Chapter 2

1494 Words
Annalise "Wake up!" "Huh?" "For goddess sake! Get your butt up, we need to move!!" Aria screamed in my head, which felt like it was ready to explode. Where was I? I cracked open my eyes, blinking a few times before my vision cleared up. I was face down on the ground in a forest, my hands and legs bound. This wasn't good. I could smell a campfire, but felt no warmth from it. I must be close to my captors, but not too close. I don't know if I should be happy or offended by that. There was a buggy next to me, but no horse. How strange. "They took the beast to get water and will be on their way back any minute, GET. UP." Aria demanded. "Who leaves a werewolf hostage alone while they water their horse?" I snorted, moving my hands to see if I could wiggle free of my restraints. Whoever took me was foolish indeed. I was expecting to feel the bite of silver in my arms and ankles but was pleasantly surprised when I noticed it was rope. I quickly drew out a claw, and hacked through the rope as quickly and as quietly as possible. Voices echoed in the distance, they sounded far but were getting closer. I had to move fast. As soon as I wiggled free of the now shredded ropes, I got on my feet and looked around, trying to decide the best direction to run. Nothing looked familiar, it smelled different here too. Voices were coming from behind, and fast. There was forest to the left and right, and straight ahead was a very large boat dock with half a dozen flute ships, or cargo ships. It was about half a mile away, but there were other people there, hopefully friendlier than the ones that took me. Docks it is. Of course, my very first step was on a brittle twig, making the loudest snap I had ever heard from such a small branch. I winced, praying that no one heard me, but sadly I was not that fortunate today. "Hey! Prisoner escape!!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I didnt bother to look back, already knowing that they would be hot on my heels. Lucky for me, I was a fast runner. Unluckily for me, I was running downhill in nothing but a nightgown. My bare feet were getting torn up from the rough rocky terrain as I bolted for the docks. Even with my accelerated healing, walking was going to suck for a few days. "You are seriously thinking about a few days from now?! Run b***h!" Aria growled. "Hey, it's always smart to think ahead." I said, picking up the pace. As I ran, I began to rack my brain, trying to figure out who the familiar voice was. It had a ring to it that I couldn't ignore, even as I almost ran into a tree. When I reached the docks, there were a few crusty-looking dock workers who didn't seem phased by my presence, and only continued about their work. I took that moment to catch my breath and look behind me and see who was chasing me. "Danny?!" I exclaimed. "What is the meaning of this?!" I growled. He didn't look me in the eyes, only continued straight towards me, making me take some steps back. Before I knew it, I was cornered at the end of the deck. He had a few friends waiting at the edge of the forest, not wanting to be seen apparently. Cowards. "You are coming with me-" He growled, grabbing my arm roughly. "Where are we?! Did Bethany put you up to this?!" I fussed, trying and failing to free my arm. I eventually let my legs give out and used my free hand to grab onto one of the cleats that boats would tie themselves to. "Stop it!" He yelled, releasing my arm and grabbing my waste instead. "Why are you helping her?! You know she cheated on you in high school!!" I said while kicking and thrashing about. "What?!" He paused. "Nevermind." He said, yanking me even harder. My grip came loose and Danny was immediately hauling me back to land. "Help!!" I began to scream, trying to get anyone's attention if they weren't already watching this s**t show. He tried to cover my mouth, but I bit him, enough for him to pull back and kick me instead. It hurt, way more than I thought it would, but it gave me an extra second to get away from him, hoping onto the boat that was docked on the other side of the dock we were on, then jumping over three more boats trying to put more distance between us. "Leave me alone!!" I screamed, getting a few people's attention this time. Danny was relentless, marching himself over to me, trying to catch me as I ran around the large ship. I was frustrating him, without a doubt, but I was not giving up. "Goddess Anna, will you cut it out?! It's for your own good!" He said, leaping at me as I was ascending one of the flights of stairs. His hand got hold of my hair, and he yanked hard, sending me sailing to the ground. "How is this for my own good?!" I snapped, fighting him as he climbed on top of me. "I thought we were friends??" "We are, she wanted me to kill you but I said I would only hide you!" He growled, grabbing each of my wrists and pinning them to the deck. "Hide me?! From what?!" I scoffed, trying to get a leg up so I could kick him off of me. "Knock it off!" He growled again. And then I realized why she wanted me dead. At least why she wanted me dead now. I would bet anything that it was because the council was coming, set to arrive in only two days and she knew she didn't stand a chance otherwise. "She wants to be queen." I said, stopping all fighting. "She wants me dead or gone so she can be made queen by the council, isn't that right?" When he didn't answer I knew I hit the nail on the head. "And what's in it for you?" I asked. "I get to be her delta." He shrugged sheepishly. "Her delta? She asked you to kill her own sister, the rightful queen of this pack, and didn't even offer to make you her beta?! Unbelieveable," I scoffed, formulating my next move. "Well, its not that big of a deal..." He said, sitting back and scratching his head. "Stupid move buddy..." Aria snickered. "Tell her I'm coming for her." I growled, just before tucking my legs in, freeing myself from his hold, and using them to kick him square in the chest. I got up while he was gasping for air and hopped over a few more boats, just barely making it onto the last one that was already departing. Danny tried to follow me, but ended up taking a swim instead. Perfect. He retreated to the docks, which is what I had hoped for. Now all I have to do is get this ship to take me back home, call for Geir or Gunner or both to escort me back to the castle, and then wait for the council. If Danny did ever return home, I would have him taken into custody. I'm sure I can get him to squeal like a pig, only proving that I should be made queen and not Bethany, who now has a conspiracy to commit murder under her belt. "Um, excuse me!" I yelled, trying to get the attention of the nearest ship worker. "May I please speak with your captain? I need to be taken to Iceland at once." A few of them gave me odd looks, until one spoke in another language and I was met with a fit of laughter, from not one, but all of the men on board. I didn't think my request was that ridiculous, especially since I was a princess who was asking. Though, they probably didn't know that. This was not Iceland. I was covered in dirt and my feet were filled with cuts. My hair was a mess and my nightgown torn. Plus, they looked to be traveling merchants. "Sure missy, I'll take you to see the captain." The one who interpreted laughed, grabbing my arm and roughly dragging me along with him. "Uh, thanks." I said, trying to keep up with him. I was brought beneath the deck of the ship, met by a handful of people who were all chained to the floor. "Maybe I should just swim for it..." I said, stumbling back, just before I was shoved down onto my knees with the rest. Silver cuffs were biting into my wrists just moments later. This just got really bad.
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