Chapter 4: Nightmare's Again!!

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" And then I woke up shouting my kidneys out." Aurora finished telling about her dream to her friends. They were at the cafeteria eating their lunch. After listening to her entire dream, Jake was in his world of thoughts after hearing it. Alex was eating his fries like he heard nothing, Henry kept looking at Aurora like He saw a monster hiding in her eyes, and Beth's eyes became so wide, that they can pop out of her socket any minute. They were all looking at each other now. "We've got to talk to Pete." Jake said." What?? You and Pete are talking, Now?? When did that happen? I thought I was stupid to be friends with him." Ora said." Well, He's a pretty good guy." Jake said. " So, You interrogated him??"Ora asked. " Well, We all did," Beth said. " GUUUYYYSSS!!!!!" Ora whined. " We needed to know if you are safe with him or not. We needed to know if we can trust him." Henry said. "Yeah, Aurora, We needed to do it. But the truth is that I LOVED him. He has got style and a very charming personality. It's like you two are made for each other." Alex said, slurring the word 'LOVED' and winked when he finished. Aurora laughed. "Yeah, right, Like that would ever happen," Ora said, laughing. "Would you??" Jake asked. "Would I what, Jake?" Ora asked in return. "Would you be with him if He asks you to?" Jake asked. "What?? Why would He do that?? He has so many girls running after him. And as a matter of fact, He doesn't even notice them. Why would He ask me?? And you all know, I just care about my career and parents and my friends, I'm not interested in dating. Well, for now, at least." Aurora said, giggling. " Because you are special, Aurora. You don't know it yet. But you are. Anyone would be glad and happy to be with you." Jake said. "Awe, thanks, cake. But you are telling me this because you are my friend. I'm nothing special. And like I said, I'm not interested in him or any sort of thing that leads to dating. I'm busy building my career." Ora said." We just hope you don't forget us if you do." Jake said. "I won't. You guys are all I have." Aurora said, smiling. Jake hugged her. " I love you, Pumpkin." Jake said." I love you too, Jakey." Aurora said, smiling. Aurora gasped. " Wait a sec," Aurora said. " What, Ora??" Beth asked. "I forgot to tell you, Cake. You said you love me when you were burning in the fire, then you just vanished. What could it mean? The dream was horrible. I hope it's just a dream. Oh, who am I kidding? It won't happen because I Don't know that man." Aurora said, sighing in relief. "Yeah." They all said in unison. "Hey, Jake." Pete greeted. "We need to talk. It's about Aurora. It's urgent. Meet me, after school, at Cafe Baroch." Jake informed Pete, before going to his class. "Time?" Pete asked. " 5 pm." After school, Pete went to Cafe Baroch, which was at Odner Street, not quite far from where Jake lives. " Hey," Jake said as He saw Pete sitting alone. "Skip to the urgent part," Pete said in a hurry. " Okay," Jake said. The waiter came and asked for their order. "My usual, Jerry," Jake answered. "One espresso," Pete ordered. " OK. So, Ora saw a dream." Jake continued to tell Pete everything Aurora told him. " So, She has started to see the future now," Pete said. "But why her powers are coming now?? After all these years??" Jake asked. "Because it's time. He's awake. God knows, what he is doing now. Aurora is the only one who can beat that s**t. So, Maybe the Queen of the universe thought it is the right time to make her realize that she has powers. Otherwise, We all are doomed." Pete said, worriedly. "Oh, She even got to know about your real name. That I told her to go to you, that you can guide her through everything." Jake said. "Yes, I can. I think we should tell her everything now." Pete said." No, What if she can't handle it?" Jake asked, panic written on his face. "Oh, Don't be selfish. You are only afraid that she will never forgive you and of the fact that you'll lose her when she gets to know that you were lying to her till now. But it is greater than the fact that you are in love with her. We are dealing with a monster here. We