Chapter 4 - Meeting the headmaster

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Chapter 4 - Meeting the headmaster Maria’s POV: As the lift opened, I walked out but I was stopped by a male security guard. “Slip?” He asked. I handed the slip over to him and he went through it. Only after that he allowed me to walk further. I assumed if someone didn’t have a slip, they wouldn’t be allowed inside this floor. But why was there a male in this building? Wasn’t this all girls? And why the headmaster a male too? I closed my eyes and shivered. This floor that I was standing in was the most cleanest thing I had seen ever. Tiles were a shimmering golden color, there were soft couches and a beautiful seating area expect no one was sitting. There was a reception and a beautiful lady was standing and doing her work. Across the reception, there was a big door that said ‘Headmaster’ in capital letters. There was no noise, complete utter peace. I could hear the rhythm of my own heart increasing by every second. Behind the reception, there was a long hallway which had two more doors and that was it. This floor had only 3 rooms in total. Damn! “Hello, how can I help you?” The lady on the reception asked. I gulped and got closer to the desk. I placed my slip on the table and she went through it. “Oh, you’ll have to wait for a couple of minutes because he is busy speaking to someone right now.” The lady said. I nodded my head and just looked around the area. “You can have a seat,” She added with a smile. “No offense, I’m new here and I was just wondering why is there a male headmaster in an all-girls school?” I blurted out. I made sure to keep it very low just in case someone else heard me. The lady on the desk shrugged me. “No idea,” she replied. “Do many students come here like this?” I further questioned. I wanted to know whether I was the only one who was going to get killed or if this happened often. “No, students aren’t send up here unless they cause extreme trouble which cannot be handled by teachers.” She replied. I just raised my eyebrow out of pity for myself. What if they called my mother or something? I couldn’t stop thinking negatively. “I literally didn’t do anything,” I whispered while shaking my head. “Well, it seems like you did question the school system but I’m sure you won’t be in big trouble because you are new.” The lady said. “Oh,” I paused for a second. I twisted my hips and looked at the door where the headmaster would be sitting in. “So is the headmaster old old?” I asked. I hoped he was, old men are very forgiving compared to adult men who aren’t. The lady giggled. “No, he’s only 26.” My eyes widened. How could that be possible? It wasn’t that young but it wasn’t too old as well. “Oh, I expected something around 70-80!?” I exclaimed. She shook her head. “You can go now,” The lady said to me. “Thank you,” I walked off from the reception and went closer to the wooden door. It’s going to be alright. What’s going to happen? Nothing severe. It’s a normal school. You aren’t going to die, Maria. I placed my hand on the metal door handle and opened the door. A chill breeze sent shivers down my spine as I stepped inside the cold room. The headmaster’s room was larger than expected. And then there he was. The man behind this school I assumed. He was reading some paper until I walked inside. “Come sit,” Okay. The man had the most deepest voice my ears have ever heard. He didn’t seem that old just like what the lady said. But he was handsome. And there was something about him which was very enticing. I blew out a breath and sat down in front of him. He looked away from the papers and straight into my confused eyes which were wide open. “What trouble have you caused?” He asked, he moved his leather seat closer to the desk, he placed his arms on the table and waited for me to start. Act normal. “I had an argument with a teacher but I wasn’t being disrespectful or anything,” I said as I gave him the slip. He slid it off my hands and read it. After that, his lips lined straight and he looked at me with confusion. “And what problem do you have with the school’s system?” He asked. Okay, this was going to be long. I licked my lips and started. “I mean no offense but there is no discipline in hitting or ‘punishing’ girls,” I said clearly and quickly without stuttering. Once I was finished, I sighed and played with the hem of my skirt. I fiddled the piece of cloth and my heart beat fastened. I wasn’t saying anything wrong, was I?   My heart skipped a beat when the headmaster got up from his chair. He walked around his disk and stopped right in front of me, he leaned downwards to me and placed a hand beside my head. Staring right into my eyes, he asked, “And what do you know about discipline, little girl?” The way those words rolled of his tongue send weird chills down my body. There was something terribly wrong about this school and this man. I puffed out another breath and replied, “I know that in order to discipline someone sort of punishments are used but physical punishments such as hitting harm children. Certain studies have shown that physical punishment is linked with negative outcomes and it can harm a child’s mental health.” This time I was more nervous to explain. My words slipped out of my mouth broken. I could barely keep my eyes connected with him. I gasped as he came closer to my face. “You are not a child,” He whispered back with a bit of anger in his face. “Yes, but we aren’t full grown adults.” I stopped for a second and then continued. “Punishments that are given in the classes can have a negative outcome,” I felt like I was saying to much and questioning this school wasn’t the right thing. The headmaster backed away from me, he went back to his desk and picked up the telephone and pressed a digit on it. “Yes, Claire, get me this girl’s file quickly!” He said calmly but I could see the anger raging inside his eyes. I immediately regretted everything I said. A few minutes later, the same lady from the reception walked inside and she placed a file in front of the headmaster and then walked out. “Maria Cleo,” the headmaster trailed off. “Oh, no father’s name or number. No wonder you have such a loud mouth,” He continued. My mouth dropped open and I got up. “Excuse me,” did he just f*****g say that I had a loud mouth? His eyes crawled away from the paper and he