Chapter 3

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CHAPTER 3 KATHLEEN~ "What happened?" I stopped walking fast when I saw the mess that happened in Matilde's Ballet Studio. All broken glass and all red paint were extremely scattered. Red is an understatement for the extremely dark color of the paint used to thrash the place, but crimson. If you look at it, it looks like real blood. If only not for the strong smell of paint. I would have thought that it is a real blood. We look like we are inside a crime scene. A gruesome crime scene. Matilde just drank whiskey and leaned on the classic piano while massaging her forehead. "I don't know. When I came here to spend the night--" she stopped when I saw the bruises on her arm. And she immediately hid it. I have known for a long time what Matilde's husband was doing to her. But not to ask her about that. For me, if she wants to talk about her problem, she will. But if she's hiding it, it's not to add salt to the open wound she already has. "--there's more in the locker room. I think you need to see that for yourself." She pointed at the locker room, I don't know but as I got closer and closer to the door of the locker room I was nervous. I feel heavy. This place is my safe haven, but why now I feel like I'm in danger anytime soon. The locker room only had 10 lockers. The other is from Matilde's young students and one is from one of her prodigies and one is mine. All lockers are clean. You wouldn't think they were inside the damaged studio. But my locker, it was wide opened, my ballet uniform, the white one was hanging with crimson paint all over it, while my doll shoes had broken glass pieces and was also dripping with crimson paint. A shiver ran down my spine. I feel real blood on my ballet uniform as I stare at it for a long time. "Do you know who could possibly do this?" I was surprised and my imagination was shattered when I heard Matilde's voice. I shook my head no, "I-- I don't know." "Clearly, you are the target of whoever did this." I don't know if I should be afraid of what Matilde said. But it was very obvious that I was the target of the person who did this. "As far as I know, I don't have any enemy--" I looked back to my ballet uniform. "--should we call the police?" I was surprised when Matilde's cell phone suddenly rang, and her face showed fear. Matilde immediately answered the call. "Rob?" She asked. Her husband. "--Yeah, Okay. I'm sorry." Then she hungs up. "Is it okay if I leave you here for now? I'm going to call the Sheriff's office on my way out. Robert is looking for me." Even if Matilde doesn't say it, I know she shouldn't make her asshole of a husband wait, no matter what the reason. I nodded, "Yeah, Sure." Then she left. I patiently waited for the Sheriff to arrive. I didn't fix it or even clean it up so they could see what happened. I sat at the studio's classic piano. I did try to open the lights but nothing. Normally, I'm not afraid of the dark. But I feel this sudden feeling that I am being watched by whoever is hiding in the dark. It has been an hour since Matilde went home. She texted me that the Sheriff is on his way. But what happened, why did they take so long to arrive? Then I feel it. I did not heard it. But I can literally feel it. Someone from behind me is walking closer and closer to me. My heart is racing fast, I can't look behind me because I'm afraid of what I'll see. Is it possible that the person who made this is still in the studio? My hands were shaking, then I see a man from the reflection in the black piano. A tall man, wearing only a suit and slacks in all black with his bare chest exposed, lots of tattooes in his torso and his arms. With his hair disheveled. "Miss me, Darling." He leans down near my ear, I can feel his breathing on my neck. I sat still and slowly looked at him face to face. The place is dark, but the man is glowing. It's none other than, Bishop King. This time, I get to see him up close after ten freaking years. He is a certified tall man, from what I measure he's around 6'5 in height, an actual giant compare to me whose only 5'3. His hair is cut short in back and sides and slightly shorter towards the crown. He has this facial hair that was recently shaved. His eyes were deep hazel brown eyes, it is piercing through me. Inside me. I must say that his face were carved perfectly like a freaking greek god straight from being stoned alive. His hands were huge compare to mine. I am sure if he kills me using his hands, He will do it effortlessly. He was so far from the odd little boy I knew back in Kindergarten. "What?" That is all I could mutter. In just one slow swoop, he turned my chair around making me face him. He knelt in front of me so our face were leveled with each other. He grew bigger than I remember, and what I noticed more. I'm more afraid of him now than before. His hands rested on my bare legs. A shiver immediately ran down my spine. I am shaking, his hands were huge. He is huge. If I stand up, I might be as tall as his chest. I am still wearing our school uniform, A white long sleeves polo