Chapter Five

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(Storm's Pov) The rest of the day went by uneventful. My last two classes, art and music, went by really fast and before I knew it the final bell rang. I walked out into the hall and over to my locker to put my stuff away. "Finally! This day went on forever!" I heard Tyler yell while walking up to me from down the hall. That attracted him some attention but he just smiled at them. He walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "You're giving me a ride, right?" Tyler asked. I rolled my eyes at him and put the rest of my books away and closed my locker. "Duh, I do everyday." He took his arm off my shoulder and smiled at me. "I know, I was just making sure. Let's hurry up and go. Can you drop me off at my house instead of yours?" Tyler asked. I nodded my head and looked at him confused. "Uh, yeah, I guess so. But why?" I asked. "I want to change before the game." "Want to look good for Kyle, huh?" I laughed and nudged him. He rolled his eyes at me and laughed. "Shut up, I just want to change," Tyler said. I laughed again and we started walking out to my car. We got in and I started it up while Tyler messed with the radio. Luca should just be waiting for us out in the parking lot like usual. Tyler ended up plugging in his iPod and turned on 'Animal' by Neon Trees. I started humming to the song while pulling into the school parking lot. I saw Luca standing there with another boy smiling and laughing. "Who's that?" Tyler asked excitedly. "No idea." Tyler smirked and I knew what he was going to do. I pulled up next to them and Luca waved and got into the car. "Who was that?" Tyler asked immediately. I pulled out of the parking lot and started to Tyler's house, listening to their conversation. "A f-friend I made t-today," Luca said. "You made a friend!" I said happily. I saw Luca blush in my mirror and I laughed at him. "Y-yeah, his n-name is Riley," Luca said. I nodded my head and Tyler smiled. "That's awesome! Oh I forgot, we're going to a football game tonight," Tyler said. Luca's smile instantly turned to a nervous look and he shook his head no. "I-I'm good," Luca said. Tyler turned around in his seat and sighed. "Please, Luca, I got Storm to go and it'd be awesome if you would, too. I know you don't like big crowds but you'll be with us!" Tyler said. I heard Luca groan and I smiled. I knew he wasn't going to say no. "F-fine! but y-you have to p-promise not to leave m-me!" Tyler cheered and held out his pinky. "I promise." They hooked their pinkies together and shook. I laughed at their childish promise and pulled into Tylers driveway. "Oh, we're here already!" Tyler said. He grabbed his book bag and opened his door. Luca got out too so he could get in the front. Tyler hugged him and Luca took his seat. "Bye, see you in a few hours!" Tyler said and ran inside. I backed out of the driveway and started to drive to our house. "So, how'd you and Riley become friends?" I asked. Luca smiled a little and looked at me. "H-He stood up f-for me. It w-was really n-nice." I smiled and glanced at him. "That's nice. Oh, and don't worry to much about the game tonight. It's only going to be for like two hours," I said. I could tell he was nervous about going to a high school football game. "I won't," Luca said. I nodded and pulled into our driveway. Luca ran out of the car and into the house. I'm assuming he went up to his room. I won't need to make dinner tonight since we'll probably just eat out. I walked into the living room and set my stuff down and thought about what I needed to do. I need to get ready for the game, so I'll just go take a shower. I went up into my room and into the bathroom and got everything ready. I turned on my shower, stripped down, and stepped inside and sighed. The hot water felt good after long day of school, and nothing even really happened. Once I was done my shower I got out and put on a dark purple sweatshirt, black skinny jeans, and my black and purple checkered Vans. I did my hair and then decided to just watch TV and relax until we needed to leave. (Jackson's Pov) After Spanish class the rest of my day went by slowly and boring. Nothing else happened, well other than the occasional question of why I was pissed during gym. I would just tell them to forget about it or that it was none of their business and they would shut up. I'm going to be meeting up with the team now because we have a game at six tonight. We don't have to be here until five but we all usually just hang around the gym until then. Maybe I'll talk to Kyle and we'll get this all sorted out. I hate it when we fight because we've been friends for so long and it just stresses me out. I walked into the gym and saw Nathan, Marcus, and Michael talking to each other. I walked up to them and they greeted me. "Hey, have you guys seen Kyle?" I asked. "He's in the locker room," Michael said. I mumbled a thanks before walking to the locker room. I saw Kyle sitting on a bench looking for something in his bag. "Hey," I said. He looked up at me and then looked back at his bag completely uninterested. "What?" I sighed and walked over to him. "Look, I'm sorry for being an asshole in gym. I'm not going to back out of this bet though, you know I can't do that," I said. He sighed and put his bag aside and turned to me. "Fine, but don't come to me when everything turns to s**t. But I'm tired of arguing with you so whatever," Kyle said. I smiled at him. "Thanks. What are you looking for?" I asked. He stood up and put his bag in his locker. "Nothing now. Oh, guess who's coming to the game tonight." I shrugged and he smiled. "Tyler Ross is coming, so I'm assuming that Storm is going with him," Kyle said. I smirked and nodded my head. This could be my chance to talk to him. Kyle left the locker room and I followed him. We all hung out until it was five and then we started to get ready. (Storm's Pov) I looked at the time and saw it was five already. I got up off the couch, stretched and turned off the TV. I went upstairs and stopped in front of Luca's door. I heard music playing and the song 'Bittersweet' by Panic! At The Disco was playing and I started to sing along to it. I knocked on the door and heard him get up. He opened his door and let me in. "You ready to go? We have to leave in a little bit," I said. He looked at me confused. "I th-thought you s-said w-we don't h-have to be th-th-there until af-fter six?" Luca asked. I nodded my head at his question. "Right, but we're going to eat first." He nodded his head and grabbed a jacket. He grabbed his iPod which was playing his music and we went out to the car. