
Reunited with My Billionaire Crush

office/work place
love at the first sight

Erica is a seventeen years old girl from a humble background whose only dream is to get admission into the college to study architecture. But got entangled in a love triangle the very first time she set her eyes on Damian, the college president, an only child, heir to a multi-billionaire real estate mogul.

Damian Anderson while in school is a final year student in college caught up between his love interest Erica, and his possessive stepsister Sophia.

And just when he figures out a way to deal with the situation, the unexpected happens and he is made to leave the country unannounced.

They spend eight years apart but reconnected when Damian accidentally pays the company Erica works in.

will they pick up from where they left things or will pride and grudges be the order of the day? Especially now that Erica is a single mother of one, and Damian is set is marry his long-time friend.

find out in this romance-themed story.

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Chapter 1
Erica I am a seventeen year only child living with my parents. Sometimes I wish I had siblings to play with, fight with, or get angry with. But you know what they say, 'wishes aren't horses' I love my parents so much and can't trade them for anything in the world. They have made a lot of sacrifices and commitments to see that I am where I am today. Dad works as a sales representative at a superstore called Lulu Bells, and just recently he was promoted to the position of sales manager. My mum works as a freelance makeup artist. We are not what you call rich, but we are not poor either. We are always contented with whatever we can lay our hands-on. Mum got pregnant with me when she was in high school, which resulted in her dropping out. My dad never got into high school because his parent couldn't afford it. He assisted his dad to work on a neighbor's farm where they earned their minimum wage. That was till he discovered mum was pregnant and had to start working on his own to be able to take care of mum who was kicked out of the house by her foster parents. I do not have a boyfriend, I have never really fancied any guy enough to be able to go out with them, and the thought of being pregnant and dashing all of my parent's hope is a big turn-off. I sometimes help my neighbors to babysit their kids for a few bucks per hour, other than that I do not have an actual job. I opened my eyes slowly to the sound of my alarm beeping at 7:30 am, I did not sleep for long the previous night. The anxiety of finally becoming a college student was just too overwhelming. yeah, you heard me right, I am going to college! I stretched my tiny body on the bed while yawning loudly, I am not what you call pretty, just your regular average seventeen years old petite girl whose only dream is to get into college to study and become the best architectural student. The atmosphere is a happy one as the day we have been waiting for has finally arrived. Today is the day I officially become a college student. I heard a knock on my door as I smiled to myself knowing that those at the door do not need permission to come into my room. “I'm up," I said still yawning due to fatigue. Soon my mum and dad entered smiling while holding hands. "your mum has decided to take the day off, so she can stay at home with you," Dad said with a wild grin. His voice reminds me of how proud they are to see me go to college. "Thanks, mum, I'll like that," I said blushing. "I can't believe you will be finally leaving us soon, I'm so happy for you darling," Mum said as tears starts rolling down her eyes. If the world ever runs out of water, my mum would easily fix that problem with the tons of water stored behind those beautiful eyes of hers. “mum, it's just college, I'm not getting married now,” I said jokily which made her giggle, as she used the back of her hands to clean the tears away from her face. "Okay ladies, I have to be on my way now," Dad said as he quickly kisses mum on the lips to cut short the whole emotional storm mum was trying to stir up. sweet! in candy crush voice. "I love you pumpkin." He said as he blew me a kiss and hurries off. "I will be in my room after seeing your Dad off to the car." mum said as she follows Dad. "Yes, mum" I answered after her smiling and giggling, as I rushed into the bathroom to shower for my big day. *** It was passed 2 pm already, and the postman was yet to deliver my admission letter. I was getting anxious and restless. Some of my classmates in high school had earlier called to inform me that they had received theirs. I was so sure I did very well in exams, even those that got lower grades than mine have all since received theirs. I had earlier called my best friend Beatrice, to find out if she has received hers. She said, she hasn't. I lifted my head from where I was seated, to see my Mum peeping through the window a thousand and one times. She Sighed heavily and smiled at me. "Don't worry sweetheart, I am sure it will arrive soon" She said while stepping away from the window and walking towards the fridge. I was not so sure if those words were for me, because she looked like she needed it more. I was sitting down on one of the sofas in the sitting room, playing candy crush on my cellphone as the sound of my favorite program on TV fills the room. I was down and anxious. Just then, The house phone rang. Mum looked at me, hoping I will answer the phone. when she saw I had no intention of getting up, she reluctantly moved from where she was sitting to pick up the phone and spoke softly to the caller. "Hello," she