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"No I don't, and please don't tell me you assume things before I even get a chance to know you!" Logan sputtered worriedly as he was moved to listen to her at the moment. "Never mind. I am Aurora and I'm here to deliver a message to you, Logan." She trilled, trying to get his full attention and it kind of worked out because he began inquisitive. "What message?" He shrilled while folding his arms around his chest to show he was beginning to find it interesting what she was going to say, "A message from Seth, a zeta in your pack, calling you to come home to your people and own your responsibility, and please don't tell me that you do not know Seth." Aurora mentioned "I know him, but then, I have no pack ever since they rejected me. My own people rejected me! Do you even know what that means?" He questioned angrily but in a low, while placing his right hand on his lap. "Nah, I'm sorry about that. You went through stuff different from mine and that may be kind of difficult for me to understand at the moment, but we can talk more often. And I believe you're gonna be glad we did. Please consider your return a way to pay them back for their mistake and come home with me. Help them and by so doing, you are going to inflict on their hearts a pain of guilt for as long as they live. I believe they will finally see your worth. What do you think?" Aurora asked with eyes wide open and a slightly raised left eyebrow, in a way to tempt him against his will, and the look in her eyes was also quite convincing. "Great speech, Aurora, but I am not going with you, I am sorry. I believe the purebloods are strong enough on their own to defeat anything." Logan hardened his mind... "The tribe wants you back, Logan. The vampires are gradually hunting the purebloods down and I am told there is no alpha to lead the tribe." Aurora insisted, placing a demand by reason of her explanations. "What happened to Vince and Noah!" He asked authoritatively and with so much eagerness to get answers, he did not know when he banged hard on the table with his right hand and the glasses of wine shook, so that the attention of everyone on that table was drawn to him. The bar man pleaded on his behalf for the people around to ignore him and go back to partying because the bar man knew who he was and so immediately helped the other men and women to avoid getting into trouble. Logan, however, did not even care to know whether what he unconsciously did, affected the people seated around the wine bar or not. All he was keen to know was the answers to his question, despite having asked violently. "Noah is dead. Vince killed him to have dominion over the rest of the pack and now he is not capable of leading the tribe." She said regrettably, moving her hair backwards with her two hands while the hood on her head dropped. "What happened to him?" He asked while turning to properly face her again and look at her face more clearly. "He was poisoned, and the poison is eating him up, Logan! They sent me to ask you to please return." She huffed and looked as if she was going to sob to see whether he would be moved to have compassion and change his mind, but he did not do that. Logan rather opened up to her, revealing the hurt he kept hidden in his heart for a very long time, than to have compassion. "They f*****g killed my mate, and now they want me back! No Aurora, you should understand better that me returning will only make things worse. You are a woman, aren't you? Aurora, go home." Logan said, picking up his glass of wine again and trying to disconnect himself from any further questions that would prolong the conversation, but Aurora isn't that kind of person to give up easily. "You love it here with humans, don't you?" She snapped, lifting her face up and bringing her eyeballs down to look at him with her lips squeezed towards the right side of her cheek to make him uncomfortable while he was trying to keep silence and ignore her. He turned his eyes rightward to look at her while his face was still kept forward away from her. He wished for her to just get angry and leave, but was surprised to see her still seated and toughened. He decided to find another way to make her leave than just pretend to be silent. "I do love it here and you should think of staying too, besides you are human." He said intentionally to distract her mind and see if she would reconsider spending her life around humans with him, because he knew that was basically every werewolf's desire — to either be humans or live like humans. The second he said that, she looked at him furiously and tried possessing his mind, but he was quick to sense what she was trying to do and quickly wrapped his hand around her neck to suffocate her by strangling him. She pleaded the minute her eyes turned red and, for some reason, he left her alone. She choked and coughed for close to fifteen seconds when she heard him saying, "Great! Don't try to use that on me, I knew you were a witch when you stepped in." Jacobs emptied his cup and waited for her to say something because he wanted to hear her talk this time, and she did open up, even more, concerning the things that dominated her mind the most. "That is why they sent me before I turned eighteen, Logan. They knew only a destined mate could bring you back. I can't fight the vampires even when my werewolf's power is unlocked, because their leaders are my parents from the dead." She said. Logan chuckled quietly as he shook his head in a scornful manner and was very much disappointed in her for believing what she heard or had chosen to believe was true. He quickly turned to face her properly to unvail some things he knew to be true. He first asked to be sure he heard her clearly,
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