The First Encounter

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Chapter 2 (After the incident) We are so late!!! I shouted at my mind. Maegan, Agatha and Brittany are with me, we are running as fast as we could to reach our room just in time. Our advisor are terror as my grand mother! I rolled my eyes when I remember my grand mother. Last night she shouted at me and grounded me for months. Well...they ALL grounded me for going on clubs and going on nights out. They are so angry for what happen to me and my friends, and they want to give thanks to the woman that save us from that hell place. I look at my right sight and the woman's figure is look so familiar to me. Hmm, don't mind that kc, your going to be late if you keep on staring, I reminded to myself. When we step in on our classroom, we sigh in relief when we see that our terror teacher is not yet here. (Time check 8:05) Our class starts at 8 and our teacher is 5 minutes late. I think she make an excuse letter for today, or she have a bad digestions, or she's traffic? I question the last part as we keep on waiting to our subject teacher. (Psst! Psst! Kc! Maegan called me. I look at her with questions on my face what?. Hmm did you see the face of our savior last night? Maegan asked. No, but I can familiarize her voice and figures, I reply to her. Agatha, Brittany and Maegan seat beside me, and they have a curious face. What do you want to know? I asked them. We wanted to know who is she, Agatha smiled at me. But we don't have any idea who is she, I exclaimed to them. Well you know her voice right? Maegan asked. And also her figure, Brittany commented. Well sort of, I replied.) (OK Class, Good morning Everyone! Our second teacher come in and greeted us.) She's the opposite of our terror teacher, she's the one that always makes fun whenever she discuss her lessons. (Today we have a new student and hope you like and welcome her. Please come in Ms. , teacher Cia called the girl.) When the girl come in, every boys gasped and have a heart shape on their eyes. Even the girls admires her beauty. Is she a Goddess?? How can she attract all the attention of our classmates. (Scarlet Lee Monteverde, she introduce.) Wew, I got chills and when I look at my friends and classmates they are also shock for the coldness of that girl. We didn't notice that her eyes shows no emotion, I just see it when she's in front of me. I got nervous when she look at me. (Is this seat available? She asked. H-h-m-m-mm yeah, I reply.) When I said yes, she just seat beside me and place her bag. My tongue got twisted and I didn't know how will I react in front of her. But what is this familiarize feelings that I feel? I asked to my self. (Ms. Diaz, are you listening? Ms. Cia asked.) Hmm I look at our teacher and just nodded in case my tongue will twisted again. (OK let's start our discussion, Ms. Cia said) ***2 Hours has passed*** Ok! we will end it here for now class, Thank you and Good bye, she said while standing in front of us. Good bye ma'am! We reply to her, before she leave. All this time, my body got reacted like a scared cat whenever scarlet look at me and giving me no emotions. Her expression, voice and figure reminds me of someone, but I think I just mistook her. She's to skinny to be that girl. I think it just a coincidence, that I've meet just like her figure and voice. But what if she's the one who save us? Maybe I should make an investigation on her, to make sure she's the one that we've been searching. I look away, when she notice I keep on staring her. Oh my Kc! Why are you keep on staring her? I asked my self. If she's the one who save us, why did she look at us like nothing happen? Hmm I think I really need an investigation about her. (End of flashback) Oh my neck!! It really hurt, how can we sleep 3 hours in the limousine? It's a little bit uncomfortable because we sleep on our seats. We didn't notice that our neck is hanging on the air. Hmm.. I look at my back and Maegan, Michelle and Agatha is no longer here. I think they already on their home laying on their bed. I didn't notice that we already passed the village of those 3 woman's. I check my phone and my little brother texted me. (Where are you right now big sis? I am near on our village prince, I reply to him. Hmm..Mom and Dad doesn't know your going home, he reminded me. Yeah yeah I know, I just want to surprise them, I reply back. Ok whatever big sis, his last text.) Haha, I know that his afraid that Mom and Dad will know that I'm going home, and their prince didn't tell them that he knows. ? But of course my baby boy will going to obey me, he is spoiled whenever it comes to me. And also I know that he respect my decision that I'm going to surprise our parents. I live in America for over 2 years and I didn't even visited them once here in Philippines. Xyleen POV Well hello every one, especially for the readers I am Xyleen Yu Monterial 19 years of age, and I am taking an architect course and turning into 3rd year college level. We will going to transfer on Scarlet's university and we are here to focus on our studies and our organization. We are