Chapter 4*I don't need your help*

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                                 My sassy mouth had almost gotten me into trouble last night with Jason and his crew. When I lashed out at Chris and Jeremy, with no idea that Jason was within earshot. It infuriated when the two imbeciles came bearing bags of dirty clothes telling me to hand wash them like I was some sort of slave; I had simply told them the laundry room was open to Anyone and they should go wash away their stink and not dump it on me.    My response had made them mad not that i care, getting on their nerves was one thing i enjoyed most, if they think they can just get away with bullying others because they're friends with the future Alpha, I was sure going to be a pain in their pathetic ass, things had escalated from cursing at each other when Jeremy pushed me and I didn't hesitate when i swung my fist hard at his face. He cried out in pain and I scoffed. Pathetic, my actions surprised Chris at first before turning swiftly to tend to his dear friend.       About to celebrate my victory when Jason's Dark Aura filled the entire space, and I shivered slightly, I would have gotten my face smacked save for Alpha Nicholas walking in on us and asked what was going, Jason had quickly swung his hand over my shoulder saying we were just playing around, the Alpha watched us skeptically before telling me the Luna seeks my presence and thanked the stars for sending the Alpha in at that moment.        I shook my head at the thought of what might have happened to me last night if the Alpha hadn't come at the time he came. Jason would have enjoyed bashing my face in, redesigning its structure to his own taste. I was sure he wouldn't have held back after all the warnings he had given me to not cross his path..         With my gaze down, I walked the silent Hallway towards my last class of the day. I couldn't help but wondered if things would have been different if I had my parents with me. I sighed in defeat at my helpless thought, then I felt a powerful pull on my hand and I was being dragged in the opposite direction of my class,. I stumbled back from the hard shove, my back colliding with that of a body behind me.      And I knew it, I was cornered, Chris, Jeremy, and two other Beta wolves I didn't care to know their names but I knew they are part of Jason's minion circled me, giving me death glare like they were totally out on killing me on spot. I scowled at their faces, crossing my hands Akimbo.        '' what do you want with me''  I asked as my scowl deepens.  '' you'll know when we're done with you, did you enjoying hitting Jeremy's face last night, because we would enjoy doing it on yours''    one of out of the group of idiots threatened, and I laughed.       '' it's not my fault your friend is a p***y, couldn't even take one hit, that he fell to the ground crying for his mummy''  I mocked rolling my eyes.  '' you still have the Audacity to talk, you sure don't know how to shut your mouth, do you''    Chris sneered, and I scoffed, pathetic '' I feel bad for you guys, really you're just a bunch of morons, pathetic losers striving in the glory of their friend. You don't scare me one bit. None of you do, so don't expect me to cower in fear because poor Jeremy here can't even deal with me on his own he had to go call the entire gang to fight for him. You all are just Pun to the Future Alpha Nothing more''  I spat out, making them all growl in annoyance.             Someone's fist connected with my face, I didn't even care about the immense pain I was feeling at the moment or the metallic taste of Blood I felt in my mouth as I pushed at Jeremy Throwing an angered Punch at the imbecile who had dare to hit me in the face. His feet wobbled from the impact and he stumbled backwards. They might be Beta's and Delta's but all nothing but spoiled brats, he couldn't match up to them in heights and body mass, but I've done enough work and lifting since I was 8 to this moment to know how powerful my fist was.       I see no use in their body complex if they lack strength and stamina. But if things escalated, they outnumber me and I know I'm f****d but that doesn't mean I have to stay still and they their beatings. The Beta standing next to the Delta I hit snarled and made to hit me when we heard a camera shuttle sound. he paused, looking around to see where the sound came from with no one in sight. He grabbed me by my collar, ready to hit.            '' I really won't do that if I were you''  Someone commented, walking out of his hiding place. The Beta released his hold, scowling at the owner of the voice behind me, and I turned to see it was none other than Brandon.        '' why are you snooping around other people's business delta, just piss off and go back to your freak friend Allison if you don't want to end up like him''  Chris threatened walking up to Brandon.          '' I'm not one to meddle with other people's business, but I rarely appreciate the sight of scumbags like you picking on the weak, when you can pick on someone your size. I would love to kick your asses but......... (he paused sighing dramatically) I hate violence, so scram off while I'm being a good boy''  Gesturing his hand to shoo them away. By the way, who told him I'm weak.        I rolled my eyes at his dramatic attitude as Chris scoffed, swinging his clenched fist at Brandon. Brandon's demeanor changed at the action as he caught the incoming blow, squeezing Chris' fist with a dark expression on his face.            '' Jeremy dear, share with them what it feels like to get on my nerves''  Brandon smiled at Jeremy, who cowered back in fear. As he put pressure on Chris' fist, and I could hear bones crackling. Chris squeezed his eyes shot trying to hold in the pain and I snickered at the sight. Brandon released his hold on his fist, shoving him against the wall.             '' The next time I see you picking on him or anyone, this video and pictures is going to the Alpha. and this better be the last time I hear you talking bad about Allison''  Brandon threatens flashing his phone in their faces and they ran off without looking back and i scoffed at them for being such cowards.          '' Are you okay''  Brandon asks, lifting my chin and shove off his hand as I straightened my rumpled shirt, ignoring his questions as I began walking towards the backdoor of the school.      '' I know you're not mute, if you won't answer my questions, you should at least say Thank you, were you not taught to show gratitude for one's kindness''  he said with a scoff, and I stopped in my tracks.        '' I don't remember asking for your help or anyone's help at that,...........            '' you look like you needed it''  he replied cutting me off              '' I can take care of myself, ''  I replied irritated,,,....    '' Tell that to the cut on your lips''       He replied, and I hissed.   '' if my inability to thank you, is what is causing you to be Bitter, then you're not getting any form of gratitude from me, like you said they did not teach me basic manners or ethics, I didn't ask for your help you was a busybody on your own accord don't go asking for appreciation and leave me the hell alone''            I snapped at him coldly, gripping the strap of my backpack with force as I stormed out of his sight.      '' I was only trying to be nice. Why are you always looking for a reason to lash out at me''  He commented from behind me and I scoffed.     '' I don't want your pity''  I sneered at him, walking out the back door into the woods behind the school building.      if he was going to bother me for being ungrateful, why did he interfere in my business, I didn't ask for his stupid help. I don't know why people don't seem to mind their business anymore.                    
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