don't have time for your love life. Get over it. Otherwise, her dream will come true and your life will end. Then I will be the one to get her as my girlfriend, well for a little while, before the universe ceases to exist. So, get out of your damn love thing and think wisely. I'll inform Pearl and see what she has to say about this, then I'll take Aurora to her. Else not only you but all of us, everything, this whole universe will be destroyed. Understood?" Pete said. "Yeah, you are right," Jake said while His chest was burning like hell. "Uhuh... So, you need to get her here. I will be the one to tell her everything. Call her friends too. They'll say their part when I'll be finished telling her everything that she has to know." Pearl said. " Ok, grams," Pete replied. Next morning... " Wake up, Sweet. You're going to be late for school." Aurora's mother shouted from downstairs. Aurora's house is a two-story building. The walls of her room have brown wallpaper. A closet is left to the door. The Bathroom is at the right. The bed straight from the closet. Windows are on both sides of the room. A drawer beside her bed, and her study table in front of the window to the left. "Coming, Mom," Aurora shouted from her bed. "Someone is waiting for you, dear. You better hurry up. Don't keep the guest waiting." Kathleen, Her mom, shouted again." Who's here on a school day? Beth's never this early. Maybe, Jake came to pick me up today." Aurora shrugged and went to the bathroom. She was surprised while walking down the stairs and saw Pete sitting on the chair. "What are you doing here?" Aurora asked him. "Well, I've come to pick you up for school," Pete replied, grinning. "But Beth picks me up every day," Aurora said. "Yeah, she is busy today, So, she told me to pick you up," Pete answered. "BETH TOLD YOU TO PICK ME UP????" Aurora yelled. "Miss. Aurora Hedsword, I don't think you should yell at our guest," Kathleen said, a bit annoyed at her daughter's sudden misbehavior. "It's ok, Mrs. Hedsword. I don't mind." Pete said, flashing his smile. Someone can be blind by that, I tell ya. "I'm sorry. But I didn't know you and Beth ever spoke to each other. I was surprised to hear that. Never mind, at least I'm getting a ride. Fair enough for me. So, Let's eat breakfast and leave." Aurora said, smiling. " Good morning, Ora. How are you?" Pete asked as Ora entered his car. Aurora looked confused." What are you doing?" Aurora asked. "Well, I'm starting a nice conversation because you are worst at it," said Pete and started his engine and drove away from her driveway. Aurora glared at him. "Wow, that was fast," Aurora said as they reached their school. Pete stopped his car and looked at Aurora and asked, " Will you go to my house to meet Pearl? She wants to talk to you. Something important." Pete said. "Yes, of course. But what she wants to talk about? is something wrong?? You looked lost when you said the word' IMPORTANT'! Is everything ok?" Ora asked. "Yeah, everything's fine. I don't know what she wants to talk to you about, But there's nothing to worry about." Pete said, smiling. Aurora nodded. "You know, I used to shiver when you looked at me, but now I don't. Maybe I'm not scared of you anymore." Ora said. "Yeah, maybe. Or you recently noticed that I'm Hot." Pete said, smirking. "Yeah, nice try. Ashhole." Aurora said, chuckling. "What, you can't swear? Why did you call me Ashhole?" Pete asked. "It's our code Language. I can swear, but it's fun this way." Aurora informed. Pete chuckled and said, "You are such a kid." Aurora laughed at that too. "But seriously, We have some connection. It's like I've known you for years even though I've just started talking to you. It's like I can tell you everything. I feel comfortable." Aurora said, smiling. "You can tell me anything, and You can trust me, Aurora. I assure you that." Pete said softly. They both smiled at each other. Her class was going on, but she couldn't concentrate, well she could never concentrate. But this time, She was thinking about something important that has been going on in her mind continuously. 'What the dream meant?' Ora thought. 