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- After hugging my dad for what felt like an eternity, I got into hanks car and waved goodbye to my dad and then we took off to our new apartment in the city. I knew the drive wasn't gonna be long so I watched the transformation happening. I was leaving the Suburban Part of town which I've always lived in, fade away. My suburban life was naturally cut green grass in my yard, my very own nosy neighbor, and quiet all the time. I'm leaving from that to Loud, Noisy, rude dirty, Just the city in general. I know I handle getting in the car like a pro, but I've got a million negative thoughts in my brain. I have no shame, It's the way the human brain is wired, which is to worry. After 15 minutes we pulled on the sidewalk to 3apartment buildings beside each other, I noticed that the one the right looked like it had been burned down previously. "Whoah, what happened there" I get out the car and observe the building with Hank following behind me. "Oh, there was a fire" I send a troubling look at Hank. "Well, I can see that, Did it happen recently ?" "Um...I don't think so" "You don't think so" Hank takes my hand and leads me up the stairs inside the building. "Come on before you're negative thoughts drives you back to Kansas Dorothy" when I first entered inside the building a woman was coming down the stair's fumbling on her own feet, she was wearing a green crop top with a black mini skirt she looked like she was in her mid-Thirties. she started using the rail of the stairs to help her steps. Hank ran up the stairs to help her and she yelled, "f**k Off!" she said sounding tipsy. She was drunk, I watched her cuss Hank out and continue her way down the stairs. Hank and I Glanced at each other and our eyes followed from the woman and then back at each other, And before we knew it we just started busting out laughing. The woman looked at both of us "f**k both of you" she said I ran up the stairs and joined Hank, and we continued walking up the stairs to the 3rd floor where our apartment was. "What do you think prostitute or stripper?" "Hank that's rude, why would you assume shes's a prostitute or stripper?" "Her clothes, her attitude, just the way she carries herself" "It means nothing, Hank" "Oh I forgot I'm dealing with a Feminist" "Yeah and this feminist will still Kick your ass too" "Oh my god Audrey I think the city has a good effect on you" "Shut up and open the door" Hank struggled to open the door a bit, But before I knew it we were walking inside our apartment. It had zero furnishers besides me and Hanks beds in our rooms and the crappy stained wallpaper but it did have an oven and refrigerator along with a bathtub and toilet, so it wasn't unbelievable. "" "Yeah" "Please don't tell you're dad we live here If he comes over, just tell him we're hosting at a friend's house" I started laughing at Hank while he stared at me confused. "Hank I love it" I spun around, taking it all in. "..........." He looks at me with this dumbfounded face and glances around back at the apartment. "Wait so you mean to tell me, You love how we don't Have any furnisher besides our beds, not even a couch or a vase. "Look on the bright side Hank, we're on our own" I gave him a wicked smile. "I still can't believe you actually moved out" "I know I've really never imagined being away from dad" "you know it's good for you to have your own space" "You're right I have to focus on my work" "And the party's all the time, speaking of party's come to this party with me Friday night," he says while air humping the air. "Are you crazy, you know I have that dinner with my dad, aunt, and uncle on Friday" "Audrey I can only give you a little advice" he comes to me and places his hands on my shoulders. "And what's that Hank?" "If you weren't a Virgen I'd believe you were just a family gal" "I am a family girl, now move before I hurt you" -The day went by fast, at one minute I was unpacking a backpack worth of things I took from home, only to realize Home isn't home anymore. So I just got my stuff for my first day at college my textbooks, and my thought book All packed up. Then I went to sleep, and I prepared my thoughts for the week. Monday 4 AM - I wake up to Hank shaking me "Get up we're late" he says. I get up and look at my phone to see the time. And relief floods my face "Hank it's only 4:35" I watch him chuckle as he takes off his pants and throws it across the room. "Hank, What the Hell" "New's flash Audrey, Do you know how crazy the traffic is in the city. bye, the time we get there it would be almost 6" I jump up and start getting dressed as fast as I could. "That's right, we have no time for a shower", he yelled as I rushed and put my shirt on. "And don't even think about brushing your teeth" "Hank I have to brush my teeth" "I've seen how long you take brushing so don't even think about it" "Hank I washed last night, didn't you?" he looks at me startled. "Of course I did, Hurry up", He grabs my arm and we hurry out the door. We rush down the stairs and get in the car, then we drove off. The traffic was crazy, just like Hank said it took us 2 hours to get there I was in luck because right after I got my schedule the class didn't start yet. I walked down the aisle and headed to an empty secluded seat. I sat