
Competing for a Title


Ashely has always dreamed of how her life would be. She by all means wants to marry for love. When the richest billionaire invites her and others to compete for his hand in marriage she wonders if she has what it takes to win him over.

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One - Intro
Guys. I prefer to date guys. But since I started dating things haven't been going right, to say the least. As a matter of fact, you can say one epic fail after the other. As much as I would like to find true love I'm bout ready to give up. If things don't look up after tonight I'll be officially giving up. I'm nervous. Tonight the billionaire will choose his bride. I know I sound crazy. But yes these ladies is going to spend a night doing who knows what to win the billionaire over and get his hand in marriage. "Ms. Jones?", someone I assumed was either his assistant or one of his servants. When I turned around it was Nat. "Hi, It is time. I've come to get you prepared for tonight's festivities." I had no idea what that meant. No idea where she was taking me. No idea how many other women were here. No idea about anything really. I was beginning to wonder why I was even doing this really. I know that I've watched this man in the tabloids for years and yes I'm in love with him. But I couldn't possibly be that much in love with him because I don't even know him. I only know of him. Whos' to say the things portrayed of him on the tv or papers is the type of person he is behind closed doors. "what would you like to start with mam", the lady asked looking over her shoulder at me. I was confused as ever," I'm sorry but what do you mean?" "Hair, wardrobe, etc. You didn't think we would leave you all to compete without everyone starting at the same drawing board. Everyone will receive the best care and make their best decisions for the night to ensure a fair chance for all. The billionaire won't know anything about any of the competitors. Let alone who comes from money or not. Everyone has a fair chance to win him over with personality alone. Well actually in your case you are purely beautiful and that will defiantly give you an advantage," she said all with a smile on her face. She was pleasant, polite, and patient with me. It seems as though we were preparing for hours. She was very thorough. I insisted that we keep things as natural as possible. We started with hair. Since my hair was already braided into medium-sized box braids we just touched them up. They had two different stylists working on my hair and they redid my entire perimeter rather quickly. My hair is a natural dark brown. Nat had suggested I add a little color pop just for fun. I indulged her and let them add a few braids with a bit of blond in them. I actually liked it. They gave me a facial and only added moisturizer to my face and gloss on my lips. No one was to wear any makeup, lashes, etc as the billionaire insisted that every woman was in her most natural state. This made me very happy because I know I wouldn't make it through the night without ruining it anyway. Aside from that, I didn't blame him. Whoever he chose, he would be planning on being with them for the rest of his life. I'm sure he would want to see the same beautiful face he fell for tonight. I looked into the mirror when they were don't and fell in love. This alone made me glad I came, even if I didn't win him over. The facial was so relaxing and I felt so refreshed. I definitely made a mental note to add a facial to my monthly maintenance. One the way out we walked past the ballroom. Of course, I couldn't help but sneak a peak in. I was nervous all over again. It looked as though the entire town was in there. "What is this?", I thought to myself. Nat placed her hand on my back, " are you ready?" "Am I?', I asked her beginning to panic. " I'm just a regular girl that's a nobody in society. Look at all of those people in there. They can't see me. I don't think I can do this", I told her as I turn to walk away. She stopped me before I could even make a full turn. "Listen here, it doesn't matter if you are someone or not. None of that matters tonight. This is why you all were instructed to not wear any makeup and only dress from our wardrobe. You are all on the same level tonight. All of those people are family and friends. It doesn't matter that he is an billionaire and this is an audition of the sorts. Regardless of who you date you would have to meet family and friends. This way you get it over with and done. Trust me just be the best you that you can be. What do you have to lose?" As I thought about what she was saying I did calm down a bit. " I guess you are right. Hell if I had anything better to do I guess I wouldn't even be here tonight." I took a deep breath. "I'm ready Nat. Thank you for all of your help tonight. I honestly wouldn't have made it this far without you. Hopefully ill find true love tonight" ----- Two weeks ago ----- I was in my kitchen making myself some breakfast. My rice and bacon were almost done. As I began cracking my eggs into a bowl I heard the reporter on the news began speaking: Just in! Billionaire Alexander Bright is hosting a one-week event at his mansion here in a couple of weeks. During this event, he will choose one lucky lady to become his wife. Once selected during an elimination process the remaining ladies will be staying here at the mansion to bring the event to an end. The finalist will be chosen by his mother on the last night of the event. No further details have been released. Let's go over and speak with some of the ladies that will obviously enter this competition. "Ms. Carmella of Van Carne Furniture your father is extremely rich himself. Why are you entering the completion when you can have any man you desire?" " I'm not in this for the money obviously," she spoke with a very nasty attitude. " I'm here because i was born for this. None of these other women should waste their time entering because he'll be mine." Wow, she's definitely full of herself and for what I thought to myself. If you had it and were born for it why enter some stupid competition. Like what fight and argue with a bunch of women of which I'm sure hell sleep with every night. How could that be beneficial in finding someone to marry? But what do I know? They are in a completely different world than I am. I couldn't even begin to understand the rich and famous. I like it that way though. I don't care for the problems that come with being in the spotlight all the time. "Ash you good?" asked her best friend Monica. " You standing there looking stupid like yo shift not about to start." "Yeah, my bad. I was just watching this dumb ass s**t on the news. These motherfuckers really out here chasing clout. How are you rich as f**k and having a completion to find love? Of course, everybody that's gone actually enters either wants his money or wants to be famous," I told her getting my stuff together to head out the door. Monica burst out laughing, " girl yo ass do not need to be talking. s**t in all actuality with these lame-ass dates you've been on your ass needs to be trying to enter yo damn self. Maybe you'll actually have some fun for once." "Girl bye you sound bout crazy ass hell. Ain't no way I'm about to go make a fool of myself on tv trying to impress the people. s**t, I'm not about to make a fool of myself trying to enter and getting my hopes up high just for them not to even pick me. And you talking so much why you don't enter?" "That man is not my type and plus I'm not the one p***y get worked up and wet every time I see that man's face," she said laugh and pointing at me. "Yeah haha. Aint s**t funny b***h," I said as I walked out the door.

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