Chapter 3:Handsome Guys Can Fight Back Too!Untitled Episode

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"Beep... Beep!" Jack sat in the taxi, staring at the card in his hand. The address for the job interview written on the card was not at the Imperial Building, but a place called 'Autumn Goose Platform'. According to the uniformed beauty in the Imperial Building, he knew he hadn't officially applied for the job yet! This job as a bodyguard still needed to be tested, he just had the qualifications to be tested. Only after passing the test, could he begin the probation period. In the midst of his thoughts, the taxi suddenly stopped. "What's wrong!" Jack asked out loud. The taxi driver frowned and glanced ahead, shaking his head, "Young man, bad luck, there's a traffic jam ahead!" "A traffic jam!" Jack swore under his breath, checked the time, and immediately asked, "Driver, can you estimate how long it will be before it clears up?" The driver, a nice man, lit a cigarette, took a look, and said, "Doesn't look good. Based on usual traffic conditions, it's probably going to take at least half an hour to clear. Even if we change the route now, it's going to take over thirty minutes to get to Autumn Goose Platform!" "Thirty minutes!" Jack furrowed his eyebrows. There's no time! "Driver, can you tell me the address of Autumn Goose Platform?" Jack asked hastily. "It's easy, just go straight ahead, about three kilometers away!" The driver was explaining, but suddenly noticed that Jack had gotten out of the car and ran towards the front like the wind. He quickly shouted, "Hey, hey, young man, you haven't paid yet!" "It's on my seat!" Jack's voice came from afar. The driver glanced at the passenger seat next to him and indeed saw the money Jack had left behind. He took another look at Jack and his eyes widened. He said, "This young man runs quite fast. He just got out of the car and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Is he planning to run three kilometers to Autumn Goose Platform in one go?" The driver guessed right. Jack checked the time, it was already half-past seven, and he didn't have the time to wait for half an hour! ..... "Huff..." "Beep... beep!" Jack sat in the cab, staring at the card in his hand. The address for the interview written on it was not the Imperial Building, but a place called 'Autumn Goose Terrace'. According to the uniformed beauty at the Imperial Building, Jack knew he hadn't officially landed the job yet! This bodyguard job required an evaluation, and he was merely qualified to be evaluated. Only if he passed the evaluation could he step into the probationary period. In the midst of these thoughts, the cab suddenly stopped. "What happened!" Jack asked aloud. The cab driver frowned, glancing ahead and shaking his head: "Bad luck, lad, there's a traffic jam!" "A traffic jam!" Jack inwardly cursed his luck, glanced at the time, and immediately asked: "Sir, how long do you think it will take to clear up?" The driver was quite amiable, lit a cigarette, looked around, and said: "It doesn't look good. Given the usual traffic jams, I reckon it will take at least half an hour to clear. Even if we reroute now, it will take more than thirty minutes to get to Autumn Goose Terrace!" "Thirty minutes!" Jack frowned. There's no time! "Sir, could you tell me how to get to Autumn Goose Terrace?" Jack asked urgently. "It's easy, just go straight ahead for about three kilometers!" The driver was explaining when he noticed that Jack had suddenly gotten out of the taxi and was running towards the front as fast as the wind. He quickly shouted: "Hey, young man, you forgot to pay!" "It's on my seat!" Jack’s voice was heard from afar. The driver looked at the passenger seat next to him and indeed saw the money Jack had left behind. He glanced at Jack and widened his eyes: "The young man really runs fast. He just got off and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Is he planning to run three kilometers in one go to Autumn Goose Terrace?" The driver guessed right. Jack glanced at the time. It was already seven thirty. He didn't have time to wait for half an hour! ...... "Huff..." The three-kilometer journey ended, and Jack let out a light breath. He glanced at the time on his phone, and internally thought that he made it just before eight o'clock. His eyes turned to the lavishly decorated high-rise building immediately afterward. The name 'Autumn Goose Terrace' was written on the top. After a short pause, he entered the building. "Miss, I'm here for the bodyguard assessment!" "You!" The young woman at the service desk was clearly taken aback. She gave Jack a sideways glance, failing to see any signs of a bodyguard on his delicate and tender