down and put my stuff on the table. Not long the professor came in. "Hello everyone, My name is professor Q. Yes like the Letter Just like Malcolm X has the letter X I have a Q, which if it doesn't should give you the idea not to f**k with my class" My first impression on professor Q is he takes his job seriously he announces what he thinks should be the topic of discussion and if the conversation isn't addressed right he will call you out. He's also a funny older man with dark brown hair gray strips easily styled elegantly and a chiseled jawline with shaved stubble, he looked good for is age. The ring showed he was married but he didn't look like a husband or a lover. He had a mysterious face, he wore glasses and his body wasn't fit but average. He's either always sarcastic or mysterious to anyone's answers, It's weird because I never catch on easily. -The class went by slowly and I knew everything that was being said and every question or discussion I knew the answer to, but I didn't say anything I kept to myself. I know I have always been shy but I just couldn't bring myself out of my shell. 90 minutes passed and the class was over. Professor Q had given us all an assignment and told us about the tour for internships at a different business. He told us we didn't have to get the internship but to write a paper about the business of our choice and we can ask as many questions we want. I went to go sit on the bench with the university flag near it and wait on Hank to come from his class. I was kind of excited about working for his dad. A few minutes later Hank had come from his class and we talked about how our first day had gone, he told me how he was excited for this big role he wants to try for. I told him about my day and I tried to sound a little more excited, but it still sounded crappy. he checked his phone and then gave me a smirk. "What?" "My dad texted you don't have to work this week" "What why?" "Trust me this is a good thing" "How I don't get paid" Hank gives me the same wicked smirk. "Audrey let me explain something, My dad insists on doing a lot of the work himself he'd still pay you but then again you might not even get called in it's rare." "Wow that seems like he's being taken advantage of" "oh trust me he's getting more out of you not coming to work then you are" We drove back to the apartment and ordered pizza, My dad called and asked about how my first day was and I gave him what he wanted to hear, I told him I had a great time and that it was a step in the right path. My night ended with me wishing for more so I got up out of bed restless and I tried to take a picture to my creative expertise but nothing came to mind. I had no interest. The night ended with me being disappointed. Tuesday 3 AM I set an alarm so Hank and I could be at least an hour early so we can be ahead of things. He protested but I told him wining like a baby was gonna get him nowhere. When we got to the school My class wasn't in the room, I was confused I didn't know where to go so I asked around. "f**k" I realized at the last minute Today I was supposed to be at My art class which was exactly thirty minutes away so I took off running. Because I ran and had no other transportation I got there an hour late. When I finally got to the other campus it was raining, when I entered the room The wallpaper was Vibrant colors and energetic energy. The class was split into groups, While the professor was sitting at his desk. While feeling kind of nervous I walked down the aisle to his desk so he knew I missed the first moments of class. "Um.hi.Professor Anderson, I'm Audrey Clark, I would like to apologize for being late" I started to explain why I was late but he put his hand up silencing me. - He reached in his file cabinet under his desk and grabbed an orange portfolio with numbers on it. He then looked at me and then back at the portfolio. "Audrey Melody Clark, correct?" he looked back at me and I replied "yes", His eyes then went back to the portfolio. "You're 18" I am now, Yes I replied. "You can go take a seat" He laid the portfolio back on his desk. "Um .. what about the assignment" "Oh that's ok have a seat over there I have another assignment" I nodded ok and went to sit at one of the empty seats in the front. The class was full, but because everyone was talking in their groups I was pretty much invisible which I was ok with. I was really eager to start the class because it's all I've been thinking about Since I got accepted, And I waited patiently for professor Anderson to start, but when I glanced over at him he was back reading or analyzing that orange portfolio. Professor Anderson Was different in a way from Professor Q. Like Professor Anderson was probably in his 40's and he seemed more relaxed than professor Q. both professors had glasses. I just can't seem to guess right when it comes to them. A couple of minutes later Professor Anderson walks up to the podium. "Everyone please dissect from you're groups, I will begin our first discussion" I started taking out my notepad and pen, so I could take notes. "Um Not you Audrey, you don't have to do this part as a matter fact just come up here beside me" The class turned their attention to me and I nodded nervously and walked up to the podium. I was then in front of the class with all