Chapter 2 - The Start of Pain

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Kate's POV I was curling on the couch and staring at the door, waiting for it to open. Hoping that my husband walks in. He left earlier this morning after he told me that 'this charade is over'. I asked him what he meant by that. Earlier "What do you mean by that?" I held the sheets tightly on my body. He didn't blink or show any emotion. "Exactly what I meant", he then moves to the closet and pulls out a black shirt. "I don't understand." I shook my head, something is wrong. "what charade are you talking about?" I move to stand up. He put on the shirt and turned to me. " This" he motioned to us, "this marriage, me loving you". He then picked up his car keys. I was dumbfounded, "what? Wait!" I called to him as he opened the door. "And by the way, I never loved you" he spit and left, slamming the door. I felt the energy was draining from my body. I struggled to walk back to bed and sit. What had happened? I asked myself. Just last night we made love for the first time. We were happy. Why did it turn out like that? Present Ulysses has been gone the whole day. It's already ten pm and he still hasn't returned. This is not what I had in mind at the start of our married life. No! I will not let this end like this. I heard the door unlocking and then it opened, revealing my husband. He looked like he was drunk. "Well hello, wifey!" My drunk husband greeted me. He walked to the living room, throwing the keys on the table. "I can't believe you're still here!" he sat on the love couch leaning his body back. "Where have you been?" I calmly asked, watching him carefully. "Have you been drinking?" I walked to him. "Yep!" He answered, "I went to this bar, they have good cocktails and entertainment." he laughed "this one Jen I think, I don't remember her name," laughing again, "she offered to accompany me to celebrate!" He raised his hand as if making a toss. I got shocked, " You were with a woman!?" I screamed. "How could you do that to me?! We just got married yesterday!" He smirks as he looks at me, "I thought I told you, it was all a charade." He stood up, "I never once loved you." He got a hiccup. He touched my face, "it was all revenge, my revenge", hiccupping and laughing at the same time. "Revenge?" I am confused, "for what? What have I done?" He turns around and walks swaying towards the bedroom. "For my father" he murmured. I just looked at him as he went inside. ----------------------------------------------------------- The following morning, Ulysses got up having a headache. He struggled to walk to the bathroom where he knew the medicine was stocked. He took it and removed all his clothes to take a shower. After wearing his suit for work, he pulled an envelope from his briefcase and walked out of the room. He walked towards the kitchen where he finds her making breakfast. He stopped for a moment, watching her busy herself behind the island. After a few minutes, he faked a cough and she turned around. When their eyes met, she stopped whatever she was doing and leaned forward to the island. "Ulysses" she started but was stopped when Ulysses gave her the envelope. "What's this?" She asked him as she opened, looked, and read the paper. "Divorce paper,?" He just nodded to her. "I've already signed that." "You're divorcing me!?" She was surely shocked. Why couldn't she? They had just been married for two days. She slammed the documents in front of him. "No! We will not get a divorce! I will not agree to that!" He shrugged his shoulders. " Suit yourself. But I won't offer again" he smirked and then walked away. She was left again, alone, confused. They haven't talked about anything yet. He talks about taking revenge, For his father. I slowly sat down on the stool. What was that about? ----------------------------------------------------------- Ulysses didn't return home that night. Kate stayed up late to wait for his return. She needs to ask him about this revenge he's talking about. She didn't want to end their marriage this early. She loves him so much, she doesn't want to give up on him. But how will she fix this if her husband doesn't want to fix this himself? She had fallen to sleep on the couch waiting for him. Her sleep was disturbed when she heard a noise coming behind the front door. A woman giggling as if she was being tickled. She sits up, waiting, not wanting her fears to come true. But that fear came true more quickly than she didn't want to be. The doors opened and there walked in was her husband with a woman wearing a quarter red skirt and a black tube blouse. A w***e in simple words. She stood up and walked toward them. Rage is boiling inside of her. "Who is this?!" She pointed to the woman. "And what is she doing in my house?!" Ulysses grabbed the woman's waist, pulling her to him and pecked her neck. "Your house?" He mocked her. " This is my penthouse" "And I am your wife!" She screamed. "So?" He looked at her like he didn't care that they were just married. This left her speechless. The way he treated her in front of other people. "Oh, you're married!" The woman in his arms was genuinely surprised. "But why do you need me, lover boy," she caressed his face seductively, "you already have a wife here." Ulysses gripped the woman's butt in front of Kate, which made Kate's eyes grow wide. " But now I want you more" he said to her ears, which made her giggle. Kate was stunned and couldn't react. When she comes to her senses, Ulysses had already dragged the w***e into their bedroom. She tries to run after them but he closed the door on her face and locked it inside. She tried to turn the knob around while hitting the door. "Uly!" He called to him "Uly don't do this to me please!" She cried. In minutes, she heard a noise coming from inside. More like moaning. Her eyes went wide, "Ulysses!" she called again, hitting the door again and again, "Ulysses! Stop this!" Tears formed in her eyes, "Ulysses please" she begged, falling on the floor, "don't do this please!" She cried. But everything she did was in vain as she heard her moan inside getting louder and louder. She felt her heart being squeezed so hard that she couldn't breathe. "Ulysses" she called to him. ----------------------------------------------------------- The sun had started peaking from the horizon. A new day ahead. People start their day by greeting, smiling, everyone. But in the penthouse, the home Kate dreams of having her family built, was dark, quiet, gloomy, not a trace of love. The bedroom door opened and the two people inside walked out laughing, teasing one another. They stopped in the hall as a body was lying in their path. "Oh my!" The woman exclaimed, "did she just stay here all night?" Kate groaned, her eyes slowly opened. When she realized where she was and noticed the two pairs of feet, she jolted up. She looked at them. The woman is smirking, looking down at her, like telling her that what she's doing is stupid. Her husband, on the other hand, had a blank face. The woman who she still didn't know the name and had no intention of knowing, snuck her arms around his body. "hmm, baby I'm gonna go now" she said to her husband seductively. Ulysses smiled at this w***e and put his hand on her lower back, guiding her to the front door. Kate was dumbfounded, shocked, she couldn't process anything. Her mind refused to accept this. She followed them again when she passed by a mirror. She stopped and looked at her reflection. She brushes her messy hair with her finger. She looked so haggard, ugly. She wiped the tears off her face. She heard the door closing. She turned around to find Ulysses and she found him in the kitchen. "Ulysses" her voice, softly, called out to him. "Please let's talk", she begged him. Ulysses grabs a glass and pours some juice from the refrigerator. He didn't pay attention to her. After drinking, he walked back to the bedroom. Frustrated, she follows him to their bedroom. " Don't ignore me!" He suddenly turns around and she crushes on his chest and falls flat on her butt. But he didn't care and looked down on her. "What part of ' I never loved you' didn't you understand?! I only wooed you, married you for revenge!" "Revenge?! Revenge for your father?! But I don't understand!?" She stood up again. "What's that got to do with me?!" "Because you're his daughter" and then he turned towards the bathroom. ================================
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