Chapter 1

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A week had passed since I was visited by Selene and we had asked Minerva for consent to enter the Hall of Prophecies. Patrol reports were pretty normal, until today. I was in Robert's office, with Robert, Quinn, Amelia and Felicity. Charles was out on patrol. The kids were quietly playing in the corner with their toys. Apart from Elijah, Elisa, Alexander, and Hunter, they were at school. We had been discussing the up and coming wedding. Felicity and Charles' wedding was little over a week away. While Robert and Quinn planned the stag do, we all stayed together to wait for a call from Minerva. Time seemed to fly by, because Charles soon ran into Robert's office, after having finished his patrol. Robert and Quinn both shot up from their seats. "There has been dark witch sightings along the border, and on my way to report this, I saw dark witches flying over the palace. That is why I ran in," Charles rushed to speak. "Flying over," Felicity blurted out, almost stunned, her eyeline dropped to the floor with her eyes darting back and forth. "What is it," I asked Felicity, as Charles came to her side, taking her hand in his. "Were they on broomsticks," Felicity asked Charles, to which he only nodded. She started shaking her head, repeating no under her breath. "Witch broomsticks were all meant to have been destroyed after the Great Witch hunts and the Salem Witch trials in the human world. They were destroyed to hide witches so they could choose to live in the human world or our dimension." "Then, how do the dark witches have them," Robert asked. "They were all destroyed, but when I was about ten, there was a break in and a spell was stolen that was used to make witch broomsticks. That has to be how they have the broomsticks. The problem is they never discovered who broke in and stole it." "We should call Minerva," I turned to Robert, who nodded in agreement. As he dialled Minerva's number on his office phone, Felicity added, "Minerva might be able to put some protective enchantments on the palace and the children's school." I nodded, as the phone rang a few more times, before Minerva finally picked up. Robert had put it in speaker, so we could all hear clearly, and speak to Minerva. "King Robert, I am so glad you called. I was just about to call you," Minerva said. "Minerva, everyone is here. We needed to talk to you immediately, after the patrol report we just had," Robert explained. "What do you mean," Minerva asked. "Dark witches have been sighted near our boarders, and flying over on broomsticks." "Excuse me, but did you just say flying on broomsticks?" "Yes, Minerva, Charles witnessed it himself." "I was about to call because I have gained permission for Violet and Felicity to have access to the Hall of Prophecies tomorrow. I am going to help them, and afterwards I will come to you to set up some protective enchantments. It is the least I could do. We heard rumours that the dark witches had been making more broomsticks, using a spell someone stole." "Felicity and I will be there first thing in the morning," I interjected. "Yes, that will be great Queen Violet. May I ask what else would be told in this visit from Selene," Minerva asked me. "Only what we have already told you, and that I am immune to all magic which we haven't tested yet," I explained. "Well, when I return with you to perform the protective enchantments, we can test your immunity to magic. For now, I must go prepare for myself, to return with you tomorrow. Goodbye." "That will be fantastic, goodbye," I responded to Minerva, before she cut the phone off. I looked at Robert, and smiled. He moved around his desk and wrapped his arms around me. Our son was in danger, and we needed to find a way to protect him. What kind of parents would we be if we didn't protect our children at all costs? "Quinn, Charles, I need you to inform everyone of the dark witches and to make sure people keep their eyes on the sky, and report any sightings of witches flying over our territory. Put the werewolf packs on alert too, just in case. I doubt they will go for the werewolf packs, but if we need support from them, they need to be ready. I can deal with the werewolf packs, I will call them," Robert ordered them. "Amelia and I will take a few lycans and go get the kids from school, as school is about to finish," I added. "I can stay here with the rest of the children," Felicity smiled. "Would it be wise to set a few extra people for palace guard duty, but get them on the roof, to watch for the witches flying over," Quinn suggested. I nodded, "It is a good idea, Robert." "Agreed. Quinn, set it up, pick our best climbers, and they do not need to be in Lycan form," Robert nodded. "Until the protective spells have been cast, and gazebos or a shelter has been built over the patio in the garden, the kids can't go outside, for their safety." "I agree, Violet. I don't want my kids outside until we have some defences set up. I would also suggest a curfew or precautions for the rest of the pack," Amelia interjected. "I would also suggest keeping the kids home tomorrow, rather than letting them go to school, while Violet and Felicity are with the witches," Charles suggested. "I agree. With Violet, our white lycan and the only one with offensive powers, away, we should keep the kids together at the palace, it will be easier to protect them from one place without Violet," Robert agreed, and he was right. I am the only one with offensive powers. In recent days, Robert has begun to develop a defensive power, but whether that could be used offensively remains yet to be seen. I have agreed to do some training with Robert, later today on his new power, to see what he is capable of. We all nodded in agreement. To keep the kids home, it would be best, given the circumstances. "I would suggest that Felicity and I leave before sunrise, and use the cover of night to try to hide our movements, especially with them flying over the palace," I added. Everyone, including Felicity, nodded, "I will be ready." There was a knock on the office door. Robert called out, "Come in." Four Lycan bodyguards walked into the room, as Quinn spoke, "These are the Lycan bodyguards to take Violet and Amelia to get the children from school. I called for them." "Amelia and I will go to get the kids. I want to