the top one gangster in Underground World. Our leader is none other than Scarlet Lee Monteverde, the Ice Queen of black Angels. She is worthy to be the Queen because she have skills that no one can defeat her. I am one of her members because her best friend is my cousin and right now I am also one of her best friend. I know her for being a joyful and charming princess when we are kids but right now she's different and also unique. Even though she is no longer that girl that I've known once but still she's one great person that you wanted to respect and treasure. When Kacey got out in the car, the silence eat us. She's the one that always talking even when she's tried she's always mumbling something. The next village will be ours. Brittany mansion was located on the left side of the village, Scarlet mansion was the biggest one among us, and my mansion are located behind Scarlet's mansion. My parents live in Hawaii and they only visited me if they miss me, and I'm just good to hear that because I am free and I can live my life without pressured by my parents. When we are arrived at the village Brittany is the one that will going to come out because the driver turn the car on the left road of the village. Second is Me because my mansion is behind of a mansion of scarlet so Scarlet's driver will going to stop second at my mansion. ***Scarlet Point of View*** LU (Lee University), I read it with a smile. Hmm what will happen if they know that I am the one that handling this? And I am the owner of this University. My grandpa give this to me when I was 15 years old, and they are so happy that I manage it so will. I sigh as I remember my grandpa, he pass away when I was turning to 16. He didn't even wait for my birthday. Hmm OK, stop the drama, I should be happy that he's not going to suffer here anymore and beside his now resting in heaven. I should not be sad anymore, he will be upset if he see me sad about his death. I just visited my university to look around and to memorize the surroundings. As soon as you step in into the gate you will walk through the hallway and you will see at the end of it the building of this university. Every courses has different buildings, and the center of it are the gymnasium and the Canteen. The soccer field of the university are located in the back of BSBA (Bachelor of Science in Business Administration) Buildings. Every buildings has a year level, it has 1st year - 4th year level. When your a new bee you will be lost in this huge buildings, it is a whole day long when your just going to memorize each of the hallway of the buildings. I estimate the number of buildings are in 11 buildings including the gymnasium and the two cafeteria. The garden of the university are located in the right side of the soccer field, as they are watching the games they can sit still in the benches of the garden. And also the stage of the university where the program and activities does, are located inside the gym. I am familiar in every part of the universities because when I was young my grandpa use to bring me here to familiarize the university. When my tummy's roar, I immediately turn into the left side of the hallway to buy my lunch in the cafeteria. I didn't notice that I've been looking around the whole 8 hours, and I didn't even notice the time. Its already 1:00 pm and I am as hungry as hell. I got mesmerized with the looks of my university, and I am planning to build more room for the booths of every Courses. As I am eating alone in the corner of the cafeteria, I see some mans that walking through the right side of the cafeteria, it is the way to the deans office. Hmm are they transferee's? I think so. They all look so handsome and manly. I think they are in 4th year level, hmm and I think we're in the same age. When I was looking at them the last man, suddenly look at me with his cold eyes. I look at him with no emotions and no interest. He's the one that look away and follow the other mans. I checked the time in my wrist and ready to leave. I should get some rest, because tomorrow is the first day of my 4th year level in BSBA (Bachelor of Science and Business Administration) course. I actually pick the BSBA course, because I will be the one that will handling the businesses of Lee Clans. I am the oldest grand daughter of Lee Families, that's why I need to learn on how to manage and run a businesses. I go to the parking lot of the university and pick my car to leave. As I turn my car, I see again the man with the cold eyes and bored face in the gate of the university. Hmm don't mind them scarlet, I reminded my self. They are all look like gangsters? They have the looks that "mess with us, and you will be dead" Hmm I am a gangster, but I am not using my power to be respected. I earn it by what I've been doing, and not for what position I'm in. "At the mansion" I am exhausted for just looking around the whole morning. As soon as I open the door of my mansion, I see my friends are complete seating in my sofa and feeling at home. Will they are just like my sisters, so my home are also their home. I am not literally cold, only in my friends. They