel, who explained to him the situation. I winced when he laughed. I should have known he hasn't changed. "You're an errand boy?" He said laughing at me. "Oh man, that's f****d up," he shook his head, looking me up and down with disgust. I blinked, looking down, and fought the tears threatening to spill. "Excuse me," I said softly and walked away. "I guess I'll see you around, errand boy." I ran out the building and didn't even pay attention to the cars hooting, because my eyes were blurry from the tears. I pushed into the Cafe and went to hand the envelope to Mrs Grace. "So?" Amandla came over. "How did it go?" We were in the stuff room and I couldn't stop the sob any longer. "Oh Emmy..." she hugged me as I cried. She never asked me anything and I don't think I can talk with how emotional Iam right now. "Do you want to talk to Mrs Grace about this? Maybe she can ask somebody else to do it if it's too much for you," Amandla said after some time. I nodded. After managing to calm down, I went back to work. I was going to talk to her after my shift. By the end of the day, I was drained and I don't think it's only physical. Seeing Trevor again brought up that fear I always felt for people like him. The amount of times he bullied me at school, I wouldn't be surprised if he does it again. I mean, he did laugh at my job. That's really mean. I never looked down on my job, until now. Somehow, it never bothered me and quite frankly, I enjoyed it. Now, I'm about to live in hell all over again. It sucks. ● UNEDITED

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