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Tyler telling him we'll be there soon. I pulled out of the driveway and we drove to Tyler's house in comfortable silence. As soon as I pulled into the driveway Tyler came rushing out and jumped into the back seat. His dad came running out with a amused look on his face and I smirked. I love his family. "Go, go, go!" Tyler said. I laughed and put the car into park. Tyler looked at me with an 'are you serious?' face. Brandon, Tyler's dad, came up to the car and I rolled down Luca's window. "Hey, Storm. Hey, Luca, how are you guys?" He asked. Luca smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "Good, how are you?" I asked. "I'm doing alright, although I would love to know why exactly my son, who hates sports, is going to a football game?" "Am I not allowed to support my school? God!" Tyler said. "There's a boy," I said "Storm," Tyler warned "He plays on the team," I kept on going. "Shut up," Tyler said. "And Tyler is completely obsessed with him." "Oh my god! Storm! We're supposed to be friends!" Tyler whined while blushing like crazy. Brandon laughed and fist pumped the air saying, "I knew it! I knew it had something to do with a boy! Well that's all I need, I'll talk to you about this later, Tyler. Have fun!" Brandon ran inside, probably to tell Evan. Brandon has always been the more childish and hyperactive of the two. I smirked again and pulled out of the driveway and right away Tyler started whining. "How could you do that to me? I thought we were friends! I hate you, okay I don't mean that but still! You just had to tell my dad!" Tyler said. I looked at him in the mirror and smiled innocently. "He deserves to know. Besides, maybe he could give you a few tips," I said. Tyler rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat. "Yeah, who wouldn't want dating tips from their parents?" He said. His eyes widen after he realized what he said and he quickly sat up and looked at Luca and me. "I'm sorry." I smiled and shook my head. "It doesn't matter, and your parents are awesome!" I said. He smiled a little and nodded. "You're right." I pulled into the drivethru of a local fast food place. I ordered two burgers and two cokes with fries and one eight piece chicken nuggets with a sprite for Luca. After we ate I drove us to the school, which was packed by the way. After driving around and finally finding a parking spot I shut off the car and we all got out and stretched. "Don't look so nervous, Luca, everything will be okay." Tyler said and I looked at him and frowned. I walked over to him and hugged him and Luca buried his face in my chest. " Shhh, just calm down. You'll be fine. Tyler and I won't let anything happen to you," I said trying to get him to calm down. Luca nodded his head slowly and pulled away from me. " I-I'm sorry," Luca whispered. Tyler ran over and hugged him really tight causing me to smile. " Awe! It's okay Luca! Don't feel bad, it's not a big deal. If you want to go home than we can go," Tyler said. Luca shook his head no and smiled. "N-no, I want t-to go to t-the game." Tyler smiled and hooked his arm with his. We started walking to the bleachers and sat down in the front row since all the other seats were full. The game already started but it's not like I knew what was going on anyway. "Found him!" Tyler cheered. I looked at him and saw he was looking at someone really focused. I saw he was looking at Kyle and laughed a little. He blushed and shrugged at me. Luca laughed a little and Tyler smiled down at him. I looked back at the field and saw that Kyle had the ball and threw it to Jackson. Jackson ran with the ball tucked underneath his arm and the other players tried to tackle him. He ran past the end zone and everyone cheered. Tyler was clapping and cheering and everyone around us just went crazy. It made me happy to see everyone so happy, even if it was just for a touchdown. After everyone calmed down and another hour of us watching the game, we ended up winning. Everyone started to clear out from the bleachers and go down to meet with their friends. "Do want to go see the football players?" Tyler asked. I glanced at Luca and saw his worried expression. "Why would I want to do that?" I asked. "To congratulate them, duh," Tyler said. I knew he just wanted to get a chance to talk to Kyle, so I agreed. I gave Luca a reassuring smile and we started our way to the field. They were all standing there with their friends and family around. We saw Kyle and Jackson standing around just talking before Kyle saw Tyler. Tyler instantly blushed and turned to me like he was going to say something. "Hey, Tyler," Kyle said. I looked at him and saw a small smile on his face. I looked at Jackson and saw he had a confused look while looking at Kyle. "Oh hey, Kyle, didn't see you there," Tyler said. At least he isn't stuttering. Kyle laughed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah, well I see you made it," Kyle said. Oh gosh, they're so awkward. "Yeah, I did. Congratulations on winning the game. You guys did awesome," Tyler said. Kyle smiled again and nodded. "Thanks, well I guess I'll see you around," Kyle said and walked off. Tyler sighed and came over to Luca. "I need to use the bathroom. I remember you asking me where the restrooms were so I'll take you," Tyler said. Luca nodded and they walked off in the direction of the bathrooms. Well gee, thanks for leaving me, guys. Before I could follow them I heard someone say my name. "Hey, Storm." I turned around and there was Jackson Rider standing in front of me with a smile on his face.
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