know me, but not behind my past. They know that I've encounter some tragic past, but thanks to them they didn't bring it up and they respect my feelings. They said that they will wait until I get ready to tell them. They are so precious to me, when I don't recognize my self anymore they are the one who bring me back to who I am. (Hey scarlet! Taste this please... Brittany said. Hmm its good, I commented. Only good you can comment? She rolled her eyes at me and called Michelle to taste her cookies. She is Brittany Chantel Taylor our chef in the gang. The one that love to cooked and cooked. Mich! Taste this! She smiled widely while giving michelle a piece of her cookies. Michelle Yu Montefalco the taster of her cookings and the big sister of the gang. Its excellent, Michelle commented and get more cookies from her. That's what I wanted to hear! She exclaimed. Please minimize your voice, I want to sleep. Xyleen reminded, Xyleen Yu Monterial the sleepyhead of the gang and cousin of Michelle Yu Montefalco. She always reminding us whenever we are together to lower our voice. She's sleepyhead of the gang because she use her vacant time practicing and training her own skills in our Hide out. She wanted to be more great on fighting, because she don't want anymore to be the little sister in our gang. She hates it whenever we call her baby sister, she will punches you really hard and she will smirked at you while saying "repeat it again and your face will be swollen". They are all innocent in the outside but brutal in the secrets. Scar,! You don't have to worry about your things in school because we buy it for you, and we make sure that you're gonna love your new things. Agatha smiled at me and gave me a box, as I open it all of my school supplies are in here and all of my favorite design are also the one that they buyed. I nodded at her and say my thanks. She just smile at me and mouthed " your welcome". She is Agatha Ashleigh Cole, the one the we assign to buy everything we need. She loves to shopping that's why we assign her on that. We are 7 ladies and also the 2 that I didn't mention are Kacey Grandez Diaz, and Maegan Blue Kriffney they are watching barbie and the pearl princess right now and they are fighting who will be the first to pick a movie for our movie marathon. Stop it you two! I warning them.) Whenever they are together, they always fight for the things that they been choosing. They suddenly behave and they didn't say a word, but they are glaring to each other. I rolled my eyes for what childish I've witnessing. We will just watch one movie, because we have a big day tomorrow and we cannot be look like an alien and zombie that walking in the hallway of the university. They pick Korean movies and the title of it is "Alive". Hmm show us what you've got, Kacey said with a huge smile on her face. She's the one that always buying a tape for our movie marathon. We always take time to watch a movie to lessen our stress in life and also to make time to our girls bonding. We have a room place for our movie marathon, it is mini cinema and we are always turning off the lights whenever we are watching. Brittany put her baked cookies in the table and we seat on our comfort zone or should I say our respected chairs. The movie started and the main character are Park Shin Hye and Yoo Ah In. ,they are trap in there unit because they are surrounded by the zombie. They are worried on what they should eat and how will they survive in the crisis. Zombies is scarier than the disease. If the zombie bite you, you will turn into a zombie and you will also eat a human kind. It is gross to know that whats zombies are like. The movie title "alive" showing how the two person still lived in the middle of a zombie crisis. And how they survive for a couple of days, without water and food. The time flies, and the movie ended. (How can a zombie Climb using the rope? Michelle commented. It is a 21st century zombie, Agatha reply to her comment. Everyone chuckled except for me. They all stares at me, and fake a laugh. Hmm why are your laugh so priceless scar? Kacey joked. Because I want them to be priceless, I reply back.) They all know behind my character but they didn't know what happen literally. They will just clean the room and they will off to go. Its already 5pm and they should beauty rest on their own mansion. They can sleepover here, but its first day of our 4th year level tomorrow so we must get ready. We are not like the brat girls and spoiled one, we train our self to be more humble sometimes and also we have a dreams to reach. We also should follow our rules, that whatever it takes we should never give up our most precious jewelry or should I say our virginity. We have a boyfriend ones but we never let our boyfriend hands touch our bodies. (Scarlet! Goodbye, kacey wave at me while leaving and also everyone say their goodbyes. Take care, I shouted at them.) They just smiled and salute at me. I smiled in my thoughts, all of them make me smile in the inside. They all have a room in my heart, and they always did.
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