4 - Sibling Love

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The next few days were boring as hell.  Most of the day we spent at school organising the assembly, getting the hall sorted with chairs and making sure the lights were working. The drama group were putting on a little show and the music class were playing some music for us. The teachers and janitors were all helping the small group of students with moving furniture and stuff.  It was all very boring, but I guess we have nothing else to do. Well, nothing that we are allowed to do in school. Jess was telling me about her boyfriend, how he was being a pain and decided to not come to prom with her. He goes to a different high school from us but has been a bit of a prick for the last few weeks. She is convinced he’s cheating on her. “I think I might as well break up with him. He has been a tool for the last few days and hasn’t even replied to any of my messages.”  She tells me, sounding slightly sad, but not as sad as I thought she would. “What about prom?” I ask her, I don't want her miserable on our prom night “I will go on my own. Hang out with you and Caleb for a bit and mingle.” She shrugs her shoulders. “Jess. You sure. We can maybe find someone to come with us?”  I suggest, again she just shrugs her shoulders. “It’s fine”  she says as she gets up and walks away.  I know when she is like this to leave her be. She is not one for being emotional and if I smother her she will be worse. When she needs me she will let me know. I quickly send Caleb a text telling him what has happened. He and Jess are pretty close, so he knows that her boyfriend has been a d**k recently.  He quickly messages back saying he will talk to Jess and figure something out.   Jess returned about twenty minutes later looking and sounding much better, she gave me her ‘I’m good’ smile and we continued on helping out.  A little while later we headed to the garage to catch up with mum and see if she needed any help before doing anything else. Walking into the garage I seen Caleb, talking with a customer about the work he has done on the guys car.  Mum was busy on the phone when we went into the office and Myles was floating about. As I said before Jess has always had a crush on my brother and I know he likes her too, but they have never done anything about it.  I nudge her and she blushes when she notices Myles watching us.  I leave Jess with mum and go show Myles the work I have done on the program he wanted me to work on. “What’s up with Jess?”  Myles asks changing the subject. “Boy trouble” I say, watching his reaction.  He looks pissed.  “She has no date to the prom now. She just dumped him” I whisper to him as he keeps watching her, she is laughing at something mum is showing her. “I never liked that guy she was dating. She is too good for him”  he muttered. “Why don't you offer to take her to prom?” I suggest, making him scowl at me “What? I.. no… “ he stutters. “Why not?   She needs a date, you fancy her. Go for it”  I chuckle as I leave his office, heading back to talk to mum.   We sat with mum for a little bit. I’m so proud of her, she has almost got back to normal, well as normal as she can be. Jess telling mum all about the boyfriend situation. “I will still have fun at prom regardless. And being 18 and single coming up to summer what else can I ask for” she says as she looks behind her to see Myles standing there. I shake my head at the both of them. Clearly they like each other but will not do anything about it. If neither are careful they won't get the chance. I will not meddle though. It’s up to them. “Well. He is a tool. You girls will enjoy prom. I know I did”  mum chuckles as I know she is remembering her prom with dad. We soon leave the garage, not before I stop by to see Caleb. He is looking sexy in his overalls and covered in oil or grease. “Hey baby” he says as he tries to hug me, I hold up a finger to tell him to stop and not to even think about. “I will see you tonight, once you are showered and in clean clothes” I tell him. Pecking his lips and leaving with Jess in tow. “You two are too cute”  Jess says once we are in her car heading for my house “Yeah. He is amazing”  I tell her, as I look out the window. “You guys have done, haven’t you?”  she asks as she parks up outside the house.  I just nod my head as she screams. “I do not need details, with him being my cousin, but did he do good?” she asks after she hugs me to death “He was amazing. It was amazing” I tell her as we get into the house. I tell her some details but not a lot. As she said it would be weird with Caleb being her cousin. “We were going to wait until prom, but he took me out last night to that seafood place and then back to his. His parents are out of town, so the house was empty, and we just went with it. He was the perfect gentleman, and it didn’t hurt like you said it might.”  I chuckled that last part. “Well, I am glad. Nothing worse than having a bad experience for your first time”  she says as she helps herself to a drink from the fridge. We sat and chatted a little longer until Jess had to head back to her house for dinner. Her family always make a big deal out of people leaving high school and celebrate for days before and after.   As I sat myself waiting on mum and Myles coming home, Caleb messages saying he will be at mine for about 730pm.  Not really much time to do anything exciting since I have to go to school tomorrow with it being the assembly. Both my mum and Myles are coming, Caleb is coming along but only for a little bit. The garage is busy, and he has to head to the college for his exam straight after the assembly. I helped mum make dinner when she got in, Myles heading straight for the shower and soon joined us at the table. We sat and chatted about what I will do over the summer until I hear from the Universities I applied for.   “You can come to the garage as often as you like, as long as you don't distract Caleb too much”  Myles says pointing his finger at me. “He has his exam tomorrow afternoon”  I say to try change to subject of me.  I’m still not sure what I really want to do now that school is finished.  I had thought about changing my course all together, but mum persuaded me to follow my dream and see how I got on. “s**t, I totally forgot about that. He had his assessment at the garage last week and did great, the examiner was well proud of him.  It was the same guy I had all those years ago.”  He chuckled. “I just hope he does enough to pass, I would hate to think he won't be able to get his qualification”  I say as I clear the table “He will be fine. The boy is smart. A real talent. I just don't know what happened when he picked you to be his girlfriend” Myles says as he runs from the room, knowing that I would chase after him. I did chase after him and Mum ended up having to answer the door as I jumped on Myles to smack him silly for being horrible. “Caleb, in you come son. They are fighting because Myles was being a pig, typical sibling love”  mum chuckled. “Caleb” I shouted as I jumped from Myles back and ran into his arms. “Hey babe”  he kisses my cheek and hugs me tight.  “Why you fighting your brother?” he asks as we head up to my room to chill out. “He was being a typical ass”  is shouted down the stairs “Talking about ass, those jeans are tight on you babe”  Caleb says as he grabs a handful and squeezes my ass making me squeal in surprise.   I swat his hand away but quickly grab him and head into my room, pushing him on my bed and locking my door.  We didn’t have s*x obviously with Myles and my mum down stairs, it just would be too weird.  We lay and chatted and chilled out wrapped in each other’s arms. He was telling me about how he has studied extra hard for this exam tomorrow and how the other guys at the garage have helped him out.  I think he wants to pass more for them than himself. He really looks up to the others at work and I know he has a special bond with Myles, especially since my dad died. Caleb left earlier than normal, saying he wanted to get a good nights sleep before his exam and my leavers assembly. He was excited when I told him I would be hanging about the garage a lot over the summer, but he knows we would need to behave with Myles and mum floating about but I’m sure we can sneak away at some point. Summer is a like nearly two months long so plenty time to have fun.  
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