face. Moreover, Jack was only about twenty years old, an age where most people would still be in high school or college. Who would want to suffer a job interview at such an age! Due to her work, the young woman had no choice but to squeeze out a smile and say, "Sir, are you here for the bodyguard job assessment?” "Yes!" Jack answered. "May I know your surname, sir?" The young woman continued with a smile. Jack took a glance at the young woman's chest and quietly thought: "Not as big as my sister's!" But he didn't say it out loud, and instead replied, "Jack, Ye as in leaf, and Xuan as in mystery!" "Please wait a moment, Jack!" After giving Jack a acknowledging nod and smile, the young woman turned around and walked toward the computer at the service desk. Her slender fingers typed a string of letters, and after inputting 'Jack', she hit confirm. Jack’s picture promptly appeared on the computer screen. With a line of text below it indicating Jack's performance during the preliminary application. "So, you're that Jack!" The young woman covered her mouth in surprise. Her big eyes lit up with astonishment as she stared at Jack and said, “Are you the Jack who punched out 180kg during the application process, and you are only nineteen years old?” Jack was clueless, did he become famous? Why did this woman know him? But he quickly realized. Pointing at the photo on the computer, he asked, "Does the photo look like me?" "To be honest, you're more handsome in person than in the photo!" The young woman joked, but she didn’t let it influence her work. She said, "Jack, please sit down and rest here. There are many people assessing for the bodyguard job. You're just one of them. They're all waiting here in this hall. The assistant, Miss Wang Xi, will explain the specific steps in detail!" "Xiao Yan, please cover my work for a while!" As she spoke, the young woman called to a direction not far away. After a few steps, she led Jack into the hall. Jack looked around. The hall was very spacious, with over a dozen sofas and tables and chairs without appearing crowded. And sitting on these sofas were more than a dozen people. These people were all muscular and tall, giving off a strong presence at first glance. It was clear that these big guys in the hall were all here to be evaluated for the private bodyguard job. The young woman led Jack here, couldn't resist glancing at those big guys in the hall, and looking back at Jack, they were entirely different. "Jack, I've brought you here, please sit and rest for a while!" The young woman gave Jack a friendly smile. Internally, she was thinking about Jack about to face those muscle monsters in a moment, hoping that his delicate body wouldn't get beaten too badly. After the young woman left, Jack sat alone in a corner, waiting for the arrival of the assistant the young woman had mentioned. "Brother, are you also here to apply for a bodyguard position?" A big man sitting next to Jack turned to him and grinned, giving off an air of amiability. "Yes!" Jack nodded. "No way!" "You're applying for a bodyguard position?" Some of the big guys nearby burst into laughter. It was no wonder they laughed. Anyone who saw Jack with this boyish face would hardly associate him with the idea of bodyguard. In fact, compared to these big guys, Jack could be considered a bit of a pretty boy. Without mentioning his rosy lips and white teeth, he could at least be considered young and handsome, right? "Hey, young man, you're too young to be messing around. You better go back quickly. Once the evaluation starts, we won't be showing any mercy. Fights can inevitably lead to some bumps and bruises. If something happens to you, wouldn't your parents be worried?" "Alright, alright, stop kidding around. Maybe this guy is an expert!" The big guy who had spoken to Jack first waved his hands dismissively. His words said one thing, but his eyes another. "Hahaha!" Surrounding them, hearty laughter broke out. "Bro, my name is Bai Teng! What's your name?" The big guy introduced himself and asked. "Jack!" Jack said with a smile. Bai Teng asked him, "Are you sure you're here to apply for a bodyguard job?" "Certain!" Jack gave Bai Teng a glance, wondering to himself, "Do I really not look like a bodyguard?" Hearing Jack's response, Bai Teng's smile widened. A flash streaked across his eyes, and he grinned, "Brother Ye, are you interested in a small competition? After all, we're all applying for a bodyguard position. The test hasn't started yet. If we warm up a little, it might help boost our spirits, right?" "What are we competing against?" Jack blinked his eyes, appearing like an innocent child. "Let's skip the challenging ones. Something simple and common. I won't be tough on you. Arm