be there before school finishes. Is there anything else we need to discuss," I asked. "If there is, I will mindlink you immediately," Robert smiled, kissing me on my lips. I nodded and linked my arm with Amelia, before leaving Robert's office with the four Lycan bodyguards. Heading straight for school, silence fell upon us, as we collected the kids. We got them safely back to the palace. When I returned to the palace, I took the kids to the play room, where my other children and Amelia's youngest were playing with Felicity, who was gently rocking Jaxon in his Moses basket. Amelia stayed to help with the children, while I left to meet Robert in our room, where we were to change into some gym clothing. Upon getting to my room, I found Robert dressed only in his basketball shorts and trainers. "Have you spoken with all the packs," I asked, entering the room. "Yes I have. Your cousin at Blue Moon, Alpha Stephen, offered to send some warriors right now. I told him to hold off until we knew more about the situation," Robert explained, as he watched me move around the room, and change into my gym clothes. "Even after five children, you are still the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on," he continued, as he moved closer to me, his eyes wandering up and down my body, as I changed. I smiled, "Thank you, Robert. But, we really need to see how well you do at practicing the use of your powers." "Of course, I told you how it happened, didn't I?" "Yes, you, Quinn, and Charles were sparring. Those two against you, and they did pretty well at teaming up. They got you on the floor, Quinn went to throw a punch at you, and you held your hand up to tell them to stop. But, Quinn was a little late in seeing it, and his fist connected with some kind of invisible shield, sending him flying backwards." "That is right." "It sounds entirely defensive, but I guess in time you could learn to use it offensively." "How would I use it offensively, when it is a defensive power?" "Well, that is what we are going to see if you can do. The point of us doing this is to train and hopefully alter what you can use the power for. Now, come on." I gripped his hand, and pulled him towards the door, and down to the gym in the basement. I had arranged for the palace gym to be converted into a sparring area, so that we would have more space to practice our powers. This room would be the safest to practice in, seeing as it had no windows and only one door. Everyone in the pack now knew I was a white Lycan, with powers. Nearly everyone had seen me use my powers at one point or another. But, no one had seen Robert use his, so we were trying to keep it hidden for as long as we could. Arriving at the gym, we kicked off our shoes, as Robert asked, "What do we do first?" " The first thing is to control any power, offensive or defensive, is to focus your mind on what you want that one power to do. Like my power to boil things, I can focus my mind, to control how fast or slow something boils, or if I want it to boil till it explodes," I paused, as we readied ourselves. Robert nodded, before I continued, "I want you to picture a shield, protecting you, I will attempt to attack you. Don't worry about hurting me, I heal faster than anyone in the pack." "Do you want me to hold my hand up, like I did before," Robert asked. "This time, yes. Ready?" He nodded. I smiled, and charged at him, raising my fist to throw a punch, but he held his hand up. My first time connected with something too invisible for the regular lycan to see, but some how I could. Once, my fist connected with it, I was sent flying backwards into the wall. "Violet, baby are you okay?" "I am fine, keep your focus," as I spoke, I noticed the faint shimmering shield dropped, because he wasn't focusing on maintaining it. I circled Robert, looking for a weak point. I tried to attack several more times, even tried to fake a kick and throw a punch instead, but each time he was able to block my attacks with his force field. "Right, now try it without holding your hand up," I nodded. He nodded, just before I unleashed several more attacks, which again were all blocked by what appeared to be a full-bodied force field that surrounded him. He was learning to adapt his power, which was good. "Your doing really well, Robert. How are you feeling? Power can be draining, physically and mentally, so do you still want to continue or pick this up tomorrow, when I am home," I asked. "The way you have been bossing me around has got me all aroused, so I think a nice steamy shower, before we have to sort dinner out for the kids," Robert replied, as he picked me up and buried his face in my neck. He gently trailed kisses up and down my neck, as I gasped, "Steamy shower it is." "Good," he whispered, as he lowered me back to the ground. He grabbed my hand, and we picked up our shoes, as we ran straight to our ensuite in our bedroom. Robert turned the shower on, and we stripped out of our clothes. The moment I was naked, Robert lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me into the shower. The hot water hit me, relaxing and soothing my muscles from the training session. Robert gently pressed my back against the tiled wall of the shower, as his hands slowly trailed up my legs and torso, until he reached my breasts. He squeezed them gently, as he kissed and sucked on my neck. I could feel his hardness pressing against my entrance. Moans escaped my lips, as he pushed his c**k inside me. He moved his hands to grip my hips, slowly he began to rock his hips back and forth. Thrusting himself inside me. "Violet, I love you so much," he groaned. "I love you too," I moaned, as he trailed kisses up my neck and jaw. He pressed his lips gently against mine to begin with, but as the pleasure grew within both of us, our kiss became more hungry and his thrusts became faster and harder. Our moans echoed off the tiled wall, as we both reached our climaxes, and he released his seed deep within my walls. He pulled out of me and lowered me back on shaky, cramped legs. We both helped each other get cleaned in the shower, before leaving to dry off and get changed. We then collected the kids for a family dinner, before bathing and putting the kids to bed. We all retired for the night, as Felicity and I had an early start tomorrow.
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