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" Emilia, come out now............," Angela's voice echoed with an impatient edge, her anticipation palpable as she waited for Emilia to emerge from the bathroom. " Emilia, you're taking forever! " Angela's voice grew more anxious as the seconds dragged on. " Coming................, " Emilia replied, her voice slightly shaky, still adjusting the dress Angela had picked for her. Emilia stepped out of the bathroom with slow, hesitant steps, her heart racing. Nervously, she bit her lip, a cascade of self-doubt washing over her. Angela sat perched on Emilia's bed, her eyes brimming with excitement. " Wow, Emilia, you look absolutely stunning! " Her words burst forth with joy. Emilia approached her desk where a medium-sized mirror awaited her. As she gazed at her reflection, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and delight. The dress Angela had chosen was a demure pink off-shoulder flared dress, adorned with a shiny, bowed ribbon belt cinched at her waist. It tastefully covered her thighs, yet hinted at her soft curves through the neckline, which made her blush even more intensely. Angela chimed in, " Come on, Emilia, let me enhance your beauty with a bit of makeup. You'll be even more radiant." Uncertain of how to respond, Emilia glanced at Angela, her nerves evident in her eyes. " I'm fine as I am..............," Emilia stammered, her anxiety bubbling just beneath the surface. " Okay, okay," Angela conceded with a soothing tone. " Just apply this lip balm, and we're ready to go." With a timid nod, Emilia accepted the strawberry-coloured lip balm from Angela. As she applied it, she looked undeniably beautiful—her honey-brown hair cascading onto her shoulders, her green eyes sparkling with happiness, and her soft, baby-pink lips inviting admiration. Her innocent features, creamy complexion, and delicate figure possessed an enchanting allure, capable of capturing anyone's attention. Emilia slipped into her bowed pump heels, and together, they left the room. Angela couldn't help but exclaim, "Let's go, Emilia; you look absolutely stunning." Emilia responded with a bashful smile, and they ventured outside to find a cab waiting for them. Angela had transformed her backyard into a fairy-tale scene, adorned with twinkling lights and balloons. It was a magical setting for Harry's birthday celebration. As the footsteps of Harry approached, a hushed silence fell over the gathering. Angela had purposely dimmed the lights to heighten the surprise. "Angela, where are you? It's so dark.............," Harry's voice echoed, filled with confusion. "Angela!" he called out once more. Then, in a dramatic flourish, the lights suddenly blazed to life. " Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday, Harry! " Angela and Emilia sang in unison, presenting a cake before him. Harry's eyes widened with astonishment as he beheld his friends, his mother, Angela, and, most captivatingly, Emilia—all standing there, beaming at him. He returned their smiles, but his gaze lingered on Emilia, who appeared like a living doll. Her presence had captured his heart, and he couldn't help but blush at her radiance. Amongst their friends, Harry's attention remained steadfastly fixed on Emilia. ........................................................................ " Have you forgotten your manners? " Shane's voice thundered, his eyes narrowing at Daniel, who had barged into his room unannounced. " Boss," Daniel began hesitantly. " I was about to enjoy myself with that woman, and you've ruined the mood........................," Shane barked, his irritation evident. " I apologize, Boss," Daniel stammered, trying to regain his composure. " But I have important information regarding the stolen containers." Shane fixed a piercing gaze upon him. " What is it, Daniel? " Daniel hesitated for a moment, then spoke, " A man named Dawson, middle-aged, has stolen the containers. The security guard in that area and another worker aided him." A malicious grin spread across Shane's face as he absorbed the news. " Bring the guard and the worker to the basement immediately.................," he ordered in an icy tone. Daniel's voice quivered as he asked, " And what about Dawson, Boss? " Shane's eyes gleamed with fury as he responded, " I'll personally pay Dawson a visit at his home." " Understood, Boss....................," Daniel replied, then left the room. " Dawson, you're about to experience a living nightmare.................," Shane muttered to himself as he relit his cigar. The next day, dressed impeccably in a blue business suit with a crisp white shirt, Shane descended into the basement and came upon the security guard, who lay in a pool of his own blood. The man had been viciously stabbed in the legs, his hands bound with chains. Shane seized a fistful of the guard's hair, forcing the man to meet his intense gaze. The guard whimpered in pain. " You should've known better....................," Shane hissed, his eyes boring into the guard's soul. " You're nothing more than a treacherous dog deserving of punishment................," Shane growled, gritting his teeth. Without hesitation, he retrieved a gun from Daniel and fired a single shot into the man's heart, ending his life instantly. Shane then turned his attention to the worker, who lay nearby with stab wounds on his hands. Tears streamed down the worker's face as he pleaded for mercy. " Please, let me go... let me go................," the man sobbed, desperation evident in his voice. " You'll lead us to Dawson..................," Shane declared, his gaze unyielding. "All of you will pay for the losses you've caused, with your blood." Shane's thunderous voice reverberated, sending shivers down everyone's spine.
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