wrestling! You know how to do that, right?" Bai Teng said with an innocent look on his face. Jack nodded, "Yes!" "Okay, we're not officially on the job yet, so let's not wager too much. How about three hundred dollars?" Bai Teng dug into his waist bag, pulled out three big notes, and slapped them on the table. Jack also reached into his waist bag, took out three big notes, and slapped them on the table with force, demonstrating his strong and domineering spirit, "I only have three fifty-notes. Take it or leave it!" "Three fifty-notes?" "You're a bit too shabby, aren't you, youngster?" "Don't worry about losing too much, Bai Teng will go easy on you!" Their words were clearly meant to provoke Jack, but he remained calm. The smile on his face didn't look like a mature and experienced guy, but more like a young boy who didn't even know the meaning of losing. Well - Jack always considered himself a young boy, even though he was nearly twenty. "Really, that's all you have?" Bai Teng glanced at the money Jack had laid out on the table. They were also three notes. But how come they felt different? "That's really all!" Jack shook his head. "Alright, I'll go easy on you. Let's start!" Bai Teng extended his hand and placed it on the table. Jack also reached out his hand and placed it on the table. Hand clasped hand! "Begin!" No one knew who shouted. Bai Teng smiled and saw the confidence all over Jack's face. After the random and unprepared start where he was called out, his wrist and palm suddenly exerted force, intending to win in a sudden breakthrough. He wanted to press down Jack's wrist and win the three fifties, no, Jack's hand! Take the initiative, win in a sudden attempt! "Huh?" But when Bai Teng was ready for the result, he found that Jack's arm did not move at all! It was still in place! Bai Teng was stunned. All he could see was Jack looking at him with a faint smile on his face. The rest of the big guys around them had their eyes wide open. Not wanting to lose face, Bai Teng frowned and exerted force again! But yet, Jack's arm still did not move, immovable like a mountain. He exerted more force! It didn't move! He exerted even more force. But the result still remained unchanged. Only then did Bai Teng realize, his statement had come true earlier. He was a soldier, and his skills and strength were among the best in his unit. Arm wrestling was something he was quite good at in his army unit, he was very confident about his strength, but when it came to Jack... Bai Teng's face turned red! But Jack's arm still did not move at all. At this point, no one was speaking, even the few who had just arrived for the bodyguard assessment were consciously keeping quiet, quietly watching a big guy whose face was flushed red and a young man in his early twenties arm wrestle. ...... Anita walked out of the lady's office, smoothing her hair as she descended from the upper floors, ready to explain the assessment rules to the bodyguards. However, as soon as she got downstairs, she found that the anticipated result did not occur. She noticed that everyone in the hall was staring at one side, which made her a bit puzzled. Had the sound of her high heels stopped resonating? Or was she aging, losing her charm? Why was nobody paying attention to her when she came down? Initially, Anita wanted to clear her throat to announce her presence but stopped when she noticed where everyone was looking. A look of surprise appeared in her eyes. She saw a young man in his late teens or early twenties arm wrestling with a burly guy. This ignited a sense of interest within her typically calm demeanor, and she did not intervene. Jack, noticing Bai Teng’s flustered and red face, laughed and said, "These three hundred dollars are mine!" With those words, he extended his left hand towards the table. Anita, the lady's assistant, almost gasped at his action. God, his right arm was engaged in the competition, and he dared to extend his left hand to grab money, diverting his focus! Moreover, he was competing against a guy who was several times bulkier than him! Was he underestimating his opponent? Jack causally chuckled as he placed the three hundred dollars into his waist pouch. The next moment, Jack's arm suddenly exerted a force, leaning at an overwhelming pace. A loud bang was heard as he pressed Bai Teng’s arm down onto the table, rendering it as futile as a piece of paper, incapable of putting up any resistance. The match was decided. Jack then placed his three fifty bills into his pocket and smilingly said, "After all — handsome guys do have their moments of success!" Upon hearing his words, Anita let out a chuckle, breaking the previous stunned silence.
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