Truth (3)

1485 Words
Chapter 4: Truth (3) *** “What are you spacing out about? Come on, let’s go eat.” Ken said with an indifferent voice as he went to take out the musaka they prepared. “Ah, yes! Wait, Young Master allow me-” Lynn said as he also went to the oven where the other student was. ‘I don’t want you getting hurt…’ “You’re so caring Lynn…” Ken smiled lightly as he said that, then proceeded to take out the food with a kitchen glove. “Master… you don’t allow me to do much in the house.” Lynn complained as he watched the other male do most of the work. “Because you don’t need to, your job is to protect me, not cook and clean for me.” Ken said as he put two plates and forks on the table. “Now sit down and eat.” “Yes, Master…” Lynn appreciated how normal the other male treated him, however he wanted to do more for him. They both sat down on the table and ate while no other sound could be heard beside the one their forks made when in contact with the plate. ‘The silence is making me uncomfortable… Or maybe it’s just because I think Ken’s angry? Should I speak about something?’ As Lynn was raking his brain to come up with a topic to talk about, the other male spoke first. “After dinner… Come sleep with me again.” Ken said and then continued eating calmly as if he hadn’t said anything at all. “I will sir…” Lynn was happy he could help his master sleep better, but he was still worried if he would get a physical reaction as they slept together. ‘I hope nothing happens… but Master has the bad habit of hugging me in his sleep. I guess I won’t be sleeping tonight either…’ He thought to himself and somewhat lost appetite. “Are you not hungry?” Ken asked as he saw the other male had completely stopped eating. “Yes… I’m not hungry…” Lynn said as he nodded his head. “Do you want to go straight to sleep then?” Ken asked as he stood up from his chair. “But you haven’t finished your food Young Master.” Lynn said as he also stood up. “I’m not hungry either.” Ken replied and pulled the other male by the hand towards the bathroom. “Wait, Young Master, where are we headed?” Lynn wondered as he allowed his hand to be pulled by the other male. “To wash up before sleeping.” Ken quickly replied as he casually walked in the bathroom still pulling on the other male’s hand. “But Master we can’t together, I mean… There are two different ones for a reason.” Lynn complained as he didn’t see things headed for a good direction. “We used to shower together all the time when we were younger. Is there anything wrong with that?” Ken asked while giving the other male a bit of a saddened expression. ‘Ah… I can’t really do anything if Ken looks at me like that.’ Lynn thought and then easily agreed. “…yes there is nothing wrong with that.” “Great, then let’s get in. I already filled up the bath thub.” Ken said as he pointed to the huge bath tub, that was large enough for two grown men to fit in, and have some distance between each other. ‘Young Master has always been fast on his feet…’ Lyn thought to himself as he didn’t know if he should be impressed or shocked that the other male managed to do all this despite cooking and serving food just minutes ago. “What are you waiting for? Undress.” Ken casually said as he took his own shirt off and then pants. “Y-yes…” Lynn answered with a slight stutter that wasn’t usual for him. ‘Concentrate… If I don’t look directly at Young Master then nothing will happen…’ He repeated to himself several times in an attempt to avoid looking at the other male. However he was in fact curious as to what Ken looked like without his clothes on. ‘I guess… One look wouldn’t hurt much…’ Lynn thought and then put on his stone cold expression once more and looked at the other male’s beautifully sculpted body. Ken noticed the other male’s gaze on him and tilted his head to the side as he asked. “Hm? Do I look weird?” “Not at all Master, you look healthy.” Lynn answered while still maintaining a poker face but his inner thoughts were different. ‘I really might not make it out of this bath tub…’ He felt slight heat coming up to his face as he casually glanced at his crush’s body. Both of them went inside the bath tub and Lynn felt himself calm down a little bit. ‘Now that we’re mostly covered by the bubbles and fog, I can’t see Master’s body too well.’ He was thankful but also a bit disappointed at the situation. After all when would he get an opportunity like this again? It would be great if he could make the most of it, but he held back because he is a professional… “It’s so strange… I feel so calm when you’re next to me. I guess it’s been like this since we were fifteen…” Ken suddenly started talking as they were soaking in the bath tub. “I’m glad to hear I’m of use to you Master.” Lynn replied in his calm professional tone. “Ha… You still haven’t gotten your bad habit of calling me ‘master’ or ‘sir’ all the time…” Ken said as he sighed at the other’s antics. “I’m sorry sir, but there isn’t much I can do about that.” Lynn said that although it wasn’t the complete truth. ‘If I started calling you by your name, then I’ll certainly get the wrong idea in my head.’ He didn’t want to allow himself to fantasize too much while he was with him. “I wish you could be more casual with me. It’s been four years and you still feel so distant…” Ken’s voice grew deeper and more sincere as he said those words. ‘Did I disappoint him?’ Lynn wondered as he moved a bit closer to try and see through the fog and look at the other’s expression. ‘I can’t see…’ Moving even closer and waving his hand in front of his face in an attempt to get a clearer view; Suddenly he felt how the other male grabbed his hand and pulled it towards himself. “Ah! Master?” He wondered out loud as not he was in the other’s breathing space. “You seemed like you wanted to come closer so I helped you.” Ken said as he tilted his head to the side looking directly at the other’s eyes. ‘He’s still holding my hand… It feels hot…’ Lynn couldn’t help but feel his hand burning at the other male’s touch. “So? What did you want to see from this close?” Ken asked with a smirk on his face. Now all his expressions were clearly visible to the other male’s eyes, but also… everything else was visible too. “I wanted to observe your expression Young Master… I’m sorry that I bothered you.” Lynn tried to pull back but the other male moved him even closer to his own body. “You’re not bothering me at all. In fact I’d like us to be closer…” Ken said as he took the other male’s hand in his as well. Now holding both of Lynn’s hands in both of his, he looked directly at him...
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