eyes on me, I'm so unsure why he has asked me to come up here and I don't feel good about it. He turns me around facing him, I see his dark brown eyes staring back at me as if I was on stand for murder at a trial. Then he walks around me to tell class while I'm still facing the board, I feel less nervous now that my back is turned to the class but I'm still uneasy about the situation. "Everyone this is Audrey Clark she is your fellow classmate" I look back and he gestures for me to turn back around, then he continues. "Now Audrey was late for the first lecture and class didn't we discuss that lectures are the most important parts of this class" The class agrees with him by replying with silent yes's. "Audrey you have 2 majors right" I nodded yes. "No, you must answer the question instead of nodding, The class needs to hear your answer" His voice gets deeper when he disapproves. so I speak up and stumble on my words. " I have two majors" He then asks me what's the other Major. "Business Marketing" the next few minutes which felt like hell he made me stand and asked me why I have two majors that were completely different. It was making me mad he was suggesting that I had taken this course as a free pass, but He doesn't know me or have the right to assume anything about me. He was completely wrong business and Photography could go along work together, but I don't even feel the need to explain it to him. He stops talking all of a sudden and walks around the podium and stops in front of me, the board I had been staring at was replaced by his face. "Are you mad Audrey?" he asked me with a less amused face but a more plain look. I struggled to say it while trying to bite my tongue. "NO," I said. "Audrey tell me are you a Virgen?" Hearing him ask me that the entire class starting laughing and talking about his comment he didn't even take his eyes off of me I started to leave but he grabbed my arm "I suppose I can take you off my roster" he said with the same f*****g expression on his face. I jerk back and Told him to go to hell I grabbed my stuff and stormed out the class. -Hours Later -Hank and Audrey's apartment: -After telling Hank everything that happened he was determined to Kick professors Andersons Ass but I convinced him not to. We just sat around the house doing nothing, well when I mean we I mean me. Hank practiced for his role and I just laid around for some reason I didn't feel inspired at all and it wasn't from how terrible class was today. it's been going on since I moved to the city and it's freaking me out. "I mean Audrey not only was this ass hole unprofessional he was harassing you" "I know", I said while burying my face in my hands. Hank starts pacing back and forth "You know what, we should report him" "Hank No, I'm not going to be the girl who reports her teacher on the first day because he embarrassed her" Hank lets out an aggravated huff and sits down on our empty living room floor. "I could kill him", I start laughing at Hank and he later joins in. "So what are you gonna do?", I look at him confused. "What do you mean what am I gonna do?" Hank gets up from the floor. "Are you gonna go back?" "Well I'm not gonna let professor Ass get me to quit", Hank gives me a high five and walks towards the front door. "Where are you going?", I watch him grab his jacket and open the door gesturing at me. "It's where we're both going, to my dad's pizza place" I look at him with excitement. "Yessss! I've been excited to go there ever since he got us the jobs" Hank drives us downtown in the city and passing by all the small businesses and restaurants I see the diverse ways of the city. It's weird how welcoming something can look and be the opposite. -Friday I woke up in time to see Hank cooking breakfast and dressed, I got up and took a quick shower and got dressed. Today was the day my business class had our tours at different businesses for our essays. I'm glad its not my art class with Professor Anderson. "Audrey I made you a grilled cheese", I walk out the bathroom and meet Hank in our empty unfurnished living room. I grab the plate with the grilled cheese on the counter and sit on the floor next to Hank. As I start to eat my breakfast my phone starts going off, I grab it from my back pocket and answer it. "Hey honey" "Hey dad, miss you so much", I watch Hank laugh knowing how he means this phone call is like the 20th since I moved out of the house. "Miss you too sweetie, I just called to check on you" "Oh I'm fine, I was just eating breakfast with Hank" "Oh, that's good, Real good ……….Your eating breakfast that's good .yeah..", Hearing my dad's loneliness in his voice makes me feel a little sad for him. "I cant wait to see you and everyone tonight" "Yeah the dinner, I cant wait to see you there honey bear", The excitement in his voice relives me of being worried about him. The conversation ends shortly and I continue eating my breakfast. "So I guess that means your not coming to the party tonight" "I told you had dinner with my family tonight" "Audrey it hasn't even been 2 weeks" "Well I didn't even wanna go to the party" "Yeah ok, But the next party you going with me no excuse", I give him a fake smile along with a nod. (There will be another update for this episode)

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