
592 Words
"You will never get away with this. Do you know who my parents are?!? They will bury you!" Fu*ck, this guy's voice is really starting to piss me off. "What the hell is going on in here?" Turning my cold gaze to my sister, I show no emotion as I pull my slick G47 MOS glock out to shoot this annoying prick in the head. My sister doesn't break eye contact with me as the gun goes off, and I don't have to look to see that the guy is dead. Being shot at this close of range is something you don't come back from. Raven still stares at me while I holster my Glock; now I am starting to get annoyed. "What?" I ask with great annoyance in my tone. She knows how I am, so I don't even understand what the issue is. "Don't get disrespectful with me." c*****g an eyebrow at her, she just shakes her head. "Quit with that bulls!t. Now, would you like to tell me what the f*ck is going on here?" "Prick asked Warren out." I had to hand it to Raven because she doesn't even blink at my words. "So, you decided that he deserved to die because of this?" Well, that is a dumb question. She should know this. Warren is mine, so of course, this f*cking prick deserved to die because of that. I choose not to answer because Raven is important to me, and I refuse to be disrespectful to her. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my pack of smokes. Pulling one out, I quickly light it, making sure to get a nice long drag off of it before slowly blowing out the smoke. I'm just prolonging the fact that I gotta clean this sh!t up. I f*cking hate cleanup. Feeling a presence near me, I snap my gaze over to it. Finding Raven, I will my muscles to relax. "I am going to have to cover this up because you cannot control yourself." That has me pausing. "Cannot control myself?" I don't know why, but that pisses me off. I have to hand it to my sister as my cold gaze doesn't even cause her to break. If anything, it just causes her to step up to me. "Yes. Cannot control your f*cking self. As in, someone asks out Warren, so you go and kill the guy. Leaving Warren wondering why no one wants him or why the guys who ask him out just disappear because you refuse to let your feelings known. I don't care if you break their bones for asking out Warren, but you cannot kill anyone else. You got me?" Breathe. Sucking in a drag off of my cigarette, I let my sister's words mull over in my head. On one hand, my mind knows that killing them is taking it a step too far, but I don't have it in me to care. Now, I also realize that if I kill them, then I never have to worry about them taking Warren away from me. My Obsession will forever win. I don't know if I can show that down. Breathe. "You got me?" Raven's voice brings me back. "Yeah, I'll try." She just raises her eyebrow to that. "I'll call you before I go through with it, okay?" "Fine." Raven's dead eyes hold my cold ones for a moment longer before she walks away. I hate her f*cking eyes. I hate that our father killed whatever light would have shown through her gaze.
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