Chapter One

1438 Words
[Addie P.O.V] “What do you mean she isn’t a werewolf?!” I didn’t want to believe that my best friend, who had grown up in a werewolf pack and dreamed of the day that she would gain her wolf counterpart and mate would never get one of those. I looked at her with such pity in my eyes that I felt my wolf get restless in the back of my mind. “She isn’t human either, smell her.” Keti encouraged me. For some reason, I could sense that Keti didn’t want me to pity her. I was getting the sense that Nessa was special, but I couldn’t quite figure out how. I leaned close to Nessa’s sleeping form and put my nose next to her hair to take a long sniff of her scent. I scrunched up my nose when she smelled woodsy, like flowers, mixed with pine and dirt, but there was no underlying musk smell that would signify a werewolf and she absolutely did not smell human. I couldn’t pinpoint what she smelled like though, it was almost as if whatever she was, was unheard of. Which is strange given that I was taught that every supernatural was real from werewolves to vampires to fairies. I even knew that angels and demons were real, though they were not what the bible made them out to be. “I cannot tell you what she is though..” I was beginning to question our friendship and began to feel pity for Nessa. She had wanted her wolf counterpart since she was ten, but now I knew that she was never going to get one. “How am I going to tell her?” I asked Keti. Before Keti could answer, I heard the approaching footsteps and looked up to find Nessa’s father, Felix, one of the werewolf warriors who fight to protect our pack from rogues and other forces. “You know she isn’t a werewolf then?” Felix asked me, having noticed the look of pity that I was giving Nessa, confirming what I was just beginning to realize, that every adult in the pack knew that she wasn’t a werewolf... but why would they keep that from her? I nodded solemnly. “Who is going to tell her that the wolf she always dreamed of having, and feeling the mate bound isn’t going to happen to her?” “She may feel the mate bond, but she will never have a wolf. Her mother and I will tell her that when she wakes up in the morning.” He told me as he leaned down to scoop her sleeping figure into his arms. Her head thumped into his chest and a small smile formed on her sleeping lips as the safety of being in her dad’s farms settled into her. “Wait!” I called when he turned to take her home. “What is she?” Felix pursed his lips as he looked at me, his eyes sliding up and down my form. “I will let her tell you tomorrow but keep this a secret for now.” Before I could even answer, he took her and walked off. “Keti, do you know what she is?” “Yes, but that isn’t my story to tell Addie. Let them tell you in their own time.” I frowned at my wolf, and I was going to ask her to tell me anyway when I felt her push herself to the back of my mind effectively cutting me off from communicating with her, something that I didn’t even know was possible for a wolf to do to their human counterpart. The eerie feeling of being watched shuddered over my skin as I packed up our picnic blanket and basket. It wasn’t the feeling of rogues or another werewolf pack watching me. It felt almost as if the force watching me was powerful beyond words. I had always believed that Nessa was destined for great things, but the feeling solidifies as I walked back under the scrutiny of the powerful entity. [Nessa P.O.V] I don’t remember what happened last night out at the pack border with Addie, but when I woke up this morning. I was in my own bed and realized that I probably fell asleep listening to the singing that was happening. I don’t know where the song came from, but it was strangely soothing. My dreams were blank, and I curled up hugging my pillow excited to meet my wolf counterpart. I had heard that our mind expands to accommodate them. I was too tired to search for the second half of my mind, and eager to go back to the dreamland that I hardly remembered. “NESSA!” The voice yelled up the stairs. It took a moment for me to realize that the voice belonged to my mother, knowing that it was probably time for breakfast, but I was comfortable, and I didn’t want to get up. I muttered something about giving me five more minutes, sure my mother’s hearing could hear me even from down the stairs in the kitchen with her insane hearing, she had always been able to hear the softest mumbles that I offered her. “Now, Nessa!” She yelled, causing me to jolt upright in my bed and rub my eyes. “Coming, Momma!” I called back, putting my feet on the cold hardwood floor and shuffled over to my bathroom deciding that a shower would wake me up faster than anything else could. The hot water worked its magic, putting my mind fully into an alert state. I took my time making sure to wash my hair, face, and body before getting out to wrap myself in my fluffy towel. The mirror reflected my own appearance back at me. My pale, damp skin glistened in the reflection as my reddish auburn hair dripped droplets of water on the floor around me. I was not the tallest girl, which wasn’t abnormal for a werewolf but the part of my appearance that was unusual was my grey colored eyes. Most werewolves had green, brown or even blue eyes. They never had grey. It was the part of my appearance that my parents taught me to pride myself on because of how rare it is. I always wondered why I had such unique and rare eyes, but no one ever wanted to tell me though I had the idea that both my parents and the elders knew why. “Nessa!” My mother yelled again, the air of impatience beginning to seep into her tone meaning she is going to be late if I do not hurry up and come to breakfast. I picked out a bra and underwear, sliding them onto my figure before slipping into jeans and a loose flowery tunic shirt. I made sure to grab a pair of sandals and ran down the stairs with them in my grip. It was the weekend, so I had plans with Addie hoping we would find our mates in the pack, and I was eager to get started searching for them so that we could spend our lives together as is expected of mates. When I emerged from the stairs, I paused in my steps as I noticed not just my mother at our dining room table, but also my father. “Daddy?” My voice was soft and skeptical. He was supposed to be at training this morning, so seeing him sitting at the table with a steaming mug of coffee was unexpected to say the least. Their attention turned to me at my voice. Their expressions were loving, but there was something underlying in their eyes that I couldn’t quite get a read on. “Come sit down, darling.” Mother was the first to speak, putting a plate of my favorite breakfast down in front of me. A steaming plate of French toast with homemade whip cream and fruit, a breakfast that I only got when something was terribly wrong. Their expressions only got worse as I refused to pick up my fork, knowing something was wrong, just not knowing what it was. I don’t think there was anything in the world to prepare me for their next words. “Dearest, I know you are excited to go find your mate..” My mother began, and though I smiled at the word mate I didn’t dare interrupt her. “I am afraid that is not going to be possible, because you aren’t a werewolf.” “… What?”
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