Ch. 3

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(Tessa POV) Ellie had listened intently while I told her what I'd felt with Rowan, and what my wolf had felt. Ellie didn't say anything after I stopped talking. I fidgeted nervously, waiting for Ellie to say something. "I have to let it go, right? It can't be. Not to mention dangerous it's..." I blurted when she didn't speak right away. "You can't abandon your mate," Ellie interrupted. I stared at her in shock. "But El, he has no wolf.." "And?" Ellie responded. "There are no mistakes with finding the one you are destined to be with." I scoffed at that. We had been taught the history of our pack, it's message drilled into us all through school. It was clear that sometimes the universe messed up. Put mates together that didn't work, that shouldn't work and a lot of people got hurt because 2 people couldn't respect the natural law. Ellie grabbed my hands, "You've waited 4 long years for your mate. No one deserves happiness with their mate more than you. You can't just reject him so quickly." I looked at her and tried a small smile, "He doesn't even know what I am," I whispered solemnly trying to get Ellie to understand the absurdity of acting on the mate bond. "Yet," Ellie responded. "He is your mate, he will accept it, it is destined to be." "We can't tell humans, it's forbidden," I said pulling my hand out of Ellie's. I gathered my clothes and went to the bathroom. Ellie jumped up and followed, "How do you know he's just a human?"she asked leaning on the doorframe of the bathroom, "You said yourself he seemed to react to your touch." I pondered what she said, as I began to brush my teeth. I honestly had no idea what Rowan was but if he didn't have a wolf, how could he be mated to one? "Well, how does it feel?" Ellie asked. "The bond. To feel it. " I spit and wiped my mouth and thought for a second, remembering how my heart fluttered and the tingles I felt upon Rowan's touch. "Amazing," I said softly. "Warm, tingly, serene." Ellie stared at me with a soft gaze. "Don't give that up," she said gently. "Not just yet. Give him a chance." "El he might not even be interested. I might just be a one night stand to him-" I cried when my phone dinged. I glanced down to see a text from a number I didn't recognize. "What is it?" Ellie asked excitedly, hovering over my shoulder. We both read the text, 'Hey! I hope this isn't weird, but I had a really nice time with you last night. I my was wondering if I could take you to dinner tonight? - Rowan.' "Ohh he's so interested," Ellie squealed. "You have to go! Give him a chance! Feel him out. If he gives off good energy, you go for it." "And what if he is a human," I countered. "It's forbidden to reveal ourselves to humans and he couldn't ever come to the pack." "Who will know? I'm not going to say anything! If it's meant to be who can argue against that?! Who here would argue against the mate bond? But we're getting ahead of ourselves! Go on the date!" Ellie cried with a grin. A wide grin spread on my face too and I nodded, texting him back my yes, "He wants to pick me up at 6.... but he can't pick me up here!" "Just .... just give him the address of Benton Park right by the woods. Tell him you live really far out and it's easier to meet him there," Ellie came up with quickly. "Good idea," I said, giving him the address. Ellie peeked over my shoulder eagerly. 'Ok! Are you ok riding a motorcycle? It's a crotch rocket. I'll bring you a helmet.' "Oooo! He likes to go fast! You could race him in wolf form," Ellie giggled. I playfully shoved her shoulder and told Rowan I was perfectly fine on his bike. I was buzzing with anticipation. I couldn't wait to see him again. ****************************************** I waited for Rowan on a park bench. I wiped my sweaty palms on my leather leggings. Ellie had helped me pick out a suitable outfit to ride on a motorcycle. Paired with the leggings I wore a cream colored crop top and my strappy sandals. I had my hair pulled back in a low ponytail since I'd be wearing a helmet. The rumble of a motorcycle engine filled my ears and I glanced up to see a blue and white sport bike parking against the curb. He pulled off his helmet and ran his hands through his hair, trying to smooth his dirty blonde locks. He smiled when he saw me and we walked toward one another. "Hi," He said kinda shyly. "You look beautiful." "You don't look bad yourself," I replied, my cheeks