said, sparing me with little glances as she talked into the phone. "We are doing great, no it has not arrived," she said looking exhausted. I watched as she used her left hand to touch her face, she look tired but beautiful. Mum is a head-turner, my daddy often gets jealous of the compliments she gets from others while they are out shopping. She looked so beautiful in the Flowered knelt-length pastor's wife dress she was wearing. Her hair fell and flowed down her backline. I have never really bothered about how I looked because my dream was to become the best architectural student so that I could work with the best companies. I attended a very expensive boarding school that had just girls. Not because my parents could afford it, they just believed I will be able to concentrate more and come out with good grades. I did make them proud, they were very happy with my final result. "I will call you as soon as it does, I love you too," Mum said to the caller. Her voice brought me back to my present situation. she hung up the phone and smiled at me. "That was your dad, he sends his love." She said with a beautiful smile. As she peeped through the window once more. I was getting tired of waiting. I hate feeling anxious about something. My phone rang and I checked to see the caller was Beatrice. "Hey babe," I said tiredly "I just received my admission letter!!" She said screaming. Her tiny high pitched voice almost rendered me deaf. "Congratulations," I answered, genuinely happy for my best friend, but couldn't help the coldness that went along with the words. Beatrice sensed the tune in my voice and asked "have you gotten yours?" Her tune was a bit down and laced with concern. "No, I haven't," I said trying to hide how disappointed I was. "Don't worry, I'm sure you will get it before the day runs out." She said with a reassuring attitude. "I'm truly happy for you," I said as I tried to force a smile. "I know, talk to you soon," she said as she ends the call in a hurry perhaps to inform other friends and family members about her admission. I do not know how to hide my emotions, when I am happy you can sense it from a thousand miles away. I tiredly dragged my feet back to my room, I could feel Mum's eyes on my back as I move away from the sitting room. I got to my room and went straight to cuddle myself on my bed. It's less than a week to resumption, and my admission letter was nowhere in sight. I tried to hold the hot tears that have been wanting to roll down my eyes in captivity, but the stupid things just fell out and a bit of me went with it. I started sobbing hoping it reduces the heaviness in my heart. This is not how I expected my day to end. I was exhausted from doing nothing. all I want to do is make my parents proud. I didn't know I had slept off, as I woke up to the blasting of a car horn from our garage. It was my dad parking his old car. I was too tired or let me just say too embarrassed to go and welcome him back. At that moment I wished I was invincible, as I did not want to hear any pity speeches. I heard mum open the door to welcome him. I thought I also heard them giggle, but I really could not hear what they were whispering about. Moments later I heard foot's steps coming toward my room. Oh no, here comes the lecture. I heard a bit of laughter before a knock on the door. I pretended I was sleeping so they could go away but when they saw I wasn't ready to answer the door. They came in uninvited. "hi, pumpkin!" Daddy said as he switched on the light. I saw it was past 8 pm already. "Hi Dad," I said slowly getting up from the bed. I noticed my mum had her hands behind her, but I didn't read any meaning to it, it's probably just chocolates dad bought me for consolation. Others are getting admitted and I am getting chocolates. yeah, that is just perfect. "Guess who came by the office this evening," daddy asked with a wild grin on his face. "I have no idea Dad, and I am really tired, I need to sleep," I said. Wishing for once they could just disappear. Or maybe not them, maybe I am the one who needs to be zapped into space or oblivion. "Sleep? But we planned on going out to celebrate your admission" Daddy said smiling. He looked at my mum as if he was expecting her to say something or do something. "I didn't receive my admission letter Dad, so there is nothing to celebrate" I said my voice like that of a girl who just caught her crush kissing the evil gorgeous-looking cheerleader. "Says who?" Asked dad dramatically. I gave dad the 'not now' look as I watched mum come over to my bedside and gave me a beautiful bouquet and on top of it was a letter "congratulations pumpkin," Mum said, smiling with her cheeks turned all pink. I immediately stood up and was about to open the letter, when daddy said, "I forgot, we filled in my office address in your application form." daddy said smiling. Yes. That's true, we filled in Dad's office address because we felt the house address would be too difficult to locate. There were a million butterflies already fluttering in my tummy as I opened the letter and it reads Congratulations, Erica Williams. You have been admitted to study architecture, at Franstar University. "It's my admission letter!!" I screamed and jumped till I could almost swear, I felt my head touch the roof. Mum and dad came over to hug me tight while serenading me with kisses. "We are so proud of you." Daddy said placing tiny kisses on my head. "We love you so much," mum said amidst her joyful tears. "Let's go celebrate!!" Daddy yelled as we all hurried out to celebrate my admission. College here I come!

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