
1357 Words
Venus felt her face flush when she realized the whole room was looking at her. She didn't know what had happened, but seeing the curious looks of her classmates made her nervous. She got up from her desk, trying to disguise her anxiety, and walked to the classroom door. That's when she heard someone next to her chuckling softly. Venus turned and saw a group of boys with their cell phones in hand, whispering to each other. That's when she realized that there was a video going viral on social media, a video of her in an embarrassing situation. Venus felt tears welling up in her eyes. She had never felt so vulnerable and exposed. As a college student, she had a bright future ahead of her, but now she felt ashamed and humiliated. She ran to the bathroom and locked herself in one of the stalls, sobbing. That's when she heard knocking on the door. "Venus, are you in there? It's Rachel," said a female voice from the other side. Rachel was her best friend and roommate. Venus sighed with relief when she heard Rachel's voice. She unlocked the stall door and hugged her friend, still crying. "What happened?" Rachel asked. Venus showed Rachel the video on her phone, and both were shocked by what they saw. "I don't know what to do," said Venus, feeling lost. "You need to report this," said Rachel, putting a hand on her shoulder. Venus nodded, realizing that she couldn't let this go on any longer. She took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom, determined to take action. As she walked back to the classroom, she noticed three guys sitting in the back of the room, staring at her intently. She recognized them as Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, the infamous brothers who were known for their good looks and charm. They were all in her classes, but she had never spoken to them before. She tried to ignore their gaze and went to the front of the classroom to talk to the professor. But she could feel their eyes following her every move. When she turned around to leave, she almost collided with Zeus, who had suddenly appeared in front of her. "Excuse me," she said, trying to move past him. But he held out his hand, blocking her way. "Wait, don't go yet. We need to talk to you," he said with a sly smile. Venus felt a shiver run down her spine. She didn't like the way he was looking at her, like she was a piece of meat. She tried to move past him again, but he stepped closer, trapping her against the wall. "You know, we've been watching you," he said, his breath hot on her face. "And we think you're just our type." Venus felt a surge of anger. How dare he talk to her like that? She pushed him away and ran out of the classroom, tears streaming down her face. As she was leaving, she heard Ades, the youngest of the three brothers, censuring Zeus. "What the hell, man? You can't just wake her up like that. Have some respect," he said, his voice filled with concern. Venus appreciated Ades' intervention, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort that Zeus had caused her. She didn't want anything to do with him or his brothers. She spent the rest of the day avoiding them, and when she got home, she spent hours researching how to get the video removed from the internet. She felt violated and humiliated, and she didn't want anyone else to see it. But despite her efforts, the video continued to spread like wildfire, and soon everyone on campus knew about it. She felt like she couldn't escape the shame and embarrassment, and she started to consider dropping out of school. That was until she received a message from Ades, apologizing for his brother's behavior and offering to help her in any way he could. At first, she was hesitant to accept his offer, but she could sense his sincerity, and she felt like he was the only one who truly understood what she was going through. They met up the next day, and Ades helped her draft a letter to the school administration, demanding action be taken against the person who had leaked the video. He also offered to be there for her whenever she needed someone to talk to. Over the next few weeks, they spent more time together, and Venus started to see a different side of Ades. He was kind, empathetic, and funny, and she found herself drawn to him in a way she never thought possible. But she also noticed that his brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, were always lurking around, giving her suggestive looks and making her feel uncomfortable. She didn't want to hurt Ades, but she knew she needed to distance herself from his brothers if she wanted to move on from the video scandal. And so, she made the difficult decision to end things with Ades, telling him that she needed some space to figure things out. He was understanding, but she could see the hurt in his eyes. As she walked away, she couldn't help but wonder if she had made the right choice. Was she letting her past define her future? Or was she taking control of her life and making a stand for herself? Only time would tell, but for now, she knew she needed to focus on healing and moving forward. Days turned into weeks, and Venus tried her best to move on from the video scandal. She threw herself into her studies, spent time with her friends, and tried not to think about the past. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. She would catch glimpses of Zeus and Poseidon wherever she went, and their suggestive looks made her skin crawl. She didn't understand why they were still interested in her after what had happened, and she didn't know how to make them stop. One day, as she was leaving the library, she felt someone grab her arm from behind. She turned around to see Zeus and Poseidon, both looking at her with smirks on their faces. "Hey there, Venus," Zeus said, his grip tightening on her arm. "Long time no see." Venus tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. "Let go of me," she said, her voice shaking. But instead of releasing her, Zeus pulled her closer to him, his breath hot on her face. "We've missed you," he said, his eyes darkening with desire. Venus felt sick to her stomach. She couldn't believe that they were still trying to pursue her after everything that had happened. She tried to push them away, but they were too strong. It was then that she felt someone else step in, pushing Zeus and Poseidon away from her. It was Ades, looking fierce and protective. "Get away from her, you assholes," he said, his voice cold and menacing. Zeus and Poseidon seemed taken aback by his sudden appearance, but they quickly regained their composure. "What's the matter, little brother? Can't handle a little competition?" Zeus sneered. Ades stepped forward, ready to fight. But Venus grabbed his arm, stopping him. "It's not worth it," she said, her eyes pleading with him. Ades hesitated for a moment, but then he nodded, realizing that she was right. He gave Zeus and Poseidon one last warning before taking Venus by the hand and leading her away. As they walked, Venus felt a mixture of emotions. She was grateful that Ades had intervened, but she was also scared of what might happen next. She didn't know how to deal with the unwanted attention from his brothers, and she didn't know how to keep herself safe. But one thing was for sure - she was glad that Ades was on her side. She felt like she could trust him, and that meant everything to her. As they walked, she squeezed his hand, silently thanking him for being there for her.
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