The Other Side (1)

1032 Words
Chapter 4: The Other Side (1) *** Meanwhile in S city… “Here, take it and shut up.” The woman said in a coldhearted voice as she threw money from her wallet. Her words directed towards a man lying on the ground and crying out in pain. After the man noticed the money she threw at him, he instantly stopped screaming and picked it up. He left in a rush soon after… “I can’t believe people like this… Are you alright?” She turned to look at the woman that was in the driver’s seat moments ago. “Ah… yeah… but didn’t I hit him with the car?” The other woman asked in a meek voice, she seemed completely confused by what just happened. “No, he was a swindler with bad acting skills. Let’s go back home now shall we?” The dominant woman asked as her voice continued sounding cold and indifferent. Maybe if the man on the ground really was in pain, she wasn’t going to care either way. “Alright but… could you drive on the way back?” She shy woman asked, her voice trembled, she seemed afraid to get back on the driver’s seat. “…..” After a short pause from the more dominant woman she spoke. “I’ll drive. So don’t worry about anything, okay?” She asked as she held onto the woman’s hands ever so gently. Her voice had become a clear contrast to moments ago as she spoke to the other woman. Both of them went back in the car and drove off… ‘I asked Caroline to teach me to drive… now because of me she had to pay the man that jumped in front of the car. It’s all my fault… I cause nothing but trouble for her…’ The shy woman thought to herself as she looked at the woman’s beautiful side profile. “Do I have something on my face? You keep staring at me.” Caroline remarked without turning her eyes away from the road. “N…no, I was just wondering how much money you gave him…” The shy woman asked in her still trembling voice. “Just a thousand dollars.” Caroline said in an uncaring voice. “That’s a lot… I promise I’ll repay you, so-” Before she could say another word, she was interrupted. “Lillian… I don’t need you to repay me for anything. So just stay by my side and I’ll take care of you.” Caroline said without skipping a beat, she didn’t seem to care at all about the money she gave. “…but… it’s a lot…” Lillian said in a shy voice, no matter how much time passed, she still had a hard time accepting such large sums of money being thrown around so carelessly. “That’s pocket change to me.” Caroline said in her indifferent tone. To her money was nothing but another took to use to her advantage, nothing more or less.  ‘I need to make things right… I can’t just allow Caroline to do so much for me…’ Lillian felt bad, after a while that they’ve been together; she has received everything she ever wanted, but gave nothing in return. “Do you want me to cook something for you?” Lillian asked in a cheery voice. “Hm… that would be good.” Caroline said in her cold tone. “Yes, then I’ll make your favorite!” Lillian said excitedly, cooking was the only thing she did from time to time. ‘This isn’t much but… I can repay her a little bit if I cook.’ She thought to herself. *** They went back home and Lillian went straight for the kitchen. “Aren’t you tired?” Caroline asked in her monotone voice. Her voice seemed to resonate in the entire apartment. “Not at all. I can do this!” Lillian said, she didn’t want to make the other worry for her. “Mommy? You’re back…” A small child walked out of the other room while rubbing her tired eyelids. She had just woken up from her sleep. “I’m back Emily, are you hungry?” Lillian asked in a cheery tone as she smiled at her daughter. “Yes…” Emily said as she dozed off, she seemed to still be sleepy. “Come here, it’s no good to be walking around half asleep dear.” Caroline said as she picked up the child and held it in her hands. “I’m sorry Auntie…” Emily apologized as she hugged the woman that picked her up. ‘Caroline… has always been so gentle with Emily even though it’s not her child…’ Lillian thought to herself as she watched the woman. “Is everything okay? You’ve been staring at me all day…” Caroline asked as she tilted her head to the side. “I-it’s fine! I was just thinking!” Lillian said and then turned back to preparing the food. As she began washing the vegetables, plenty of thoughts went through her mind… I’ve lived here with my daughter Emily who’s getting older by the day… I can’t help but wonder how I got so lucky to meet Caroline and live in such an expensive mansion… Though it’s not like I’ve always had it easy… Emily is actually the child I had from Caroline’s elder brother James. James never really loved me in the first place and was just using me all along. He’s currently still in prison so I can rest easy. Since I don’t have a job and can’t financially support both myself and my child as a single mother, Caroline has been taking care of everything. She gives me everything I need and buys plenty of toys for Emily. I guess it’s because of that excessive kindness that Caroline shows me… I feel… I can’t take my eyes away from her…  
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