looked at me. “Sit back down before I punish you,” He stated. I didn’t want to get punished. I sat back down silently, but I couldn’t believe what all things were happening here. The headmaster went through all my paper which also included previous reports. “A 100% behavior in Year 12? I don’t see it coming off from you,” He taunted. I folded my hands and just sat back. He was making me angry now but more sad because I had always been one of the best students in my previous school and here I’m just being treated like trash. Moment passed by and he closed the file and got up. “I’m going to punish you and then you can leave,” He said. “Why? For what? I didn’t do anything!” I stated loudly. I was at the verge of crying. Was he f*****g serious about punishing me? “Don’t raise your voice at me, and you disobeyed not only me but your teacher as well.” He explained. I didn’t move from my seat, I wasn’t going to give in so easily. “I didn’t and I’m not going to be fuc- spanked like a what six year old!” I exclaimed. I quickly changed my tone when I was about to curse because I knew it would lead to worse things. “Get up and bend over my desk,” He whispered in a very serious tone. I gulped and looked around the room. I wasn’t going to be punished by a 30 year old. My mother never hit me how could I allow another man to even touch me? “And if I don’t?” I asked with a tear falling down from my eye. “I’ll force you and trust me, that will hurt.” He quickly replied. “That’s assault,” I stated and that word just made him  angrier. Thank god i was far away from him, he was standing in front of the desk waiting for me to come there. “I don’t care,” he replied casually. “You can go to jail.” I said. By now, my face was wet with tears. I was a quite sensitive girl since birth. I created a wall to protect myself and to maintain my emotions. And if someone broke that wall I constructed then he can conquer me and my emotions. He approached me, for a moment I thought he was going to hit me or something but he didn’t. “You are going to teach me the law, little girl?” He asked. “If you don’t remember, your mother and you signed the contract which you consented on the school’s system which included it’s discipline punishments such as spanking, hitting, beating, whipping and slapping.” He smiled when he finished. All the things he stated, I just couldn’t believe it that this all was actually happening here. “I didn’t sign anything,” I replied after a moment. I was terrified and unaware of what to do. The headmaster turned away from me and he pulled out a few paper from my file and placed them in front of me “I’m sure these are your and your mother’s signatures,” he replied which showing me the contract. I gasped and sat back, I placed my hand over my lips when he showed me all the rules. Girls from Year 8-Year 12 can be punished as it’s a part of our discipline programme. Punishments can be as small as yellings, shoutings and time out to as severe as whipping, spanking and slapping. All punishments are carried out by our female teachers and in certain extreme cases, some severe punishments will be carried out by the headmaster. “I didn’t read it,” I whispered as I remembered the day when my mother bought the contract to me. I simply thought it was a normal school contract and what could be wrong? I signed it without even reading it for once. How could I? “That’s sad, you have all the time to read it now, little girl.” The headmaster said as he hovered over me and watched me read the entire contract. A droplet fell out of my eyes and onto the paper when I was done reading. This wasn’t a normal school. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” I said to the headmaster. “Disappointing now let’s finish this off quickly, get up and bend over my desk so I can punish you and you can leave.” The headmaster said as he undid his belt in front of me “No, the teacher used a cane, Why belt?” I asked as I felt my heart plunging out of my chest. I was crying terribly already, what was I going to do after the punishment. The hair on my skin was erect and I was shivering. I had never been hit before. “Because bad girls like you cause too much trouble. Girls who come up to me get beaten by a belt. Teachers are softer and gentle while spanking girls and who they cannot control, they send them up to me. I take care of those girls very nicely.” The headmaster said as he twisted the belt around. “But I didn’t do anything,” He sighed and shook his head. “Are you going to get up or should I force you?” He asked and I immediately got up. He motioned me to bend over his desk which I did. I closed my eyes and prayed that everything went well and that the belt wouldn’t hurt me too much. My eyes opened when I felt the headmaster grabbing my wrists and placing them behind my back. “If you move your hand, I’ll tie them up.” He stated and I didn’t even flinch my finger after that. After that, he went out of the view, I bit my lips and closed my eyes. My skirt was raised and dropped over my hands which were behind my back. The cold surface of the table touched my cheeks and I just sobbed hoping for this to end now. I was expecting a belt to touch my ass but instead it was his finger that trailed down from my waist down to my butt-cheeks. “Raw flesh,” He whispered under his lips before walking further. It’s going to be fine. The inner me tried to comfort me but it didn’t just work out. My breathing raised, my tears came out of my eyes much quicker and my legs began to shake. Upon the first touch of the leather belt on my ass, I screamed and jumped forward. The pain felt like knives, fork and everything sharp in this world attacking my flesh. It was endless and it was horrible. I was about to move my hands and stop but the headmaster grabbed them both before I could. “Move them again and I’ll tie them,” he warned. Then the second whip came Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth And by the tenth whip I was crying for help, begging him to stop, I was sobbing, my cheeks were wet, my legs weren’t able to hold on themselves for a moment more and I just couldn’t keep up with the excruciating pain touching my body again and again. I never suffered this kind of pain in my entire life. “All done,” The headmaster whispered when he was finished with whipping. Dead.
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