Chapter 2

752 Words
“You shouldn’t be standing in the cold wind with a bare back.” A deep voice resonated in my ears. I turned around only to find a pair of smoldering grey eyes staring at me. Austin William walked towards me till we were 2 feet apart. I was looking at him and he was staring down at me. He raised his hand and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear which was loosening free because of the wind. I bowed down my head suddenly feeling shy and blush crept across my cheeks. He lifted my chin up with his right hand and again I saw that sexy smirk. I stepped back a bit so that we had some distance between us and said  “Hello Mr. William.” And in return I did not expect the question or say speculation that he asked, “Aren’t you the future daughter-in-law of the Montez family?”   WHAT THE HELL?  Even he has heard of it. From how long had this been planned? And why the hell does he care? Suddenly I felt anger surging up in me and maybe it was the champagne or what I don’t know I snapped, “Wow Mr. William, you are far too free to pay attention to such things I guess.” And then I realized what I said after hearing my own words. s**t. Me and my big mouth. What have I done? To check if he’s angry I peeked up at him and I saw a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth. He said “Well everybody at the party has heard of it.” Is this why my mother was telling me to dress up nicely? Why didn’t they ask me first? Austin William continues, “It seems like Mr. Montez is going to invest in your father’s company and as his gratitude your father is marrying you off to their family.” He is quite informed! Hmph! But it does not seem that he is lying.   I had a sudden urge to cry. I couldn’t face this man in front of me or rather anyone else in the party. “Excuse me” saying this I ran outside the banquet. All I wanted to do was get out of here. I didn’t want to see anyone. I reached the entrance of the hotel and asked the man standing there to call my ride. The driver came to pick me up in a few seconds and I left the banquet feeling empty inside. It turns out that my own father is selling me to some investor. Great! No matter how I see it that is what my conception is telling me. This is how my family is treating me. Is it because I’m a girl? Would things have been different if I were a boy? I couldn’t help but think about this.   In no circumstances can I accept to marry someone I met just once. Never. I have to do something. I have to get out of here. This is unacceptable. But where should I go? There was only one place that came to my mind. MIAMI. That’s where I used to study. My major in fashion designing. Miami is a familiar city. I can live there. I have my college friends there too. And then I made up my mind. And I knew I will not back out from it. I refuse to be a puppet in my parents hands and get married off to someone I don’t even love.   The first thing I did when I reached home was to take out that expensive dress and change myself into something more comfortable. I took out a hoodie and a pair of denim shorts to change myself into and then loosen the bun to let my hair fall on my shoulder. I took out my huge suitcase and started packing up my stuff to take myself with me in Miami. I took the passport and important documents with me. I called my friend Cody who works as an agent in the airline business and asked him to book me an earliest ticket to Miami. I told the housekeeper to call a cab for me to which is asked me where was I going? I told her I’m going to Miami and she should not worry about me. Cody called again to tell me the next flight to Miami was in an hour and that he has emailed me my ticket. I thanked him and took my suitcase and stuff downstairs where the cab was waiting for me.   
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