with black necktie and a short black skater skirt. I also have a white knee socks and I paired it with a black school shoes. My hair was down and disheveled. He smirks, "Remember me?" His voice is hoarse and deep. As if he was growling. I noticed some of his tattoos. Skulls, Ancient words. A vintage camera. And on his chest is flowers. Then I noticed something on his shoulder blade, usually his tattoos is blank ink. But in that shoulder blade is crimson red. He noticed that I am looking at it, He took off his suit to make room for the tattoo I was looking at on his shoulder blade. A bite mark. Not just a bite mark. My freaking bite mark when we are in kindergarten. Is that a tattoo or bruise? I gasped and covered my mouth. "What is that--" that is all I could mutter. He smirks deeply. "Don't you remember me?" "I f*****g remember you." I snaps. "--Is that?" I don't know why I am trying to hold the mark. "To ease your guilt it wasn't a bruised--" then he cover himself again with his black suit. "--I had it tattooed. My first ever tattoo." "Why?" Now, I am so confused. Why would he tattoo the bite mark I made? To serve as a reminder to him of my bullying? I know in myself that I did not bully him, but does he know that that was not my intention? I bow down, "--I did not bully you in kindergarten." "I know." He wasn't standing up, he's still in that position in front of me. With him positioned like that, I feel like I am in cage. "Then why--" "So I can feel the pain." He finished. "I-- I am so sorry for what I did. I was just a kid, I didn't know how to stop you from lingering close to me." I breathes. "You don't want me to stick to you back then?" His eyes went dark. "Yes." I answered. "Are you afraid of me?" He asked, his hand that is on my bare legs tightened. And I squirm. I feel that it will leave his hand mark in there. "The police are coming here. My teacher already called the Sheriff's office. They will come anytime." I tried to threaten him, so that he would know that whatever he was going to do to me, he should stop because the police were coming. He laughed so dark and deep, almost it wasn't a laugh. "There's no one coming, Darling." I froze. The Sheriff's office, that's why they took so long to come is because Bishop King can stop them. What will he do to me? I swallowed hard, "I am not scared of you." He gently touched my face, and I did my best not to move. It's like when I move, he will bite. "I know you are not." He growls and looked me straight up my soul. I am afraid of him, so afraid of him. "What do you want?" I gasped. His hands once again tightened on my legs while the other holds my whole neck in just one hand. But he didn't tightened the one on my neck. Then his hand on my neck slowly went down then rested on my chest, on my chest where my heart lies. "You." It's not clear to me what he means when he says that he wants me. Or I'm afraid to ask. My phone vibrates, the name flashed through my screen. My Theo. Off course, I won't answer. I couldn't even move. But I saw his eyes fixated on the name on my phone screen. And when the call ended, my wallpaper appeared. It is me, kissing Theo on his cheeks with a wide smile on his face and we are on his bed. He smiled without a humor in it. It is a sinister smile. "Theodore Stanley?" He looks at me. "--are you dating him?" "Yes." "For how long?" This time the smile was gone, just rage? "Two-- two years." I answered. He leans in more closer to my face. I can feel his ragged breathing. I can also feel his hand on my bare legs went up even more. I close my eyes. "Look at me, Darling." He orders. I shook my head no. I am scared. But why do I feel that he was getting a fascination when he sees me scared. "Look. At. Me." His voice turned stern that it made me open my eyes and I was greeted by his dark brown eyes. "You are mine." He says like it was a fact. "What do you mean?" He smiled, "You know what I mean." He stood up, along with the police siren rang so loud outside. The two policemen entered the studio only to be greeted by Bishop King. Both of them bow down to him, "Mr. King." They both said in unison. "Have someone to clean here. Replace everything that was damaged and buy her the most expensive ballet uniform and doll shoes." I haven't even moved from where I'm sitting. He barely looked at me as he took out a cigarette and placed it on his lips and lit it with a classic looking lighter. "--take her back to their farm safe and sound. Don't even try to look at her. Or I would rather have your d**k stuffed in your f*****g mouth." Then he left. In order, the two police did not even looked at me. "Are you okay, Miss Armittage?" Then I cried. Sobs even. Almost all the emotions I suppressed when Bishop was here came out when he left. I felt like he was holding my life at that time. Fear. But I know better, I know how bullies work. Once they see that you have a reaction to what they are doing, they will try to bend you even more to their own evil satisfaction. And I won't give him that. Or at least, he won't see it.
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