blushing. "I have a helmet for ya," he said."Have you ridden a bike before?" "Nope," I Said taking the helmet from him. "That's ok! You'll sit behind me. Just hold onto my waist. You can hold on as tight as you need to. I promise I won't go crazy fast," He said sweetly. He made sure the helmet was on correctly and then he put on his own, straddling the bike. He held out his hand to help me get on behind him. He guided my hands around him and I hugged on him. The feeling of having him in my arms made my heart flutter. Dez purred in agreement. "Ready?" He asked. "Ready!" I replied excitedly and he turned on his bike. He took it easy for the first few blocks. "Go faster!" I had to yell so he could hear me. He glanced back at me and nodded. After that he gave me a real ride. It was exilirating. Almost as freely as running in my wolf form. We reached the restaurant, an elegant steakhouse. He helped me off and took my helmet for me. I tried to smooth my hair, feeling a little self conscious. "I promise, you look perfect," He said softly, his smile showing in his gorgeous eyes. I smiled and he extended his arm for him to walk with him. He was a perfect gentleman, letting me order first. He was also very respectful to our server, something I took note of. The food was divine! "So Rowan, tell me about yourself. What do you do for work?" I asked casually, taking a sip of my white wine. "I work in architectural design. I do contract work. My best friend Bryan and I are a team. I make the design plans, he sells them to the client," He replied. I took note that he was artsy. Something I like. "What about your family?" I prodded. "Any siblings?" "Nope. Just me. I was actually raised by my nan. My mom wasn't the best at taking care of me," He admitted, kind of looking down. "My nan is everything." My heart fluttered at his words. I wanted to steal him in a hug. "What about you Tessa? What do you do for work?" He asked. "Biology," I answered. "I work in a lab with fungi and plants, bacteria." "Wow," he breathed. "That's impressive. I was always terrible at science." I laughed, "I get it from my mom. She's a doctor. My dad is a contractor." "Any siblings for you?" he asked. "Nope. Just me," I answered. We both took a sip of our drinks, our eyes meeting. I felt very comfortable with him. 'Hes gentle in nature, ' Dez agreed. 'But strong.' I agreed with her as I admired his sculpted chest and arms. His grey polo showed off his body. By the time our meal was over we had both laughed to tears and talked nonstop. When the check came he grabbed it quickly, but did not make a show of it. As we got back on his bike I said, "Can we take the longer route? I really enjoy the ride." "You got it!" he said excitedly. He made sure I was safely on. I wrapped my arms around him and took in his scent. It had the most calming effect on me. The ride back did not disappoint. When we got back to the park, he helped me off, keeping my hand in his. "Are you sure I can't walk you home?" he asked. I wanted nothing more than to spend more time with him but I couldn't risk it. "I'll be fine. I know the path like the back of my hand," I assured him. He nodded and I felt him play with my fingers. He tucked a piece of loose hair behind my ear and softly brushed my face. He looked at my lips and I met him for a kiss. He let me take the lead and deepen it. When we hesitantly pulled away, we both felt breathless. "Can I see you again soon?" he asked in nearly a whisper. My whole body tingled with pleasure. I loved that he wanted to see me. "What about Saturday?" I asked. "Perfect," He replied. "We could go to the farmers market. See each other in the daylight for once," he joked. I loved hearing his laugh. "That sounds great," I answered. "I can meet you there." "It's a date," He said smiling at me. I could get lost in his blue-grey eyes. I wanted to taste him again so I brushed my lips against his again. He met me with the same desire. We stayed in each other's embrace for a few moments before pulling away. "Good night Rowan, thank you for a wonderful dinner," I said. "Good night Tessa," he said holding my gaze. "Text me when you get home so I can sleep tonight?" "That I can do," he said grinning. He watched me walk away until I couldn't see him anymore when I glanced back. I heard the rumble of his bike and I couldn't stop the ride grin from taking over my face. Being with him felt so right.
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