A Special Bond

1121 Words
Simeon’s explanation should have been enough, ‘guard the child, protect the amulet', but what baffled me was the whole spell thing… like, was my grandmother a Witch or something, and if so, are all Keepers Witches, and if yes, does that mean my daughter is a Witch too and if yes, is she even a werewolf still. It was all too much to comprehend, leaving more questions than answers plaguing my mind. I would have asked Simeon all of these questions if only he had not acted as if he was in dire need to leave in order to ‘save the planet'. My mom rarely spoke of her parents and she certainly never mentioned any of this Keeper stuff, which, come to think of it, was rather strange. Ryder and I hadn’t disclosed the information of Raylee being born a keeper to anyone, so for now it was only Grandpa G, Anna and Simeon who knew about it. I wasn’t sure if I would see Anna or Simeon again, so I hoped Grandpa G knew more about how to protect her. Ryder held Raylee close, rocking her in his arms as he hummed her a lullaby. Her little eyes were becoming too heavy for her to prop up and soon they closed. Ryder walked up stairs, placed her in her crib before returning to me. “So what now, Alli?” He sighed, sitting beside me. I shrugged my shoulders in defeat. “Maybe we could have around- the- clock guards lining the perimeters of the wood, so they can alert us if this Darkness person ever comes.” Ryder suggested. “But it doesn’t even help that we don’t have a face to match with the darkness.” “Well, then it’s settled, no one unknown will ever enter here again.” “But Ryder, we can’t do that, some of the pack must leave to find their mate and when they return-” “They’ll have to stay out.” “But Ryd-” “Alli, it’s final. Protecting my daughter is my utmost priority right now.” He stood, his aura intensifying, showing his authority as he walked away. I just shook my head, I wasn’t afraid, I could easily counter his aura and humble him in seconds, but I knew his anger wasn’t kindled towards me. He saw himself as the knight in shining armor for our little princess, but now he felt helpless as a father knowing that his little girl was now the center of a conflict that sought her life and there was nothing much he could do about it. I sighed just thinking of it. I was the most powerful known werewolf. I was the leader of a massive pack of werewolves and Lycans, yet I appeared to be no match for darkness. I might not be his match, but I sure wasn’t giving up without a fight. If he or she ever presented themselves to take my daughter, they’ll have to go through me first and I’m pretty sure her father would not stand for it either. Ryder and I may not agree on the method but we had one goal, to protect our baby girl. ****** “Good morning Lee.” Ryder cooed, reaching out to lift Raylee up. “My little girl is growing up so fast.” “Yes she is… yes you are, aren’t you.” I tickled just above her ribs, earning a giggle that soared to the sky like a sweet melody. “I can’t believe my baby is 1 already…. Please slow down and take your time.” Ryder gave her a slight squeeze. “Don’t worry, no matter how old you get, you’ll always be daddy’s little girl.” I rolled my eyes, thinking to myself ‘poor Lee.’ My phone rang and I rushed downstairs to answer it. “Yes Kelly, we are still coming down by you for her birthday party…… OK, see you in a bit.” “Ryder!” I called out, most likely ruining bonding time for the two. “Kelly and the rest are waiting for us to arrive.” We got ready and dressed Raylee in a yellow and white floral dress, paired with a little yellow handbag that she was not too keen on holding, but it came with the dress, so I still walked with it. It’ll surely look cute and come in handy for taking pictures later. She also refused to let us put on her shoes, so I just held the white sandals in my hand as she opted to go bare feet. “Hey everyone! The birthday girl is finally her.” Kelly announced upon our entrance. The whole room began the birthday song as Raylee smiled, clapping her little hands along to the music. Sofia beamed as she took my hand and led me out to the backyard that contained so many memories. It was here I got married, had my gender revealed and now I was here yet again to celebrate Raylee's 1st birthday. “Wow Alli, she is starting to look so much like you, those unmistakable big hazel eyes are so you.” Sofia remarked, looking back over her shoulder at Raylee in Ryder’s arms. I leaned in, playfully nudging her. “Better not let him hear you. He acts like he made her all on his own.” She laughed as she shook her head. Soon Gabi joined us and we spent a few minutes just talking and catching up before Marissa with her twin bump waddled out to the backyard to meet us. She took a seat, engaging in the conversation. “Aunty Lele!” a child-like voice called out. I looked around to see Klaus running up to me, his arms open wide, ready to embrace me. “You are getting so tall.” I remarked, rubbing his curly black hair. His hazel blue eyes glistened with excitement. “Where’s the baby?” I smiled and pointed to Ryder who had just stepped out into the backyard. Klaus ran off in his direction shouting “baby sisTER!” I watched as Ryder finally placed her down and Klaus extended his arms to give her a hug, then held her hand and led her to the small sandpit that his granddad, Cole, had constructed for him. He was so gentle and sweet towards her and I lovingly admired the two playing. “They are going to be really close when they grow up.” I looked up to see Kelly overhead, resting her arms on my shoulders. I nodded in agreement. They had an undeniably special bond, one I hoped would last a lifetime.
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