'And what is this important thing Pearl wants to talk to me about?' She has so many questions that are yet to be answered. At lunch, Pete was sitting with Ora's group, which caught everyone's attention. But soon, Pete burned them all with his laser-beamed eyes. "So, I'm going to meet Pearl tomorrow," Aurora informed her friends. And as she said that, Jake snapped his head towards her. Aurora noticed and asked him, "Hey, Are you ok?". "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just suffering... from headaches," Jake replied. "You look sick, Jake. Looks like You haven't even slept," Aurora said with concerned eyes. 'How can I sleep knowing that I can lose you if you can never forgive me.' Jake thought. "No, I didn't." He replied. "Stop overreacting, Jake. Everything's going to be alright, Pal," Alex said and got a glare from everyone except Pete, who was trying to stifle his laugh. "What Happened? Something happened, you never lied to me, Jake. Tell me, what's going on? What is going to be alright?" Aurora asked. "Nothing, Ora. He had a movie night with Alex and Henry. So, that is the thing. He didn't sleep because He was watching movies all night, and He knows that you love movies. He didn't tell you about the movie night. Hence, He has this conclusion that you will never forgive him if you get to know the truth. So, Alex said He's overreacting, which he is, by the way." This was Beth's explanation. She wasn't telling the truth, which didn't go unnoticed by Aurora. But She didn't push them any further. She knew that if her friends are hiding something, then it's not the right time to ask them about anything, anymore. "Jake, She won't be mad. We'll be okay," Beth assured Jake. Jake nodded, a sad look upon his face. "Jake, I'm not mad. You deserve a boy's night. It's nothing to be worried about. We'll watch movies together another day," Aurora said, smiling. Jake smiled. "Yeah, But We always watch movies together since we met, it's like our friendship tradition," Jake said, laughing foolishly. "It's ok. I forgive you. We'll do it later," Ora said, giving him an assuring smile. "So, you are going to meet Pearl, right?" Beth asked. "Yes. I've to meet her. She said to Pete that she has something important to tell me." Aurora replied. " Yeah, go," Beth said, smiling. ' I'm coming for you, Aurora. I'm coming. It's just a matter of time now.' Aurora again woke up from her nightmare but this time she had a severe headache to worry about. "Don't I deserve a good night's sleep? UHH!!" Aurora was frustrated. She took aspirin and tried to sleep but failed. A few seconds later. "This headache is killing me. AHHHHH.." Aurora shouted. "Honey, What happened?" Kathleen came running as she heard her daughter's voice. "Mom, IT hurts. It hurts badly." Aurora cried. "What hurts?" Kathleen asked her daughter. "Mom, My head. It's burning." Aurora was crying." What Should I Do?" Kathleen panicked. Aurora held her hand tightly. Kathleen hugged her and tried to comfort her, "It's ok, Baby. I'm here." Then suddenly, it stopped. Aurora stopped crying. Her mother asked, " Are you alright?". "Yes, mom. It's gone. The pain's gone," Aurora replied. They both were confused. " What the heck was that? It was like Voldemort was screwing with my head as he did with Harry Potter." Aurora said. "Are you fine now? No headache?" Her mom asked worriedly. "No, I'm fine now," Aurora said. She wondered what happened to her. 'Why is it happening to me? Do I have a brain tumor or something? It felt like someone was hammering my head.' "Mom, Do I have a brain tumor or something?" Aurora asked her mom. "No dear, Why would you ask that?". "No, Just wondering. It's probably nothing, maybe. I'm fine, you can go to sleep now." Ora said to her mom." No, I'm staying here." Kathleen insisted. " Mother, I'm fine. You have work tomorrow. You need to sleep. Go to your room and sleep peacefully, please." Aurora requested her mom. " Ok, If you need anything, call me, I'm right here. But, are you sure you are going to be alright, though?" Her mom asked her. "Yes. I'm alright. Now, go. Get some sleep," Ora answered, giving her mom an assuring smile. 'I'll find about it later.' Aurora thought to herself.
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